How To Be Safe When Travelling Alone [10 Tips]

An image of me vlogging during the day in a market

When you are traveling alone, so many things could go wrong.


Especially when it’s your first time traveling, you might be super nervous and worried about your safety in a strange country.


You are far away from home. The comfort zone you were used to is no longer an option for you.


For the love of traveling and exploring, don’t let fear of traveling be something that will hinder you from seeing the world even when you are traveling alone.


When I started traveling solo in my country (Kenya) I was so worried about my safety and I had so many ifs.


Which led to me overthinking about everything whenever I was in a new city far away from home.


In this article, I will share some of the tips you should adhere to for you to be safe when traveling alone.


When you are traveling solo sometimes it feels like you are exposed and helpless to any situations that may befall you on the road.


So, what can you do to be safe when traveling alone in any country?


This is what to do to be safe when traveling alone;

1. Get rid of the negative mindset.

An image showing me overthinking before my trip
Get rid of any negative mindset it will give you courage to travel solo


If you want to be safe when travelling solo the first thing you should do is get rid of any negative mindset that is lingering around.


What you need to know is that the world is full of beautiful people. A large percentage of the people you will meet when traveling solo will always be willing to help you out.


These people will want to know more about where you are from and what you do.


You will realize that they will always look at you with a smile and say, “You are welcome to Kenya”


If you have any negative mindset that makes you think when you travel alone most people will want to take advantage of you, get rid of that.


You need to start thinking positively about the places you want to travel to. Start looking at the world from another perspective.


The main aim of changing your mindset about the places you will travel alone is to keep you calm and confident.


You need to be calm for you to maneuver any situations that you will find yourself in when traveling solo around the world.


It will be harder for you to work out any challenges if you aren’t confident and calm when you are traveling.


When you are confident that you can handle any worst situation that might befall you, this will give you the courage to travel alone without fear overtaking every nerve of your body.


For you to be able to travel and focus on the destinations, you have to be calm and courageous.


As a solo traveler, sometimes you will find yourself in the middle of the road with no service and no means of transport around.


You will only manage to deal with this situation if you are positive, calm, and confident.


This is the first thing you have to adapt if you want to be safe when traveling solo around the world.


Read also; 9 Ways To Get Over The Fear Of Traveling Alone


2. Explore places during day time.

An image of me vlogging during the day in a market
During the day it’s easier to spot anyone with bad intentions


If you want to be safe when traveling alone, I would advise you to avoid exploring places during night hours.


When you travel and explore places during day time it’s easier for you to take care of yourself.


You will be able to see from afar if there is any tricky situation that is emerging.


It’s safe to explore places during the day because a lot of people will be out which makes it harder for anyone to take advantage of you.


During night hours there are fewer people on the streets, and this is when the thieves are all over the areas.


If you are out at night and accidentally you get mugged and all belongings stolen no one will be there to help.


Even if you decide to go to the nearest police stations, they will take your statement but you won’t be able to get your camera, passport, money, and the rest of your belongings.


So, if you want to be safe when traveling solo don’t explore places during the night hours.


I remember when I went to Nairobi for the first time, I was worried about my safety because the city was too crowded.


To avoid any issues with my belongings and for my safety, I made sure that I went to the town during morning hours and ensured that late in the evening I was in my Airbnb.


Though Nairobi is considered to be the home of thieves, I didn’t lose my camera, phone, or backpack until I left and went to Machakos.


If you have to visit the clubs during the night, you have to make sure that you do it safely.


Don’t try to save some money during the night hours. Take an Uber from your Airbnb or Hotel to the exact place you want to go.


And after you are done exploring the nightlife in the place you visited. Take a taxi directly to your hotel or Airbnb.


This is what will ensure your safety when traveling alone.


3. Do thorough research about the place you want to visit.

Before you think of traveling to any place, you need to do thorough research about it.


This is one way of ensuring that you are safe whenever you travel there alone.


It’s through the research that will enable you to know the places you should visit and those that you shouldn’t when you go to that country.


When you know the places to avoid when you travel to any country, you will always stay away from them no matter who will push you to go there.


But if you have no idea of the places you should avoid when travelling you will only be putting yourself in danger.


Since you know nothing about the place, you might go there thinking it’s cool and safe but that is not the case.


That is when you will find yourself in a hot mess.


You need to know all the scams and tricks that people use to rip off tourists in those places before you go there.


This will also ensure you are aware of what is going on whenever you come across a situation that you can’t comprehend.


The good thing is that the internet is full of videos and articles you can consume to know the place you are going to visit even before you get there.


