8 Affordable Places To Visit In Mombasa

Nguuni Nature Sanctuary with amazing giraffes

When you visit Mombasa for the first time and you don’t want to break your bank account, the only thing you want to do is travel on a budget.


Especially if you have so many things to do in Mombasa when you are low on funds.


Sometimes we want to travel to places and enjoy what they have to offer without spending too much.


Mombasa is one of the cheapest cities in Kenya to visit, there are a lot of activities and places to visit that are so cheap.


Unlike Nairobi and other big cities in Kenya, you can comfortably see and do a lot of things under a tight budget.


In this article, I will be covering some of the affordable places to visit here in Mombasa, Kenya.


These are the affordable places to visit in Mombasa;

1. The first stop should be at Fort Jesus.

Women walking into fort jesus
Fort Jesus entrance


If you are in Mombasa and you don’t have an idea which affordable place you should visit, let Fort Jesus be your first destination.


The main reason why I first recommend it is for you to get ample time exploring the Fort when there are few people during morning hours. Assuming it’s your first day to explore the city.


If you are in Mombasa during the peak seasons (In August, October, November, and December) Fort Jesus is usually fully packed with so many tourists.


It won’t be a good experience for you to see everything to the fullest because the tour guide that you may pick will want to rush so that he or she can find another tourist to take around.


That is why I recommend you first start with Fort Jesus early in the morning (about 8 or 9 am) to avoid the huge crowds at the entrance and inside the fort.


It’s easier to get to Fort Jesus because locals who might offer you a ride by TukTuk know its location.


If you are in Mombasa CDB (central district business) you don’t even need to stress yourself to board a TukTuk.


Just open your Google Maps and let it take you there.


It’s not a long distance to Fort Jesus if you are someone who likes hiking like I do.


Walking as you are heading to the Fort will also be a great way to get to see the real and raw streets of Mombasa.


Read also; Is It Safe To Walk In Mombasa, Kenya?


You will see the Island for what it is, how the locals handle themselves, and how the businesses along the streets are progressing.


This will save you about $2 which you could have used to pay for the TukTuk that would have to drop you at Fort Jesus.


When you get to Fort Jesus, you won’t spend more than $10 to get in.


Depending on the currency you are using and conversion rates, if it’s a dollar you will probably use $10 to 11 at the entrance.


You should know that the entrance fee differs from the local rates. Don’t forget to look at the board just next to the cashier, to see rates for yourself.


If you just want to get into Fort Jesus just for sightseeing and maybe you learned two or three things online from videos and articles about its history, you don’t need to get a tour guide.


What you are trying to do here is to save money. If you are on a tight budget I would recommend you just take yourself inside and roam around to get to see the fort.


Read also; 11 Ways To Save Money While Travelling


Most of the cultural and historical artifacts you will come across as you are walking around will have some details you can read about them.


You will also get to learn the history of the Arabs who settled in Mombasa island in the early 1980s


So, you don’t need to stress yourself if you don’t want to spend money on a tour guide. Just follow the crowds because most of them are also just tourists like you.


Read also; Is it Worth Visiting Mombasa? [9 Reasons Why It Is]


2. Walk around Mombasa Old Town and learn its great cultural and historical heritage.

Mombasa's old town buildings
These are how the streets of Old Town Mombasa look like


After you are done exploring and touring Fort Jesus, don’t just leave immediately before exploring Mombasa Old Town and take some pictures.


Since you are on a tight budget and you just want to enjoy the great picturesque of Mombasa Island’s landscapes, don’t leave without walking around the old town.


One thing that I never get enough of is the great architectural designs of the old buildings and how colorful they are.


They are very vibrant and attractive, it gives Mombasa’s old town its unique appearance and vibe.


You will find out that this vibe is very different as you keep moving far away from the old town.


Most of the buildings around the old town of Mombasa still maintain their original conditions from the 1930s to the 50s.


As you are walking around the old town, you will see that most of the locals consist of Swahili and Arabs.


You will see women dressed in long black dresses (Buibui) and men with Kanzu which can be of different colours.


Be cautious, don’t wander too deep into the Mombasa Old Town because the streets tend to be dodgy and sketchy especially if you don’t have a tour guide.


Deep inside the streets of Mombasa old town, you will come across people using drugs and smoking weed. You don’t want to be in that area.


