Is She Taking It Slow Or Not Interested?

Man and a woman looking at each other in the dark

Sometimes it can be hard to note if she is taking it slow or not interested. She can make so many excuses to avoid you, push you away, and not commit to you because she is taking it slow.


If you have no idea if she is interested in you, she might just play games with you.


The moment you realize that she was just taking advantage of you, it will be too late for you. You wasted your time on someone who wants nothing to do with you.


In this article, I will break down everything for you to know if she is taking it slow or if she is not interested.


Read also; When A Girl Says She Wants To Take Things Slow: It Means


If you know that she is taking it slow and she is truly into you then you won’t need to worry because, in the end, you will have her.


But if she is not interested in you, it will be hard for you to have her in your life.


So, the question is, how do you know that she is taking it slow? What will show she is interested in you while taking things slow?


The above are two main questions I am going to answer in this article.


Is she taking it slow or not interested?

1. She maintains communication with you.

Man and a woman looking at each other in the dark

There are two sides of the coin I’m trying to flip for you. You have to know whether she is taking things slow or she is not just interested in you.


When it comes to any relationship, communication is the first point you will use to determine if someone is interested in you or not.


If she says that she is taking things slow this part of communication should be maintained.


She should not cut off communication with you simply because she told you that she is taking things slow.


Communication doesn’t have anything to do with taking things slow or fast. You have to communicate to keep building the relationship and show each other that you truly care about each other.


If she tells you that she wants to take things slow and doesn’t maintain communication with you even though you put an effort to reach out to her, she is not interested in you.


She should maintain communication with you. But if you keep texting and calling her but she doesn’t make the effort to keep it going, this shows that she is not on your radar.


She is not interested in you at all, the part of her telling you that she wants to take things slow only shows that she wants to make a fool out of you.


Don’t let her lie to you that she wants to be with you when she doesn’t make the effort to maintain communication with you.


But if she makes an effort to maintain the communication whether in person or through the phone, this shows that she is truly interested in you and she was true when she said she wants to take things slow.


If she maintains communication with you even after she tells you she wants to take things slow, this is definitely a positive sign.


She still wants to get to know more about you, get to connect with you and that is why she keeps the communication with you going.


2. She talks about how the relationship should be.

If she is taking things slow this shouldn’t stop her from talking about how the relationship should be and how it should progress.


When a girl wants to take it slow, she will open up to you and tell you what she expects from you so that you don’t mess things up.


You have to understand each other for you to drive the way it should.


If she wants to take things slow, she must have in mind a picture of how things between you should be.


There are things that she will expect you to do and those that she will not be comfortable with you doing or talking about.


If she talks about how the relationship should be while you are taking things slow, this shows that she is truly interested in you.


She is determined to make the relationship work and that is why she keeps telling you about what she expects from the relationship as things progress.


You will know that she is not interested in you when she doesn’t talk about the relationship after telling you to take things slow.


If she doesn’t say anything about it, it means she doesn’t even have her attention on you, she just told you to take things slow just to slow you down from going too hard on her.


When a girl wants to take things slow, it usually means that she is ready to be with you (the two of you are in a relationship and you are taking it at a pace you can handle) and she has to talk about how she expects things should be between you.


She should acknowledge that the two of you are in a relationship and slowly you are slowly pushing the relationship forward.


But if she doesn’t say anything about how things should be between you and she doesn’t even maintain communication with you, this means she is not interested in you at all.


She is not taking it slow, she just wants to find a way to ditch you and cut off your connection if there is any.


3. She genuinely cares about you.

If she is taking things slow, the way she handles you shouldn’t be any different from how couples treat each other.


She should consider you as her boyfriend, care about you, treat you nicely, and be there to help you when you are stranded.


The part of taking the relationship slow doesn’t prevent her from caring about you.


As I told you earlier, the two of you are in a relationship, the only thing is that you are slowly climbing up the ladder and changing the relationship.


By taking it slow, you allow yourselves to get to know each other better so that it becomes easier to understand each other.


If she cares about you this shows that she is interested in you. The two of you are in for each other. And she is truly taking things slow.


You shouldn’t be worried if she checks out on you and makes an effort to ensure that you are okay when things are tough on your side.


But if she doesn’t care about you — she can’t even make an effort to be there when you need her, she is not taking things slow, she is just not interested in you.


If a girl cares about you, it proves her connection with you is strong. But if she doesn’t even notice when you are in trouble, she doesn’t check up on you or help you in any way, you mean nothing to her.


The part about her taking things slow with doesn’t say that she shouldn’t care about you.


