My Boyfriend Tells His Mom About Our Fights: Do This

a woman sitting leaning on a tree

If your boyfriend tells his mom about your fights there is a way you can solve this issue. In this article, I will some of the things to do if your boyfriend has this habit.


The truth is that you can’t change him but you can show the effects of what he does.


Let him see how this affects your relationship and limits the growth of your relationship.


The moment he sees the effects of what he does, he will be ready to change and this will be a thing of the past.


So, what should you do if your boyfriend tells his mother about your fights?


Is it wrong for him to tell his mother about your fights? You will know all this as long as you keep reading the article.


Before we get caught up in details, let me share what you can do about this situation.


This may seem a tiny thing, but it can end up ruining your relationship if you don’t handle it the right way.


This is a sensitive issue because it has something to do with his mother.


This is what to do when your boyfriend tells his mother about your fights;

1. Find out why he does it.

a woman sitting leaning on a tree

If your boyfriend tells his mother about your fights don’t just conclude he is nuts for doing it.


Don’t get angry at him and start insulting him because he puts everything open to his mother.


You need to understand the cause of what he does before you say or do anything that might put you in a tricky situation.


After all, you are already in a conflict, it will be much worse when you add something else that will add heat to what is already going on.


How can you find out why your boyfriend tells his mom about your fights? Is this something that has been going on since you started dating?


If it’s something new, you need to check the nature of your conflict with him before you do anything. It can be that it’s an issue that is beyond his comprehension and he doesn’t know how to go about it and that is why he wants his mother to chip in, you won’t blame him for that.


Is it an issue that he couldn’t keep to himself and that he had to tell his mother so that she could come in between the issue?


Your boyfriend may have told his mother because he has no way of solving the dispute.


And that is why he had to tell his mother to help him set things straight. His mother serves as a mediator.


If you know that your boyfriend is so close to his mother, you shouldn’t be surprised as to why he tells his mother about your issues.


This happens because of the strong bond he has with his mother. Any problem that he is going through, his mother is the first person to hear it.


If this is the nature of how your boyfriend used to handle himself, you need a new approach to solve this issue.


When you know the cause of why your boyfriend tells his mother about your fights, it will be easier for you to craft a way of solving this problem.


Don’t just assume things without having an idea why he does the things he does.


If you have no clue as to why he tells his mother about your fights, you have the right to sit down with him when things are calm between you and find the right answers.


As I told you earlier, this is a sensitive thing. You need to handle this maturely.


If he tells his mother about your fights simply because he can’t face you, then you will have an idea of how to solve this issue.


But he does it just because he thinks it’s not a big deal, you will need to do something about it.


As I dive deep into this article, you will know what to do about it.


2. Talk to him about it.

How do you feel about your boyfriend telling his mother about your fights? Does it bother you that he talks to her about every single issue in your relationship?


Are you frustrated and angry at the same time?


You need to tell your boyfriend everything about how you feel. Let him know that you are not happy that he shares everything about your issues with his mother.


It can be that your boyfriend doesn’t think it’s a big deal if he tells his mother about your problems.


Maybe it’s something normal to him since he used to do it even when he was dating someone else.


You need to let your boyfriend know that you are not happy about what he does.


So, sit down with him and talk to him about what he does. It can be that he doesn’t know that you are irritated that he keeps telling his mother about your problems and fights.


But the moment you sit down and talk to him about this issue, it will give you a way forward on how you can prevent similar things from happening.


When your boyfriend finally realizes that you are not happy with what he does, he will eventually stop doing it.


If he is not doing it intentionally to make his mother hate you. You never know, maybe he just wants his mother to hate you and turn it into a reason for him to break up with you.


This is something that can be going on without you having an idea. Families are complicated and super hard to understand unless you are in them.


When you talk to your boyfriend about what he does, he will give you a response.


You will use that response to determine if your boyfriend is doing what he does intentionally or if he has no idea that he is hurting your feelings.


If he is doing it deliberately to hurt your feelings, he will make a big deal about it instead of finding a way to fix this problem.


He won’t be ready to talk about it. The moment you notice this, just know that it’s more than what is going on.


Just know that there is something else brewing behind that you have no glimpse of.


If he is doing it while he has no idea of the effects it brings in your relationship, the moment you talk to him about it, he will be ready to change.


And that will be the first step in stopping him from telling his mother about every single fight that happens in your relationship.


3. Let him know what is at stake.

Another way to stop your boyfriend from telling his mother about your fights is by letting him know the danger of what he does.


Maybe you see the dangers from afar. You know exactly how what he does is going to affect your relationship but he doesn’t see it that way.


You must educate your boyfriend and inform him about what is going to happen if he keeps telling his mother about your fights.


Let me list some of the effects that your boyfriend is going to bring in your relationship by telling his mother about your fights.


The first thing is that his mother will start hating you because she will conclude that you are always the reason why her son is not happy.


And this will mess your relationship with her and it will spread even wide to the rest of his family.


I am sure that his mother won’t keep what happens between you to herself, so the entire family might end up knowing about your issues.


Everything bad thing about you and the relationship will be open to the entire family.


This will affect your relationship in the long term, it will be hard for you guys to fix your issues privately without his family coming in between.


You will not know peace. This will build up pressure that you won’t be able to handle.


Don’t be surprised if this turns out to be the reason why your relationship fails.


Let your boyfriend know about this theory I have shared with you, if he truly cares about the relationship, he will immediately stop telling his mother about your issues.


But if he wants to end the relationship simply because he is just tired of being with you and he is searching for a reason to kick you away, he will continue doing it.


4. Minimize the fights.

If there were no fights between you do you think he would have anything to tell his mother about your relationship?


He would only have good news to share with his mother about how happy you make him.


The only thing he will do is praise you to his mother and this will spread to his entire family.


What are the fights between you all about? You need to minimize these fights and maintain peace with your boyfriend, and eventually, you won’t have any issues to deal with.


You need to figure out why the two of you are always in fights and devise a solution.


If there is no way to solve your disputes, let his family come in between and set things straight for you.


That is if you have failed to come up with a solution even after you have sat down and talked about the issue that is going on.


If there are no fights there is no way your boyfriend will tell his mother about your issues.



If your boyfriend tells his mother about your fights, the first thing you need to do is figure out why he does that.


When you find out why he does it, your work will be to find the appropriate way to come to a solution.


If he does it because he doesn’t know how to solve the issues that occur between you, then you will have no choice but to talk to him about it.


Let him know how you would like to solve the issues that happen in your relationship.


Maybe when he has an idea of how to solve issues between you, he will always face you and work a way out instead of telling his mother about it.


If you are not happy that he talks to his mother about your fights, let him know that you are not comfortable with what he does.


Let him know the danger he is putting your relationship, maybe this might change his approach to your issues.


Lastly, what are the fights all about, find a way to maintain peace and build a healthy relationship.


If there are no fights between you, there is nothing to report to his mother at all.

Abduljabbar Ali

I am Abduljabbar Ali from Mombasa, Kenya. I have been fortunate enough to travel around Kenya. I will be sharing my travel experience and travel tips with you. Say "Hi" and let us connect.

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