Why Your Boyfriend Doesn’t Spend Money On You

woman counting money on the table

You may be wondering why your boyfriend doesn’t spend money on you, all kinds of questions are hitting you but you can’t seem to find answers for them.


In this article, I will share some common reasons why your boyfriend doesn’t spend money on you.


Some of these reasons might shock you, but that is the reality of things regarding men.


The first thing you have to know is that if a guy cares about you, he will do anything to ensure that you are taken care of.


He will struggle and put his life in danger just to make you happy. So, if your boyfriend has money yet he can’t spend it on you, what does this say about how he feels for you?


Do you think he is in love with you? Are you the woman he is planning to stick with until the end?


Is he spending money on someone else? I know these are all questions you have been asking yourself since you noticed this stingy behavior from your boyfriend.


You may make so many assumptions about why he doesn’t spend money on you, but it all ends up on one thing, you will know more about it as you keep reading the article.


This is why your boyfriend doesn’t spend money on you;

1. He is struggling financially.

woman counting money on the table

If your boyfriend doesn’t spend money on you yet he used to do it, he cares about you and his love for you is unquestionable, this may be the main reason why he doesn’t do it.


It can be that he used to buy you things, take you to dinners, go on trips with you, and give you money to clear up your bills.


This was all in the past. Nowadays he doesn’t give you anything at all. He doesn’t buy you flowers, take you to amazing restaurants he used to and he doesn’t even give you money when you talk about your financial issues.


If your boyfriend used to spend money on you but right now he doesn’t do that, it can be that he is struggling financially.


Maybe he doesn’t earn the same income he used to or, it could be that he has so many responsibilities right now.


His family and friends depend on him and he also has to clear his bills. It’s already tough for him but he doesn’t want to tell you about it.


Maybe he thinks telling you that he is struggling financially might stress you out or worry too much about his status.


When you ask him for money or ask him to buy you things, he doesn’t do it because his pockets and bank accounts are empty.


So, if he is not the kind of a guy who is stingy and self-centered, if he doesn’t spend money on you it’s because he is going through a financial crisis.


He is broke for now and that is why he can’t spend money on you.


Take a moment to observe him and talk to him about his financial situation, his side hustles, and jobs.


Ask him how everything is going on instead of expecting so much from him. He might tell you what you need to know about his situation.


If he has never spent money on you since you started dating, and once in a while, you have come across signs that he is struggling financially but he has never clarified it, what you think about his situation is true.


He just doesn’t want to tell you the truth thinking that you may end up running away from him or look down upon him.


You have to know that most men don’t like to seem helpless.


But if he has money but he doesn’t spend it on you, that is another case. I will be explaining more about that in the coming section of this article.


2. He doesn’t care about you.

Has it ever occurred to you that he doesn’t give a sh*t about you? He is only with you because you give him what he wants.


He doesn’t love you the way you love him. You may be spending so much on him but he doesn’t think of doing that at all because you are never on his mind.


During his birthdays you are always the first person to buy him amazing gifts but he never does that.


You keep buying him things even when it’s not his special day just to make him happy.


You don’t care how much money you spend to buy him expensive watches and gadgets.


But he doesn’t do that at all. You spend money on him because you care about him.


Whenever you are out there you always think of him when you see something that he likes.


He doesn’t spend money on you unless it’s necessary. When he is out there he doesn’t think of you and that is why he doesn’t even bother to buy you a chocolate bar.


Do you think he cares about you? Do you think you cross his mind?


A guy who cares about you will always do things to make you happy. He will go to extra lengths to ensure you have everything you need.


He will always put your needs first. You are the only person he will think of spoiling because he wants to show you how much you mean to him.


You will find random things that you like in the parcel that he will send you, he will give you money to do your nails and spend on the things you want so badly.


So, if your boyfriend doesn’t a dime to make you happy, it’s true to say that he doesn’t care about you at all.


You are not the center of his thoughts. Maybe your relationship is based on something else and not love at all.


With love comes care, sacrifice, commitment, and much more. Does your boyfriend offer you all that?


3. He thinks you don’t need his financial help.

For your boyfriend to chip in and help you financially, he has to know that you need his help.


Not all men are the same. We all perceive things differently. The way you communicate with your boyfriend plays a big part when it comes to how he responds to some of the issues you have.


If you have never talked to him about your financial situation, it can be that he thinks you have it all covered.


He doesn’t see your struggles at all. All he sees is that you are an independent woman who pays her bills on time and you have never requested any financial help from him.


If this is the case, this is why your boyfriend doesn’t spend money on you. He thinks you don’t need his help and that is why he doesn’t offer to help you out.


Anyway, you need to talk to your boyfriend if you want something. Some guys can’t do a thing unless you tell them.


If you have never asked him to buy you anything, don’t expect he will do it because he probably doesn’t know anything about it.


Also, it can be that you have a job and you pay your bills on time. He doesn’t see the other side of your struggles at all.


