Is Malindi Safe For Tourists? (+Safety Tips)

malindi town view on a motorcycle

When it comes to the safety of Malindi, I can’t generalize that it’s entirely safe for tourists. As in any other popular tourist towns like Mombasa, Lamu, and Kwale, there are measures that you should take to stay safe while exploring.


Read also; How To Stay Safe When Travelling In Mombasa (Kenya)


I stayed in Malindi for several days when I first visited. I was lucky enough to explore different sides of the town.


This is what I can tell you about its safety. During my stay in Malindi, I didn’t encounter any bad experiences while I was walking around filming YouTube videos around the markets, streets, historical sites, beaches, and the town.


Walking around Malindi filming everything while going deep into the market areas is enough to give you an impression if the location is safe or not.


malindi town view on a motorcycle

I felt safe in Malindi. At no point did I feel like people were looking at me with weird eyes or brewing a plan to rob me.


I had my GoPro camera out the entire time while I was walking around the town since I wanted to capture every experience.


There are some moments when I was in Malindi I even had to walk at night to get to my hotel.


When I visited Malindi, I met my friend who took me around at night around the area of the hotel I was staying at (Baba Lao Hotel).


We went to grab dinner and I walked back to my place. The streets at night are just calm.


Some of the areas I was walking through were not well lit but I didn’t come across anything bad while I was walking around.


I stayed at the Baba Lao Hotel, it is around Alaskan Market. They didn’t lock the main gate of the Hotel. I could go out and come back late at night and the door would still be open.


There was no security guarding the gate. Only one person was sitting in the reception area.


This gave me the impression that Malindi is a safe town to visit. If it wasn’t safe, I would have seen the measures the owner of the hotel implemented to ensure the safety of his visitors.


I also took a moment and strolled around the town while filming and getting myself familiar with the streets. The locals were good and welcoming.


I didn’t come across any hostile faces from the bodaboda drivers who were driving me around the city to the people I interacted with in the streets and markets.


I had an amazing experience exploring Malindi, at no point did I feel unsafe like I used to feel in Nairobi (the capital city of Kenya).


Read also; My Experience Traveling To Nairobi From Mombasa Via SGR


Malindi is an amazing town that receives a decent number of tourists and the local authorities have put in their measures to keep the town safe for its visitors.


The guy I met when I visited Malindi, who was also a YouTuber who worked and lived there, didn’t warn me about the areas I should be vigilant while exploring.


He encouraged me to move around the markets and explore the streets and historical sites. If there was anything off about this coastal town when it came to its safety, he would have told me about it.


You don’t have to worry about the locals when you travel to Malindi. They are super friendly and helpful.


They are aware of why tourists visit their town and they are more than happy to give them positive experiences.


The first time I arrived in Malindi and started walking around the markets to get the vibe of the town, I was cautious but after a few hours in the town, I realized that it’s safer.


What I can tell you is that I stayed safe in Malindi because I was mindful of the places I chose to explore.


I didn’t go off the beaten path; I didn’t wander too deep in the streets of Malindi.


As in any coastal town you choose to visit in Kenya, you don’t have to be too tight about the safety but it’s always better you be vigilant.


If you want to stay safe while exploring Malindi be mindful of the places you choose to explore, visit well-known areas that are prone to receiving many tourists, be nice to the locals, avoid wandering in narrow streets at night, be mindful of your surroundings and don’t let your guard down.


Another thing you should do before you go to Malindi, you have to do your research about the areas you want to explore when it comes to its safety rate.


walking in around Alaskan market in Malindi while filming

You have to know that things keep changing every year. Today Malindi may be safer for you to explore and enjoy yourself in this little coastal paradise, but that may not always be the case.


Kenya is a peaceful country to explore but at some point, due to political instabilities and economic difficulties affects the entire life of the locals. This plays a big part when it comes to the safety of the popular tourist destinations you would like to visit.


Malindi is safe for tourists and that is one of the reasons why so many tourists (especially the Italians) even decided to move there. If the crime rate was too high in Malindi, tourists would have been avoiding it.


When it comes to the safety rate of Malindi, it’s just like Mombasa, the areas that are well-known, busy, and prone to receiving a high number of tourists are usually safe to explore and stay.


But areas that are isolated from the main touristic sites, markets, and businesses tend to be a little bit unsafe.


You shouldn’t be too worried about your safety if you are planning a trip there. The town is safe, the locals are nice and accommodating and the beaches are safe.


If you are planning to explore an area in Malindi that is not visited often or unknown by so many people. Take your time to do your research first and it will also be a good idea to find a tour guide who is going to take you around.


Take caution and don’t go blindly to locations that you don’t anything about.



Malindi is definitely safe for tourists, female solo travelers, and those who want to live there. The town is incredibly calm and peaceful because the locals mind their businesses.


People are nice and welcoming. You will hardly come across anyone who will try to take advantage of you.


You just have to take caution if you are visiting places that are isolated from the main town area.


Just like in any other town in Kenya, take care of your belongings, don’t walk late at night alone in dark areas, don’t expose your gadgets and you should also follow your instincts.


If you don’t feel safe at a certain location in Malindi because you have realized something is off about the area, the best thing to do is to get yourself out of that environment.


Avoid crowded places at night when you are in Malindi. Don’t get drunk and wander alone at night because you will be putting yourself in harm’s way.


If you have to walk for longer distances in dark areas away from the main roads, you should take a taxi.


Related reads;

  1. Malindi or Watamu, Which Is Better?: Choosing Between The Two
  2. 4 Affordable Things To Do In Malindi
  3. 7 Unique Things To Do In Watamu

Abduljabbar Ali

I am Abduljabbar Ali from Mombasa, Kenya. I have been fortunate enough to travel around Kenya. I will be sharing my travel experience and travel tips with you. Say "Hi" and let us connect.

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