He Saw Me But Didn’t Say Hi: This Is Why

a woman leaning on a window pane while thinking

If he saw you but didn’t say anything, he is probably mad at you, so he ignored you. Anyway, there are several common reasons why he didn’t say hi when he saw you.


If a guy chooses to ignore you even though you are close to each other, it has something to do with what happened in your last encounter.


The things you talked about, your activities, and anything else that involved your relationship.


When a guy chooses to talk to you, it doesn’t matter what he is up to when he sees you, he will not fail to say hi.


He will want you to know that he recognizes that you are there. Guys love it when you notice them.


But if he doesn’t say anything when he sees you, just know that something is happening.


Without knowing why he ignored you when he saw you, you won’t find a way to fix the issue.


This is why he didn’t say hi when he saw you;

1. He was mad at you.

a woman leaning on a window pane while thinking

If he saw you but didn’t say hi this is the first thing you should know.


He doesn’t want to talk to you because he is just mad at you. It can be that you don’t know that he is mad at you for something you did.


Maybe you did something that he was not happy about but he didn’t tell you.


If your last meeting you did or said something that angered him, it could be the reason why he didn’t say anything when he saw you.


You may have asked him to forgive you for what you did, he pretended to be okay with that but deep down he was still hurting.


After you departed, he decided that he wouldn’t say anything to you next time until you apologized again for what you did.


And you may ask me, why didn’t he tell you that you did something to make him mad?


It can be that he thought it would only make you think less of him and that is why he didn’t tell you though he was hurt.


And that is why he came up with the resolution of not saying anything to you at all.


If you have been close to each other, there is no reason for him to ignore you without any solid reason.


Something is going on, there is a negative tension between you that you don’t know about.


2. He is losing interest in you.

When a guy is super interested in you, he will always initiate communication.


He will always search for reasons to say hi to you, be next to you, and even spend hours with you.


But the moment he starts to lose interest in you, you will be the last person he will think of prioritizing.


The interest someone has in you is what fuels the relationship to progress positively.


When the interests fades the person becomes less important to you. You won’t even feel the need to talk to him or her.


A guy can lose interest in you for so many reasons.


If he wanted you for a reason and it ended up that it no longer exists, there won’t be a point of him talking to you anymore.


Also, it can be that he met someone else who is more attractive and interesting than you.


He shifted his energy towards her because he was thinking of building something solid with her.


You are no longer the person he wants in his life so, you don’t matter to him anymore.


This is why he didn’t say hi when he saw you because you are out of his life.


You are not a person of interest to him, why should he even care about you?


So, if a guy loses interest in you for any reason, he will ignore you when he sees you in person.


He will not initiate conversations, and even when you make an effort to talk to him, he will act like he doesn’t care about what you say to him.


3. He thinks you don’t want to talk to him.

If there is a reason for him to think that you don’t want to talk to him, he won’t make an effort to talk to you at all.


He knows for sure that you will end up ignoring him even if he tries to talk to you.


What is the point of him making an effort to initiate a conversation when he knows you will just turn him down?


It can be that the last time you were together, you didn’t leave each other on good terms.


There was an argument about something and you didn’t come to a resolution.


He thought that you were still mad at him because you didn’t clear the atmosphere.


You never made an effort to talk to him and he thought you were angry at him and that is why didn’t even try to text or call him after you went your separate ways.


So, if there is something that happened that made him conclude that you didn’t want to talk to him, this could be the reason why he ignored you when he saw you.


4. He just didn’t want to talk to you.

A guy doesn’t need a reason to talk to you. He can choose whether to talk to you or not.


If he saw you but didn’t say anything, it’s just because he didn’t feel like talking to you.


Let me say that the vibe isn’t always constant. It changes from time to time.


There might be a time when you feel like talking to anyone you come across, and there are days you just don’t even feel like greeting your parents.


He just didn’t feel like talking to you because the vibe was off.


And to be honest, you can’t force a guy to talk to you. He didn’t feel like engaging in a conversation with you and that is why he ignored you.


5. He didn’t want you to think he was too desperate.

He may be interested in you but he doesn’t want to show it. He doesn’t want you to think that he is too desperate for you or he is obsessed with you.


If he always says hi to you when he sees you, the only thing you might conclude is that he is too clingy and desperate.


He doesn’t want to show you that you are the only person he thinks about and hopes to see every day.


Maybe he thinks that saying hi to you every day, might turn you off and you might end up losing interest in him.


Some guys are using this as a technique to lure women into their circles.


If he behaves like he doesn’t want you so much, you might end up being curious as to why he doesn’t even put an effort into talking to you.


And this might in turn push you towards him thus making him gain what he has been yearning for all along.


6. He was not in the right mood.

If a guy likes you but he is in a bad mood, he won’t even care about you.


His spirit is down so he doesn’t feel like saying anything to you. I’m sure if this is the case, you are not the first person he ignored on that day.


When you are not in the mood, you won’t feel like talking to anyone.


He is not in the mood and that is why he didn’t say hi when he saw you. If he was gloomy then it’s probably true that he was not in the mood and that is why he ignored you.



If he saw you but didn’t say hi and you have no idea why he ignored you, you can confront him.


Talk to him and ask him why he didn’t greet you when he saw you. If there is something wrong between you, he will tell you about it.


If you did something to hurt his feelings but you have no idea about it, you will also know about it.


When you try to approach him and talk to him and he pushes you away, it’s clear that he doesn’t want anything to do with you.


The best thing you should do is just let him be. It can be that he decided to distance himself away from you and eventually kick you out of his life.


But if he is in a bad mood he will eventually talk to you when he is lightened up.


This is what you should do if he didn’t say hi he saw you. To be honest, you can’t force a guy to talk to you.


Doing so will only make things awkward, find someone interested in talking to you and let those who don’t go away.


Related reads;

  1. When A Guy Talks Sexually To You: It Means?
  2. When A Guy Wants To Spend Time With You Alone: It Means?
  3. When A Guy Says You Are More Than Friends: It Means

Abduljabbar Ali

I am Abduljabbar Ali from Mombasa, Kenya. I have been fortunate enough to travel around Kenya. I will be sharing my travel experience and travel tips with you. Say "Hi" and let us connect.

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