The two of you have something going on, you are her person and she should acknowledge that by caring about you.


Don’t lie to yourself that she is taking things slow when she doesn’t even give a f*ck about you. She is not interested in you and you shouldn’t waste your time on her.


4. She handles you like her boyfriend.

When a girl says she wants to take things slow, this shows that she wants you to go with a pace she can handle.


She wants you to slowly tune and spice up the relationship as time goes on.


It’s like she is telling you not to jump into the ending before you start at the beginning.


The part about her taking the relationship slow shouldn’t prevent her from handling you like her boyfriend. You are in a relationship and you are working your way towards making it whole.


Taking things slow stage is different from the friend zone stage, you guys aren’t friends at all. You are in a relationship, you have to treat her as your woman and she has to handle you as her man.


Read also; When She Says Let’s Be Friends And See Where It Goes


The only difference is that you don’t want to go overboard about expressing how you feel for each other and what you want to achieve from the relationship.


So, if she agreed to take things slow with you it shows that she agreed to be with you. She should handle you like her boyfriend.


She should spend time with you, give you her attention, prioritize you, and maintain communication with you.


Also, she should acknowledge that the two of you are in a relationship, treat you with the respect you deserve, and handle you like her man.


If she handles you like a friend (she doesn’t include romantic gestures) this shows that she is not interested in you.


The truth is that if she was into you, she would have been handling you like her boyfriend, though there are some things she won’t do (like getting intimate with you or introducing you to her family) but she will make you feel special.


5. She slowly increases the momentum of the relationship.

She won’t take things slow forever, as time goes by she should slowly adjust things and show you that you mean something more to her.


You can’t tell me that she will take things slow for more than 5 months.


As time goes by she should be getting closer to you and clearly define the foundation of the relationship.


If she has genuine feelings for you, she won’t keep dragging things slow for more than 5 months. She will want you to make her feel special, wanted, and loved.


This means she will be willing to open her heart to you, give you a piece of her, make a point of planning the future with you and she will include you in some of the important things she involves herself in.


You will notice that you are becoming an important person in her life and she does everything she can to make you happy.


She starts to compromise her principles just to accommodate you. At some point, you will notice that she doesn’t even care about taking things slow anymore. She will want all of you.


You will be the center of everything she is working on in her life. She will start opening up to you more and you will know so much about her.


Everything she will do will be just to show you that the relationship is now taking a turn for the better.


But if things between you are dormant and she doesn’t do anything to change things since you started taking things slow — she is not interested in you at all. She is only wasting your time.


You can’t tell me that she has feelings for you and she doesn’t even care about gradually changing the relationship for the better and letting you in.


If the relationship between you doesn’t change its pace even after more than 5 months — she is not taking things slow, she is just not interested in you.


And you should have known that by now.


6. She acknowledges the effort you put into the relationship.

Not all guys can take it slow. Most guys want someone who can give them what they want.


A girl may tell you that she wants you to take things slow but it may not be what you want.


You are attracted to her and you want her to give you everything at a go. But since you want to build a lasting relationship with her, you are willing to cool your steam off just to make her happy.


If she can’t appreciate the effort you put into making her happy though it may not be something you want, she is surely not into you.


Someone who is interested in you will appreciate and notice the effort you put into the relationship.


As you are taking things slow, you are also taking your time to be there for her, take care of her, and give her random gifts — she should show appreciation and acknowledge that you are doing something for both of you.


But if she can’t even notice how invested you are to turn things around this clearly shows that she is not interested in you.


She is not taking things slow, she is just keeping you around to use you when it’s convenient for her.


The way someone responds to what you do for them and the effort you put to make things work is what will either show you that they care about you or just use you.



If you are wondering if she is taking it slow or she is not interested in you, take your time to observe how she handles you and responds to what you do for her.


When you notice that she is cold and distant from you, this is enough to show you that she is not into you.


She is not taking things slow, she is just keeping you around. It’s the truth that she is hiding from you.


Telling you the truth will only make you cut her off. So, if she is not showing you any romantic gestures, she doesn’t make the effort to keep pushing the relationship forward, she is not interested in you.


Walk away from her and find someone willing to give you what you want.


Related reads;

  1. When A Girl Says She Wants To Take Things Slow: It Means
  2. When A Girl Says She Will Think About It: It Means?
  3. When A Girl Says She Wants To Have Fun With You: It Means?

Abduljabbar Ali

I am Abduljabbar Ali from Mombasa, Kenya. I have been fortunate enough to travel around Kenya. I will be sharing my travel experience and travel tips with you. Say "Hi" and let us connect.

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