How Does A Girl Feel When You Block Her?

a man sitting on a sofa texting

When you block a girl she will feel something that will either push her away from you or make her give you her full attention.


What she will feel after you have blocked her depends on how the two of you connect.


This starts from the nature of your relationship to everything in which the two of you usually involve yourselves.


If she is so close to you, she is used to getting your attention and affection, the moment you block her, this will raise an issue.


It may be the beginning of your relationship turning sour even if you did it for a good reason.


As you can see, how she will feel will depend on several factors that I will talk about as we go deeper into this article.


But before I start sharing with you all these factors, let me ask you a question.


How would you feel when the person you are used to talking to suddenly decides to ghost you or block you?


It will hurt you and you will have so many questions that you will try to find answers to so that you try to solve the problem to take things back to normal.


What if she is someone you don’t even care about, if she blocks you, will it affect you in any way?


There is no way you will be hurt or bothered by anything because she is not someone dear to you.


The same case goes to the girl you will block. If she doesn’t see you on her radar; she doesn’t notice you, and she won’t feel anything.


She won’t be affected by you cutting the line of communication off. So, if she is someone you are trying to win, you have to be careful not to do anything that might push her away instead of pulling her close.


Now, that I have that out of the way, let me share in detail how a girl will feel when you block her.


This is how a girl will feel when you block her;

1. She will feel rejected.

a man sitting on a sofa texting

When you block a girl who is so much into you and there is something between you going on, the first impression that you will give her is that you don’t want anything to do with her.


She will feel rejected. What you should know is that girls love it when guys give them their full attention.


The things guys do to pull a woman closer is a sign that women take to depict how men feel about them.


If you are nice to a girl, she will automatically conclude that you love her, you care about her, and that you want something from her.


The moment you change any aspect of what she is using to gauge how you feel about her, she will conclude that you don’t want anything to do with her.


She will feel rejected, this might be the reason she will distance herself away from you or think of moving on since you are giving her gestures that you don’t want anything from her.


Some girls will delete you immediately when they think that you have rejected them.


Others will follow you and try to understand why you made such a move instead of talking to them first in person or calling them.


It all depends on how a girl feels about you. The action she will take is based on how badly she wants to communicate with you.


2. She will develop hatred for you.

When you block a girl she will instantly start hating you. A block is a big issue to a girl, especially for the one who is used to talking to you through that means that you have just gotten rid of.


She will start asking herself so many questions about why you just blocked her when you are aware that she is always in touch with you.


All these thoughts will lead her to one thing, you only blocked her because you don’t respect her.


For her, it will be like you are getting rid of the effort she put in to ensure that she stays in touch with you.


This means you don’t think she is good enough to be in touch with you and that is why you decided to block her.


She will just hate you, and this might make her take an action that will make you regret blocking her in the first place.


If she is nuts, she will end up spamming your other social media accounts with things that you didn’t expect.


She will start telling her friends about everything that you did and ask them to stop talking to you.


You know how girls are, if she hates you, she will also want her friends to do the same thing.


Don’t be surprised when you notice her girlfriends are blocking you too and snubbing you when you come across them in person.


Your relationship with her won’t be the same unless you give her a solid reason why you blocked her in the first place.


This is how a girl will feel when you block her.


3. She will feel worthless.

Now let us talk about this part, she is someone you wanted so badly. You have been pursuing her for a while but she keeps taking you in circles.


She has been keeping you waiting, she has wasted your time but you kept on going harder on her because you thought she would end up changing her mind about you.


You have been texting and calling but she doesn’t seem to care about picking up your calls or replying to your texts.


Read also; She Never Calls I Always Call Her: Here’s Why


She thinks so highly of herself. What she knows is that you will always keep chasing her.


You will always be humble, and you will keep on blowing up her phone because she is someone you want to be with so badly.


The moment you say, “Enough is enough, I won’t take this any longer.” You decide to block her and move on, the first thing she will conclude is that you no longer think she is worthy of you.


She is not the same girl you thought she was and that is why you have decided to block her.


At some point, she will start questioning herself how you think of her, and what you perceive of her and this might crash her self-esteem.


You only decided to block her because you don’t think she is worth your energy.


This is enough to make her think you no longer value her. In an attempt to win your attention again, she might start finding ways to get in touch with you to pull you back on her side and make you give her the attention she wants so badly.


As I told you earlier, it all depends on how a girl feels about you and the nature of your relationship.


If she was the type of a girl who thought you wouldn’t think of getting rid of her because you are obsessed with her, she would end up questioning her value.


She will feel she is no longer the stardust that you have been chasing all along but a pile of ashes.


One of the best psychology tricks to play on a girl when you want her so badly is showing her that she isn’t worth a dime to you.


I think you have heard of “Ignoring a woman to make her chase you” The same trick might work here, try it at your own risk.


This will only work on a woman who had genuine interest in you but she was just playing hard to get.


But if she wasn’t into you all along, it won’t have any effect on her.


4. She will feel you have lost interest in her.

If there is a spark between you, you have been getting along as long as she remembers and you have never done anything to show her that you aren’t interested in her, the moment you block her, she will think that you are losing interest in her.


When you do something opposite to what a girl expects of you, she will think that your feelings for her have changed.


You no longer feel the same way about her and that is why you have blocked her. If you felt something for her you wouldn’t have gotten rid of the only way she gets in touch with you.


That is what she will conclude.


If you block her she will just assume that you don’t want to talk to her. Some of the reasons she might conclude are that you don’t feel the same way you used to or you just met someone else and you don’t want anything to do with her.


Both all these thoughts take her to one point, you are no longer interested in her and that is why you have decided to block her.


So, when a girl thinks that you have lost interest in her because you have blocked her, the next thing she will do will depend on how she feels about you.


If she is into you, this will raise an argument just to find out why you blocked her, but if she doesn’t feel a thing for you, it won’t even move her that you decided to get rid of the only way she used to get in touch with you.


5. She won’t care if she isn’t into you.

If she is not into you she won’t feel a thing when you block her she will be happy that you have decided to move on.


You were only disturbing her with your texts. She had to pretend that she enjoyed talking to you but that is not the case.


Now that you have blocked her, she won’t have to spend hours pretending to like what you share with her.


She won’t be hurt by what you did. She doesn’t care about you, you are not someone worth chasing, she only gave you her number because you pushed her.


But she had no intention of asking for your phone number in the first place.


She may even not notice that you have blocked her because she never texts you first.


You are always the one calling and texting but she never initiates conversations with you.


If this is the case, she won’t feel anything because you are not even on her radar, why should she care about you?



The way a girl will feel after you blocked her it only depends on how she feels about you.


If you are someone she is interested in, this will hurt her and she will have so many questions to ask you.


This will force her to be in touch with you to find out why you blocked her in the first place.


But if she is not interested in you, she never cared about your presence in her DMs, she won’t care if you block her.


She won’t feel anything. You are the one who was into her and not the other way around.


But if she is someone who cares about you, she enjoys talking to you, and you mean something to her if you block her, it will hurt her.


She will do everything she can to get hold of you to know why you blocked her in the first place.


Related reads;

  1. When A Girl Wants To Smoke With You: It Means?
  2. When A Girl Says Tell Me Something Interesting: It Means
  3. Should You Be Friends With A Girl Who Rejected You?

Abduljabbar Ali

I am Abduljabbar Ali from Mombasa, Kenya. I have been fortunate enough to travel around Kenya. I will be sharing my travel experience and travel tips with you. Say "Hi" and let us connect.

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