Another thing you can do if you want to be safe when traveling solo is to talk to the locals.


When you are in the country or city just go out to the nearest restaurant, order something to eat or drink, and start a friendly conversation with the locals.


Talk to them and ask them about the places you should visit and the places you should avoid taking yourself.


If you have booked an Airbnb around a certain area. The host knows much about the area than you do.


Talk to the host and ask him or her to give you some recommendations of the places you should visit and those that you shouldn’t.


4. Avoid dodgy and sketchy places.

An image showing a street guy with a sack walking
Avoid places that are dodgy, that’s how you stay safe


After you have done your research about the place you want to visit, it’s time for you to take your medicine.


You need to avoid dodgy and sketchy places when you are exploring the places.


You may have done your research but when you are out there alone, you might find yourself in streets that you have never read or seen in your research.


The streets may be amazing and beautiful but they seem so sketchy and dodgy.


These are the streets you should avoid even if your research says that they are safe.


If you see something opposite from what you expected, leave that place and go to another place.


Don’t take yourself on dangerous streets simply because you are searching for an adventure.


You may get the adventure but you will end up putting yourself in danger.


Why risk your life for an adventure? You still have lots of places to visit and people to meet while traveling solo around the world.


You may see some YouTubers going to sketchy and dangerous places while filming, don’t try to copy what they do.


This is how you will keep yourself safe when traveling solo around the world.


If you know that you can’t handle anything tricky that might happen in these dodgy places, you should stay away from them.


You are not being a coward, you are being cautious and taking care of yourself when traveling alone.


5. Don’t carry all your luggage with you when exploring.

An image of me carrying a small side way bag on a beach
I usually explore with small side way bag. It’s lighter


If you are traveling alone exploring cities and villages around the world, you have to be smart when it comes to how you move around with your luggage.


You need to travel light if you want to be safe when you are traveling alone.


Your safety doesn’t only include you but also your belongings. When you are finally at your desired destination, leave your luggage in your room.


If you are in a hotel ensure that you lock your belongings securely before you leave.


So that when you go out to explore, you only have a small bag with you to move easily.


If you are in a hostel, get your padlock and lock up everything in your cabinet or cupboard before you leave.


Don’t walk around with all your luggage when you are exploring since you never know what is going to happen.


When you find yourself in any trick situation while exploring out there you can run for your life easily without having your bags holding you behind.


In case you get robbed, you won’t lose everything you had when you were visiting the place.


Traveling light will also keep you safe because you won’t attract too much attention.


When people see you with big bags on your back and front, they will think that you have something valuable.


Even if they didn’t want to take advantage of you, they would do it because your bags gave them the temptations.


I hope you get why I am saying that you should leave your luggage behind when exploring.


6. Don’t be open to suggestions from any strangers you meet.

An image showing me talking to a stranger
Don’t always say yes to anyone you meet on the streets.


If you want to be safe when traveling alone don’t fall into the temptations of opening up to any stranger you come across.


You might meet someone out there when you are traveling alone, since he or she sees you solo, in his or her mind he or she thinks she can take advantage of you.


The person you may meet out there may start suggesting things to you and you might start doing them.


You may think that the person you met doesn’t have bad intentions with you because he or she is so nice to you.


Deep down you don’t know what he or she is planning to do.


When you are travelling alone sometimes you might end up being lonely on the road.


Read also; how not to be lonely when traveling solo 


This might tempt you to say yes to anyone who comes along to keep yourself occupied and happy.


You need to assess every situation that anyone suggests to you before you say yes.


It doesn’t matter whether it’s a girl or a boy whom you are in the same hostel with.


You don’t know their motives at all.


Pay attention to everything someone says and suggests when he or she approaches you


Ensure that you know what you are getting yourself into before you say yes to anything even if it’s what you truly want.


7. Don’t expose your electronics when you don’t need to.

If you want to be safe when traveling solo don’t give people a reason to mug you and take your electronics.


Maybe you are traveling the world alone while documenting the places you visit. You have your camera or a phone with you.


These are appliances that are expensive and not everyone can afford to buy them.


I know it’s necessary that you have to take photos and videos when you are traveling to these cool destinations alone.


You need to look at the place you are around before you start taking your camera out and taking photos and vlogging.


Is the area safe for you to film? Are the locals there friendly?


Do they like the idea of you taking pictures and filming the place?


These are some of the questions you should ask yourself before you start capturing the scenes of the places you have visited.


Once you know that it’s okay for you to film and take photos around the area that is when you should take your camera or phone out.


If the area doesn’t seem safe for you to do any of that you should just keep your camera and phone in your bag.