So, just don’t walk in isolated streets and don’t wander too deep into the old town.


Read also; How To Stay Safe When Travelling In Mombasa (Kenya)


Don’t forget to take some pictures of the beautiful buildings and how the stores are set up.


The good thing is that you won’t have to spend a dime walking around Mombasa old town.


You get to observe and learn the culture and historical heritage of the coastal Bantus firsthand.


Read also; Why Is Mombasa A Popular Tourist Destination? [11 Facts]


3. Don’t forget to pass through Mama Ngina Waterfront.

Standing at Mama Ngina Waterfront entrance
This is Mama Ngina Waterfront entrance where you get to see ferry.


Another affordable place to visit when you are in Mombasa is Mama Ngina Waterfront.


The only thing you will have to pay for is the fare to get you there.


From Mombasa Old Town to Mama Ngina Waterfront, you can board a TukTuk which is only going to cost you less than $2 if you are alone.


Mama Ngina Waterfront is just a large picnic site on Mombasa Island that faces the Indian Ocean thus the name Waterfront.


You can visit Mama Ngina Waterfront just to enjoy the beautiful view of the ocean and see the waves hitting the rocks at the shore.


If you go to Mama Ngina late in the afternoon during weekends it’s going to be so full of locals and tourists.


But if you go there early in the morning even if it’s a peak season you will enjoy all this beautiful view alone.


The only thing you will probably miss is the view of what Mama Ngina Waterfront looks like when it’s fully packed with locals and tourists.


Also, if you are too early (7 to 8 am), you won’t find so many street foods that are sold there.


Some of the street foods that I recommend you try at Mama Ngina Waterfront are fried Cassava, roasted corn, Cassava and potato crisps, coconut drink, roasted sweet potatoes, and bajia.


Trying these street foods there is going to give you the authentic feeling of being on Mombasa island.


Don’t just sit at one point when you are at Mama Ngina, you should move around and try to see and capture as much as you can.


There are a lot of activities you do at Mama Ngina Waterfront like; horse riding (which you will have to pay about $5), if you have kids you can take them to the bouncing castles which are mostly open during the weekends and festive seasons.


Read also; 10 Things To Do At Mama Ngina Waterfront In Mombasa


If you are in the festive seasons you are going to see lots of things to try and have fun.


Do as much as you want, keeping in mind the amount of money you will have to spend there.


Don’t forget to watch the ferries at Likoni Ferry before you leave Mama Ngina Waterfront.


If you have time you can also decide to joyride the ferry and get out of Mombasa Island to get a different feel of Mombasa.


You don’t have to pay a single penny to joyride the ferry to Likoni unless you are driving to the other side.


4. Visit the iconic Tusk Monuments that are located at Moi Avenue.

Tusk monuments in Mombasa CDB
I was strolling while filming around the Tusk monuments


The next affordable place you can visit in Mombasa Island if you are on a tight budget is the Tusk Monuments (Pembe-mbili) which are located at Moi Avenue.


Tusk moments in Mombasa island are the iconic view of Mombasa.


Whenever anyone talks of Mombasa Kenya, the first thing that usually comes to mind are the Tusk Monuments along the streets of Moi Avenue.


This is the spot where so many people who visit Mombasa for the first time go and take some photos to post on their social media accounts to show people that they are truly in Mombasa.


So, don’t forget to capture some pictures of the tusk monuments when you visit there.


The view is just incredible and it will make you feel that you are on Mombasa Island.


You will probably find so many people taking some photos if you visit late in the afternoon during a high season.


What you should know is that you don’t have to pay anything to see these Tusk monuments.


They are just on the streets. You only have to pay for the TukTuk that will get you to this location.


Since it’s Iconic, every local knows of this place so you can’t get lost if you take a TukTuk to get there.


If you are done with the Tusks and you want to take your time to breathe and freshen up, next to the Tusks monuments, you will Uhuru Gardens.


Read also; 8 Best Hang Out Places In Mombasa (6 Free + 2 Pay)


You can enter the garden and relax while catching your breath to make your next move to the next location I’m about to share.


While at Uhuru Garden, you can watch the bats at the top of the trees, and walk around to the dry fountain where you will notice a map of Africa cemented on the ground.


