Should You Be Friends With A Girl Who Rejected You?

A man sitting on the window

She rejected you but offered the hand of friendship, should you agree to what she offers even after she told you that she doesn’t feel anything for you?


This may be a tough and a simple question depending on how deep you are into her.


I have been through the same thing several times, I don’t want to lie to you that I have never been rejected before.


Anyway, you are not here for my love life stories, I’ll be frank with you about this situation so you to handle it the way you are supposed to.


The friendship she is offering isn’t a bad thing because it shows that she still wants you around.


Should you just tell her that you don’t want anything to do with her and walk away?


That may be the best thing you can do when you are in this situation, as I said earlier, it mainly depends on how involved you are with her.


As a guy who has been through this, I’ll give you my honest opinion and explain why it’s not a good idea for you to be friends with a girl who rejected you.


Should I be friends with a girl who rejected me?

A man sitting on the window

You shouldn’t be friends with a girl who rejected you if you solely approached her because you wanted something more from her. The feelings you have for her will never fade away even when you pretend to hide in the shadow of friendship. The closer you are to her, the more it will always remind you of what you can’t have in your life.


Read also; Why She Wants To Be Friends After Rejecting You


I’m totally against the idea of being friends with a girl who doesn’t have feelings for you especially if your main aim all along was to have her as your woman in your life.


Trust me, I tried being friends with a girl who rejected me and it ended up hurting me in the long run even though I thought I wouldn’t focus on what I felt for her.


Every man has feelings, jealousy will always be there because we are all selfish.


She may have said no to you but that won’t be the same case with another guy out there who might approach her.


If you allow yourself to befriend her even after she has rejected you — you will still be in her business.


You will want to hang out and talk to her often because you still have feelings for her. Deep down you might tell yourself that she might end up changing her mind about you and she will eventually give you a shot.


If you are close to her as a friend, you will know the guys she flirts with, the guys she talks to, and the guys she wants to be with so badly.


To make matters worse, she might even come to you telling you how hard those guys are hitting on her.


Read also; Why She Tells You When Other Guys Hit On Her.


When you hear and experience how she navigates with other guys this will keep hurting you so bad.


It will keep reminding you of how incompetent you are and how unattractive you are to her — this will end up breaking you into pieces.


You will keep experiencing heartbreak over and over when you are close to her. The truth is that she won’t care what you feel about her.


You being around won’t prevent her from paying attention to other guys she is into, she won’t give you her attention 100% because she will be busy focusing on the guys she likes and wants to be with in the future.


I can’t get myself to be around a girl who doesn’t want anything with me if the only thing I want from her is a romantic connection.


You may think it’s not a hard thing at first because you still kinda like her. She is attractive and smart. This keeps your jaw wide open whenever she passes by.


It is hard for you to help yourself because she is someone you yearn for so badly.


That urge you have when it comes to holding her in your arms and keeping her beside you as long as you breathe is the same feeling that will end up hurting you so badly when you agree to be her friend.


Don’t think that when you agree to be her friend after she rejects you, you will have a chance of winning her in your life.


The chances of you changing her mind when you are around as her friend are very slim. Take a moment and ask yourself, how many guy friends do you think she has?


If you agree to be her friend you will be locked in the friend zone and there is no way you will be able to untangle yourself from that situation.


When you are too close to her, you still enjoy her company, you talk so much with her and you even avail yourself whenever she wants you to help her fix some things.


It will click in her mind that you agreed to be close to her as a friend because you dropped the part of wanting something more from her.


She will get comfortable with the idea of you being a friend — you are at that point where it will be super hard for you to change this relationship.


You will forever remain to be her good friend while another dude who knows nothing about her will come and take her hand and walk with her away from you.


The only title you will have is “Bestie” and this will be the situation that you would have placed yourself in.


If she had rejected you but wants you to be her friend just reject the offer. Even if you have feelings for her and you want to be around her so badly, don’t give in.


The only chance you will have if you are to change her mind is by creating a distance. But if you accept the friendship, you will hardly get yourself out of it.


Being a little bit far from her but still pursuing her even after she has rejected you will earn you respect even if she won’t give in at last.


And your chances of winning her will be greater. She will end up missing you and the amazing times you had together.


She will get lonely, she will start regretting rejecting you and something within her might tell her to change her mind about you.


But if you are her friend after she rejects you, she won’t miss any of this. This means you will still give her your attention, your time, your money and so much more.


Since you are blinded by your feelings for her you won’t even focus on other cute girls who are into you because you are busy trying to impress someone who doesn’t love you.


You now understand why I am against the idea of you being friends with a girl who rejected you. So, if she rejects you don’t be her friend if you know that you won’t handle it.


There are some cases where you will have to be her friend if you have something huge you are still doing with her.


For instance, if you were creating content together, you have a big project you are working on, or anything important that will require you to be close to her.


You will have no choice but to befriend her. Your relationship will be strictly professional. Your conversations with her and the time you spend together with her will only be for a purpose.


Your texts and actions will all be for a purpose. You only talk to her and meet her when there is something important to discuss.


In another case, you can be friends with a girl who rejects you if you like her, and your first instinct when you met her was not purely to have her in your life as your girlfriend.


If you kept her around as a friend but ended up developing feelings for her, it’s possible that you can switch back to how things were when you first met.


Now, this will require you to look at her the way you used to when you met. You will have to forget the idea of her being something more.



If you can be friends with her without it bothering you that she rejected you but she will accept another guy into her life then do it.


Be friends with her if it won’t hurt your feelings when she starts flirting with other guys when you are next to her.


Also, if you like her so much and you think you can be friends with her without bringing the feelings and attachments between you, do it, you will be good.


But if you know that you won’t survive what she is offering you and you will end up simping and begging her to let you in later, don’t be friends with her.


There is nothing she will give you by being your friend. She won’t give you what you want so badly.


So, why waste your time with her when you can have a chance with someone else or use that time to improve yourself? Move on with your life, show her that she didn’t mean everything to your world.


It can be that she thinks your entire world revolves around her and that is why she is offering you the hand of friendship thinking that you will be so lost without her being around.


Damn, what a pity show she is putting…


Anyway, that is my opinion on whether you should be friends with a girl who rejected you or not. I hope it helps you to do the right thing.


Related reads;

  1. If A Girl Says She Has A  Boyfriend Is That Total Rejection?
  2. Is She Taking It Slow Or Not Interested?
  3. When She Says Let’s Be Friends And See Where It Goes

Abduljabbar Ali

I am Abduljabbar Ali from Mombasa, Kenya. I have been fortunate enough to travel around Kenya. I will be sharing my travel experience and travel tips with you. Say "Hi" and let us connect.

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