Just enjoy the scene and leave the area.


When you start exposing your electronics somewhere dodgy and sketchy you will only be asking them to rob you.


You will be putting your life in danger for a single picture or video that won’t even make you a millionaire.


8. Don’t drink alcohol when traveling solo.

If you want to be safe when travelling alone, this is something you should avoid doing; don’t drink alcohol when exploring.


I don’t drink alcohol and I don’t party. So, I won’t have any issues getting drunk while traveling.


But if you know that you can’t avoid alcohol, you should only drink it when you are in your place.


When you are in your hotel or Airbnb alone, that is when you should start drinking and enjoying yourself.


This way you will be safer even when you get drunk to the extent that you can’t stand up.


But when you go out to the bars or nightlife clubs in the places you have visited, you shouldn’t drink alcohol.


Don’t lie to yourself that you will only drink a single glass and that will be all.


If you are into alcohol, you will find yourself going on. It will be harder to stop yourself from drinking too much alcohol.


Remember that you don’t have anyone around to ask you to stop drinking alcohol or who will drive you home when you can’t even stand up.


When you are drunk and alone in a strange city, these people might take advantage of you and steal everything you have.


The worst that can happen when you are drunk and alone in a strange city; you end up losing everything you have and don’t even talk about your life.


So, if you want to avoid any of these things happening when you are traveling alone, you shouldn’t drink alcohol when you are exploring.


9. Say hi to the locals you meet while traveling solo.

In the image it's me talking to a local
Always be friendly to the locals, you might need their help.


If you want to be safe when you are travelling solo you need to be social with the locals you meet.


Say hi to the locals you meet and smile at them. This is what will keep you safe.


I know you may think that it’s not a big deal you me, but it makes a big difference.


When you are social and friendly to the people you meet when you are traveling, you will get them on their good side.


Not everyone is happy seeing a tourist in his or her hometown. We have some locals that have hatred and fear towards the tourists.


Some locals think that tourists only go to their country to bring more harm than good.


When you prove to these locals that you are friendly and you want to learn more about their culture and historical heritage, it will make them feel you aren’t a threat to them.


They will welcome you with open arms and take care of you in a way you have never imagined.


Don’t be rude to people you meet when you are traveling alone it doesn’t matter what they say and do to you.


Be kind and nice to them, say hi to them, and smile when you see them.


In case you fall because you are too sick and tired to stand up these locals are the first people who are going to help you out.


Also, when you are lost, the same locals are the ones who are going to help you get in the right direction.


It’s hard for someone to take advantage of you when you are good to them.


Also, when you show them that you care about them and you value their culture by a little bit speaking their language even if it’s one word, it will make them feel happy to have you around.


You will get them to host you, help you when you need something, show you their favorite local spots to eat, and even tell you about the places you should avoid visiting when you are traveling alone.


Let your energy of kindness shine to every local you meet when you are traveling alone, this is how you will be safe.


10. Follow your instincts they don’t lie.

An image me walking in the open streets
Always follow where your heart takes you


This is the last thing you should do when you are traveling solo to keep yourself safe.


You have to follow your instincts when you are traveling around if you want to be safe.


Sometimes listen to what your heart says about a certain place or someone before you go fully in.


If what you feel about the guy or woman next to you doesn’t feel right, you should avoid that person.


When someone you meet while traveling asks you to do something for them, listen to your instincts.


If you feel threatened by any situation that you are in when you are traveling, that is when you should take yourself out of it.


Listen to what your heart tells you about everything. When you don’t feel like doing something or going to a certain place, don’t go there.


Sometimes your body has a way of detecting danger when your eyes can’t see it.




The tips I have shared with you are enough to keep you safe when you are traveling solo around the world.


Apart from all the tips I have shared with you, you need to use your common sense whenever you are anywhere.


Think and assess any situation you are in before you do or say anything when you are traveling.


This is what will always ensure that you don’t get yourself in a tricky situation that you can’t handle.


All in all, you need to be cautious whenever you are exploring places if you want to be safe.


You are the only one who can keep you safe.


Don’t let your loneliness drive you to do things that will end up risking your life when you are traveling alone around the world.


Take control of your feelings. Maintain a positive mindset, all will be well, the world isn’t such a bad place.


Related reads;

  1. Is It Safe To Walk In Mombasa, Kenya?
  2. How To Stay Safe When Travelling In Mombasa (Kenya)

Abduljabbar Ali

I am Abduljabbar Ali from Mombasa, Kenya. I have been fortunate enough to travel around Kenya. I will be sharing my travel experience and travel tips with you. Say "Hi" and let us connect.

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