I didn’t notice that when I first went there, my friend made me realize it was a map of Africa.


You can hang out in the garden to escape the heat of Mombasa.


Afterward, head to the next location I’ll talk about in the next section of this article.


5. Visit Mamba Village located at Nyali.

Holding a crocodile at Mama village
First time holding a crocodile at Mamba Village


Another affordable to visit when you are in Mombasa is Mamba Village.


Mamba” is a Swahili word which means “Crocodile”.


Mamba village is the oldest farm of crocodiles in Africa.


It’s worth a visit if you want to see the crocodiles being reared there.


At Mama village you won’t only see the crocodiles, but also snakes that are kept in the cage.


To get to Mamba village you will have to get a matatu or a TukTuk.


It will be cheaper if you take a matatu from Moi Avenue to Kongowea (the largest market in Mombasa) around Kengeleni.


From Moi Avenue to Kongowee it is going to cost you about $1 using a matatu (a common public means of transport in Kenya).


When you are around Kongowea, you can now take a TukTuk to Mamba village which will cost you about $2.


If you want to save more you can just use a matatu that is going to Nyali Reef, they will drop you at Mamba Village because it’s along the road.


With the matatu, you will only use $0.5 to get to Mamba village. The only downside is that you will have to wait for it to be full to start going to your destination.


When you get to Mamba Village, just get in through the front gate. The people guarding the gate will direct you where you should go.


For Kenyan citizens, the entrance of Mamba Village is Ksh $2 while for non-citizens it’s not more than $10.


When you pay the entrance fee at Mamba Village you don’t have to pay for a guide.


They usually have guides who will take you around the place to show you and explain to you everything you need to know about the place.


You will see multiple pools with crocodiles. If you want you can even get to hold a baby crocodile.


I held one when I went there, I was truly terrified but it was the greatest experience I have ever had when I visited Mamba village.


That was the first time in my life to hold a crocodile. You can see that on my YouTube channel (Abduljabbar Ali). I did an entire tour of the place on my YouTube channel.


The only thing I was too afraid to hold was the snake. Man! It couldn’t do that at all.


But maybe you can do it!


At Mamba Village, they also sell crocodile meat, if you are interested you can try to eat a piece.


The price of the crocodile meat starts from Ksh 300. That will only get you small pieces to get the taste of the crocodile meat.


I didn’t manage to eat the crocodile meat though I wanted to try. I changed my mind later.


I wasn’t too comfortable with the idea of eating a slice of crocodile meat!


Read also; 17 Top Things To Do In Mombasa


6. Take a mode of public transport to Haller Park In Bamburi.

Feeding giraffes at Haller Park
Thrilling experience of feeding giraffes at Haller Park


Haller Park is another great and affordable place to visit when you are in Mombasa.


Everyone who visits Mombasa searching for adventure and connection with nature usually visits this park at Bamburi.


The park is not so far away from Mamba Village.


If you are going to Haller Park from Mamba Village you will have to take a TukTuk again because it’s going to be a bit hard to find a matatu.


Take a TukTuk and ask him to drop you at Haller Park gate. You will spend about $3 to get to Haller Park at Bamburi.


Haller Park is Bigger than Mamba Village and Nguuni Nature Sanctuary (which you will learn more about in the coming section of this article).


When I went to Haller Park early this year 2024 January. I paid an entrance fee of Ksh 600 but I didn’t expect it to be that expensive.


I was hoping that I was going to spend about Ksh 300 but the prices changed in early 2024.


For non-citizens, it’s going to be double the price (Ksh 1400 about $12).


The good thing is that the amount of money you will spend to get into Haller Park is worth it.


As I told you earlier, the park is big, you have lots of places to stroll around and hang out, lots of animals to see and even feeding the giraffes at allocated times.


The best hour to visit Haller Park is at 2 pm so that you get to see the feeding programs of the giraffes, hippos, and crocodiles.


If you make it early enough you will have ample time exploring the park.


These aren’t the only animals you will in the park. They have tortoises, monkeys, fish, snakes, and birds.


Trust me, the park is big. You need to be fit to walk around the entire park without resting.


I’m fit and I had to rest because I wasn’t able to exhaust the entire park at a go.


Haller Park is worth a visit if you enjoy connecting with nature and seeing the animals for the first time in your life.


