If A Girl Says She Has A  Boyfriend Is That Total Rejection?

A man and a woman sitted down talking

If a girl says she has a boyfriend it doesn’t necessarily mean she doesn’t want you around. Not all girls who say that are real about it.


Some girls will tell you that they have someone so that you think of working smarter and harder to win them.


As a guy, when you notice that a girl has a boyfriend and you are truly into her, you will try everything you can to bring her closer to you.


You will put more effort when you know that there is someone else than when she is not with someone.


Anyway, there are so many conclusions you can make when a girl directly tells you that she has a boyfriend.


In this article, I will break down everything to understand why she told you she has a boyfriend and what that means regarding your connection.


If a girl says she has a boyfriend is that total rejection?

If a girl says she has a boyfriend and totally cuts you off after that (she no longer talks to you or hangs out with you) this clearly shows that she has rejected you especially after you have made your move on her.


But if you didn’t express what you feel for her but you were just getting to know her so that she can be close to you — she told you that she has a boyfriend so that you don’t put your expectations too high.


She is just making sure you are aware of what you are getting yourself into. If you fall in love with her there is no way she will take you in because she has someone else.


If you decide to get closer to her, the only thing you will get from her is pure friendship and nothing else.


That was her intention when she told you that she had a boyfriend.


On the other side, if she says that she has a boyfriend but doesn’t mind hanging out with you, asking you to go over to her place, and even giving you random gifts — there is a good chance she likes you and that is why she is doing all this.


You may be surprised, why would a girl want to be so close to you when she says she has a boyfriend?


I told you earlier that some girls only tell you that they have a boyfriend so you have to put more effort into winning them because you will be aware of the competition.


If she says she has a boyfriend but still entertains you; this clearly shows that she has a thing for you.


But if she says she has a boyfriend after you have told her how you feel for her and distances herself from you, this shows that she doesn’t want anything to do with you.


She has her guy and she is focusing on him so that you don’t come in between the relationship.


So, let me summarise this for you to understand what she means when she says she has a boyfriend.


If you have approached a girl and expressed your feelings for her but the answer she gives you is that she has a boyfriend, this means she can’t be with you because someone else is occupying her life.


When a girl says she has a boyfriend after you have told her that you want to be with her this is a total rejection.


But if she told you that she has a boyfriend as you were getting closer to her and finding your way toward her heart, she just wants you to be aware that you will always remain a friend to her because there is already someone special in her life.


Another case; is when a girl says she has a boyfriend but still wants to be around you, talks to you often, texts you, and even invites you over to her place, what can we say about this kind of girl?


When a girl says she has a boyfriend but likes you

A man and a woman sitted down talking

When a girl says she has a boyfriend but likes you this means she doesn’t mind having you as her side piece. She may be planning on cheating on her boyfriend with you because she finds something incredible about you.


On the other side, if a girl says she has a boyfriend but likes you, it can be that she is even willing to leave her boyfriend for you because your connection with her is stronger than the one she had with her boyfriend.


If she was so much into her guy then liking you would be the last thing she would want to do. She would have made sure to create a distance between you and create boundaries so that things don’t escalate on the side she doesn’t want them to.


When a girl has a boyfriend and shows romantic interest in you it can be due to the following things; her relationship with him isn’t that strong, she is searching for a better person, she wants to use you for the time being, she just wants a casual thing with you or she is willing to cheat on her guy with you.


So, when a girl tells you that she has a boyfriend but likes you, take your time to observe her before you start jumping right in.


Some girls will cheat on their boyfriends with you as long as you are willing to play along and keep things lowkey.


These girls will give you their bodies but it doesn’t mean they will give you their hearts.


You may be the guy that gets intimate with her but you will never have all of her. This is another thing girls do.


They will tell you that they are willing to have fun with you (which means they only want you to f*ck with them) and nothing more.


Some girls don’t find it a big deal at all. But having their full attention will be something impossible.


You have to observe how a girl handles you and how she expresses herself before you. That is the only thing that will enable you to know whether she is willing to leave her boyfriend for you or she just wants a sneaky link with you.


A girl says she has a boyfriend but still flirts.

If a girl says she has a boyfriend but still flirts with you it means she just wants to have fun with you. She is willing to let you hit it but she will never give you her heart because it already belongs to someone else.


It is also possible that she is flirting with you though she has a boyfriend because her relationship isn’t that strong and she is just searching for a way to jump over it.


If she gets a good guy who is willing to put it in all for her, she will definitely leave her boyfriend and be with that guy.


A girl who is in a relationship that is of strong foundation will respect her man and she will never do anything to betray the trust of the guy she loves.


So, if she tells you that she has a boyfriend but still flirts with you know that her relationship with that guy has a big fault.


She is flirting with you when she tells you she has a boyfriend because she wants to see if you are willing to take things further with her even after knowing that she has someone else.


It’s a way of searching for your reaction and seeing if you are the kind of guy who will take an opportunity once you see it.


The moment you show her that you don’t mind if she has a boyfriend by responding positively to her flirts, this is when she will know that you are willing to have a piece of her even if she has a boyfriend.


So, when a girl flirts with you and she has a boyfriend, should you go along with it?


If a girl flirts with you and she is in a relationship you should distance yourself from her if you don’t want anything casual with her.


But if you are willing to hit it and you don’t mind being a side piece then you should go ahead and show her that you are willing to take it all.



If a girl says she has a boyfriend but shows you romantic gestures this means she wants you to put more effort and prove to her that you can be better than the guy she already has.


She wants you to try harder and show her that you can offer her something that her boyfriend doesn’t.


But when a girl tells you that she has a boyfriend when you are getting closer to her, she just wants you to be aware of what you should expect when you are around her.


It’s like she is telling you not to expect anything huge other than friendship. She is just preparing you for what is to come.


When a girl is in a relationship but does things to show you that she is interested in you romantically, it can be that she lied about having a boyfriend.


She just wanted you to know that she is wanted and loved by someone else so that you do more for her to pull her to your side.


It’s just a test to see how hard you will try and the things you will do to pull her to your side.


But if you have asked her to be your girlfriend and she ended up telling you that she has a boyfriend, that is an indirect rejection.


She didn’t want to tell you that she didn’t love you because she was afraid to hurt your feelings.


If a girl says she has a boyfriend but likes you it can be that she wants to cheat on her boyfriend with you, make you her side piece or she is willing to leave her boyfriend for you.


When things are harder for you to understand, you can confront her and ask her about what she wants and expects from you.


Related reads;

  1. When A Girl Says She Loves Spending Time With You: It Means?
  2. Should You Be Friends With A Girl Who Rejected You?
  3. Why She Tells You When Other Guys Hit On Her

Abduljabbar Ali

I am Abduljabbar Ali from Mombasa, Kenya. I have been fortunate enough to travel around Kenya. I will be sharing my travel experience and travel tips with you. Say "Hi" and let us connect.

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