Is It Safe To Walk In Mombasa, Kenya?

Walking past two police men while filming in Mombasa old town

Do you want to know if Mombasa is safe for you to walk around and explore the city? As with any other city in Kenya, Mombasa can be kinda tricky when it comes to safety.


Someone might tell you that certain it is safe, but when time changes, it’s not the same thing.


The clear thing about Mombasa is that there are some areas where you can walk freely without having your guard high.


But there are some areas within the Island where you will have to be vigilant and be ready for anything.


It is safe to walk around Mombasa town (within the main streets), but don’t go deeper into the isolated routes where there are very few people.  Walk around well-lit places (if it’s at night) and avoid any areas locals warn you of.


You don’t have to be worried when you are in the middle of the town. As long as you are just minding your own business no one will bother you.


Stroll the city and see its raw authenticity.


If you maintain all the safety measures to keep yourself out of harm’s way while exploring the city you will be okay.


Read also; How To Stay Safe When Travelling In Mombasa (Kenya)


I have been walking around Mombasa CDB (central district business) while filming walking tour videos.


So, you can say I know the entire Mombasa town because of these YouTube videos I filmed.


In the middle of the city, it’s completely safe to walk and take photos and videos. No one will bother you as long as you are not doing something illegal.


Read also; Is it Worth Visiting Mombasa? [9 Reasons Why It Is]


If you start filming and taking pictures of the government buildings that is when you will find yourself in a mess.


I remember one day I was vlogging just in front of Huduma Centre (Post office), as this building holds Kenya Revenue Authority (KRA), strangers signaled me to stop filming because I could get arrested.


If you do something negative while walking around like picking up fights with the locals, you will get in trouble and it won’t be safer for you.


Walk in areas with a lot of people to be safe in Mombasa, Kenya

Greetings strangers who are sketchy
Trying to evade a tricky situation while filming in Mombasa


If you want to walk around and get to explore the city, walk around areas with a lot of people.


In these kinds of areas, it’s very hard for someone to try to take advantage of you, rob you, or hurt you.


Not all people are bad, some will always choose humanity over humility.


Areas with few or no people tend to be a bit dangerous because anyone who isn’t in his or her right mind can take advantage of you.


So, before you think of going on to stroll in the streets of Mombasa, this is something you should keep in mind.


What if you booked your stay in an area that doesn’t have many people?


If you booked your stay around Kizingo, Vipingo, Shanzu, or Nyali, you don’t have to worry.


These areas are full of people but they don’t walk, they drive. I can say you booked your stay where the rich hide in Mombasa, Kenya.


It’s completely safe for you to walk around these areas even if you don’t see so many people in the streets.


The security around this area is incredible and it’s rare for theft cases to happen.


Read also; 17 Top Things To Do In Mombasa


Don’t walk in areas where locals don’t go.

If you want to know which areas are safer for you to walk around and explore just observe the locals.


The locals know the routes better than anyone you will listen to online.


If locals don’t go to certain areas even during the day, don’t wander in that area.


A place in Mombasa will be avoided by locals if it’s a little bit dodgy and sketchy.


The people of Mombasa love themselves so much to put themselves in harm’s way.


Don’t walk in areas that the locals warned you about. If you managed to talk to someone who told you to avoid walking around certain places, listen to them.


These are some of the areas I wouldn’t dare walk around even though I was born and raised in Mombasa;

  • Kisauni.
  • Mtongwe.
  • Shikaadabu.
  • Mshomoroni.
  • Bamburi, Kiembeni.
  • Changamwe.
  • Miritini.


Anyway, these are not some of the areas you would want to explore if you are a tourist because they don’t have much to offer other than troubles.


It’s a must you do thorough research about places you can visit and those that aren’t safe for you too.


When it comes to security, things keep changing every time. A place that was rated to be safe might turn out to be a nasty one.


Walking in Mombasa at night is a good idea?

Walking past two police men while filming in Mombasa old town
If you are not doing anything illegal the police won’t arrest you


Don’t walk late at night in Mombasa if you don’t have to. Just stay in your hotel room or Airbnb and wait for the sun to come up.


One rule for keeping yourself safe while traveling in Mombasa is to avoid late-night tours.


If you want to walk at night I would recommend you have a group of people with you, it’s safer that way.


What if you are a solo traveler?


Read also; How To Be Safe When Travelling Alone [10 Tips]


You should get a taxi and head straight to the location you want to explore and when you are done, get another one to drop you off where you stay.


Walking alone at night in Mombasa isn’t something I would recommend at all.


But this doesn’t mean can’t stroll around the malls and Mombasa CDB. You can walk around Mombasa town at night before 10 pm because some businesses are usually still open.


Especially during holidays like Iddul Fitr (after the end of the Holy month of Ramadhan) and Christmas the streets are usually full of people at night.


Read also; 3 Days Mombasa Itinerary On A Budget



You don’t have to worry so much about walking around Mombasa if you are within the town center because it’s usually safe.


But if you find yourself in areas like Kisauni, Bamburi Kiembeni, Likoni, and Mshomoroni, it’s not safe to walk around these areas.


If you want to get somewhere just take a tuk-tuk, motorcycle, or taxi if you can.


Don’t walk at night in Mombasa unless you have to.


If you have to walk at night avoid dimly lit areas, there are few people, and the narrow paths that far away from the main road.


Also, don’t forget to take hints and tips from the locals. If they tell you not to go to a certain area, don’t take yourself there.


This is how you keep yourself safe when you are in Mombasa.


It is safer to walk in groups than alone. So, if you have friends gather and go for a stroll around the city even if it’s getting dark. You will be fine.


Anyway, it doesn’t matter which area of Mombasa you are in, it’s always great to take caution, be vigilant, and pay attention to what is happening on the streets.


Related reads;

  1. 8 Best Hang-Out Places In Mombasa (6 Free + 2 Pay)
  2. How To Stay Safe When Travelling In Mombasa (Kenya)
  3. 9 Things That Mombasa Is Best Known For

Abduljabbar Ali

I am Abduljabbar Ali from Mombasa, Kenya. I have been fortunate enough to travel around Kenya. I will be sharing my travel experience and travel tips with you. Say "Hi" and let us connect.

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