This made him believe that you are good on your own and you don’t need him to help you in any way.


If this is the case, this is the main reason why he doesn’t spend money on you.


He thinks that he can’t give you anything more than you already have.


4. You have never spent money on him.

This may be brutal to hear but some guys will never spend money on a woman who doesn’t spend money on them.


If you show a guy that you can spoil him, take him out, and even help him pay his bills without him telling you to, he will always want to do more for you.


This means he will do everything he can to know everything about your financial matters.


Men want to be seen as providers because they don’t want to be seen as helpless. No man wants to be noticed as an incompetent even when he is.


If you give him $5 he will give you double that. But if you don’t spend money on him it can be the reason why he doesn’t open his wallet for you.


You don’t do anything to remind him that he has to spend money on you.


If you spend money on him, he will feel embarrassed when he doesn’t spend a dime on you.


When you buy him a gift for his birthday, he will buy you a bigger one to show that he is thankful and appreciative of everything you do for him.


But if he only gets gifts from his friends and not you, he will always think of spending money on them but not you.


This is the reality of things. So, if you don’t spend money on him, you need to change that, and it might be the reason why he starts spending money on you.


5. He doesn’t plan to settle down with you.

Men are smart, they will always invest in someone they will settle with.


Take a moment and think of a married guy. He will do everything out there even end up cheating on his wife, but he will never do anything to make her doubt him.


He will spend so much money on his wife even when he doesn’t spend so much time with her.


This guy is doing all that because he knows no matter where he goes, he will always come back home to her.


So, if a guy is planning to settle down with you, he won’t find it a big deal to spend thousands of dollars on you.


He will do that knowing that you are the woman he will spend the rest of his life with.


The money he will use to buy you clothes and expensive shoes, will all make you glow for him.


It’s a pride for him when you shine like a bright star out there. He is happy when his friends compliment you in front of him.


But if a guy doesn’t think of settling down with you, he is only with you for a short-term thing, do you think he will feel the need to spend money on you?


Why should he spend money on you when he is thinking of leaving you alone on the road? It doesn’t make sense, does it?


You are not someone he wants to stick with, so there is no point for him to spend money on you at all.


It will only be a waste to him because he will be taking care of you for someone else.


But if he is planning to stick with you, he will do everything to ensure that you glow.


Spending money on you won’t bother him at all.


6. He spends his money on someone else.

Your boyfriend doesn’t spend money on you because you are not on his budget.


The money goes to someone else. The expensive dates and gifts go to someone else but not you.


He makes someone else happy with his income. When it comes to you, he is broke and doesn’t have anything to offer but excuses.


As said earlier he doesn’t care about you if he doesn’t spend money on you when he can do it.


I also added on saying that he doesn’t plan on settling down with you and that is why you don’t even get his dollar.


When we add to the third part, it’s all true to say that his money goes to someone else.


If you are not the person he plans to spend his time with, his money goes to someone else he plans to settle down with.


You are not the lucky one, I guess. I told you earlier that if a guy cares about you, he will do everything he can to ensure that you are well taken care of.


If he has money but he doesn’t spend it on you, that money probably goes to another woman.


7. He is just stingy.

If he has money but he doesn’t spend it on you, maybe this is who he is.


He is stingy, he will only spend money on you when it’s necessary for him.


When he feels that it’s important to spend money on you he will do it. But he is not the kind of guy to buy you flowers, take you to expensive hotels, and give you money.


A stingy man will always be stingy. You will hardly spend his money. He may be so much in love with you but when it comes to spending money on you he is so frugal.


We all have our habits that are so hard to get rid of, maybe this is his, he can’t change who he is no matter how much he cares about you.


Can you change a stingy man? It’s impossible to change someone’s behavior unless they want to.



If your boyfriend doesn’t spend money on you, the first thing you have to do is observe his situation. It can be that he is going through a tough financial situation but he doesn’t want to tell you about it.


Take your time to talk to him and understand what is going on before you start making assumptions and accusations.


If you want your boyfriend to spend money on you because you have financial problems, talk to him about it. Let him know that you need his help.


It can be that he doesn’t know that you are going through a tough time and that is why he doesn’t give you money or buy you the things you need.


He is not an angel. If your boyfriend makes a big deal out of this, the ball is on you, do you want to stay with a guy who doesn’t spend a thing on you or do you prefer leaving him?


Also, try to spend money on him and see if this will change him. You never know, maybe he wants you to do something for him before he opens his bank account for you.


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  1. When A Guy Says You Are More Than Friends: It Means
  2. When A Guy Wants To Get To Know You Better: It Means?
  3. 6 Reasons Why He Wants You To Call Him

Abduljabbar Ali

I am Abduljabbar Ali from Mombasa, Kenya. I have been fortunate enough to travel around Kenya. I will be sharing my travel experience and travel tips with you. Say "Hi" and let us connect.

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