7. Visit Nguuni Nature Sanctuary and enjoy the sunsets with some giraffes.

Nguuni Nature Sanctuary with amazing giraffes
Looking at the giraffes at Nguuni Nature Sanctuary


Another cheap place you should visit when you go to Mombasa is Nguuni Nature Sanctuary.


I loved visiting this place because of how incredible its scene is.


Nguuni Nature Sanctuary is located at Bamburi Kiembeni.


You only have to get a matatu to Bamburi Kiembeni. It will be cheaper using a matatu if you are from Haller Park and you want to get there.


If you want you can use a taxi that is going to take you to the front of the park.


But it will cost you more (about $20) compared to when you use a matatu or a TukTuk.


With a tuktuk, you might use $5 while with a matatu you might use $1.5.


The best hours to visit Nguuni Nature Sanctuary are late in the evening (4 pm) which is when they will be feeding the giraffes.


You don’t get to feed the giraffes here, only the people in charge can do that.


But you can get close enough to see how they eat and take some selfies with them.


It’s also in the evening when the giraffes will be in the open fields for you to see them.


When you go to Nguuni Nature Sanctuary expect to see oryx, tortoise, ostrich, and giraffes.


But the best thing I love about Nguuni is the grounds they have. They have amazing grounds to walk around, sitting spots, fresh air to breathe, and make you feel like you are out of Mombasa.


The day I visited Nguuni I noticed that some people even came to hold a party at those grounds. 


They also offer camping grounds but I didn’t ask the price because I didn’t think I would end up camping there one day.


The entrance fee at Nguuni Nature Sanctuary located in Bamburi Kiembeni is Ksh 350 for Kenyan adult citizens. For a non-citizen, it is Ksh 1000 about $10. 


Nguuni Nature Sanctuary is worth a visit. I enjoyed my time there and in the future, I’ll be revisiting the place when  I will be in Mombasa.


8. Visit the beaches and enjoy the rest of your day swimming and chilling.

Pungu villa beach in Likoni Mombasa
Mombasa Likoni beach at Pungu Villa


When you visit Mombasa don’t forget the Beaches. It’s one of the things that Mombasa, Kenya is best known for.


Read also; 9 Things That Mombasa Is Best Known For


You wouldn’t have fully explored Mombasa if you hadn’t spent your time sandbathing and swimming in the crystal clear blue waters of the Indian Ocean.


There are lots of public beaches you can access in Mombasa without paying a dime.


The only thing you will need is your fare to get you there.


Some of the famous beaches in Mombasa you should visit are these;

  • Nyali Beach
  • Pirates Beach
  • Bamburi Beach
  • Miami Beach
  • Shelly Beach
  • Mkomani Beach
  • Maasai Beach.


Visit the beaches and enjoy your day chilling on the sand with your coconut drink for $1.


If you want you can find a rental jet ski at about $50-100 when you are at the Marina Hotel just around Mkomani.


You can also cruise a yacht in the Indian Ocean while enjoying the beautiful sunset.


Read also; 6 Top Public Beaches In Mombasa


I don’t think there is another cheaper way to explore Mombasa than this.


You will have explored almost the entire Mombasa in a budget-friendly manner.



You can experience Mombasa like a local when you do what the locals do.


Don’t be afraid to interact with locals when you are anywhere in the world and you want to find cheap things to do and places to visit.


The locals can direct you on where you should go, the food you should try, and things you should do that are under their pocket range.


Sometimes don’t rely on the information you find on the Internet. Immerse yourself deeply and explore the place to the fullest.


If you want to save money while traveling you should be open-minded to trying what the locals do.


The places I have shared with you in this article are great places to visit for a day or two while you are in Mombasa at an affordable price.


You won’t spend much, it’s cheaper to get around Mombasa.


Related reads;

  1. How To Stay Safe When Travelling In Mombasa (Kenya)
  2. 8 Best Hang-Out Places In Mombasa (6 Free + 2 Pay)
  3. 9 Things That Mombasa Is Best Known For

Abduljabbar Ali

I am Abduljabbar Ali from Mombasa, Kenya. I have been fortunate enough to travel around Kenya. I will be sharing my travel experience and travel tips with you. Say "Hi" and let us connect.

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