She Gave Me Her Number But Has A Boyfriend: Here’s Why

a woman standing next to a man holding a skate board, she is showing him something on a phone

If she gave you her number but has a boyfriend there is something you need to know about her. You may have so many questions about why she gave it to you but don’t worry about it, I will answer all your questions.


I know the first thing you may be thinking is that she gave you her number because she is ready to cheat on her boyfriend for you, but that may not be the reality.


In some cases, she might have given you her number simply because she wants you to make a move on her, but you won’t know that until you start talking to her.


In this article, I will share with you some of the reasons why she gave you her number yet she is in a relationship.


But before that, let me share what it means when a girl gives you her phone number even when she has a boyfriend.


What does it mean when a girl gives you her phone number when she has a boyfriend?

When a girl gives you her when she has a boyfriend it means she is searching for a guy to talk to and befriend simply because her boyfriend may be too busy to chat with her most of the time. Also, it can be that she is open to exploring different opportunities while she is in that relationship.


You never know, maybe her relationship with her boyfriend is on bad terms. They are struggling to make things work and that is why she is pulling herself away slowly.


But you will never know if what I am talking about is true until you start talking to her.


I will do my best to share with you common signs that you will notice if she gives you her number simply because she wants to cheat on her boyfriend with you or if she just wants a friend.


Let me dive deeper into this topic by sharing why she gave you her number when she was in a relationship.


This is why she gave you her number but has a boyfriend;

1. She wants to be a friend.

a woman standing next to a man holding a skate board, she is showing him something on a phone

If she gave you her number but has a boyfriend this is the first thing you should assume if she hasn’t given you any romantic gestures.


She gave you her number because she just wants you to be her friend.


Her relationship is solid, but she wants to make more friends, guys who she can talk to and hang out with when her boyfriend is not around.


It’s okay for girls to want to make friends. You are allowed to make friends even when you are in a relationship.


So take away the notion that she just gave you her number simply because she has seen something else in you.


That might be the case, but you aren’t supposed to prioritize it because it might end up hurting you or destroying the friendship you are about to create with her.


Don’t make assumptions if you haven’t seen any solid signs that she wants something more with you.


It can be that you have been talking for a while and she now sees you as a friend because you have shown her that you can be a good buddy.


And that is why she took the initiative of giving you her phone number. You don’t need to ask yourself so many questions if everything seems just normal.


2. You matched her vibe.

When a girl who is in a relationship gives you her number even without you asking for it, it’s because your vibes match.


Your energy aligned and that is why she feels it won’t be an issue when it comes to you being in touch with her.


The truth is that when a girl finds out that you are a vibe, she will want to be in touch with you no matter what her boyfriend thinks about you.


It can be that she has seen you are an interesting guy to talk to, you are a man of logic and you have so many interesting stories to share with her.


She finds it easier to talk to you. If this is the case, this is why she has given you her number yet she is in a relationship.


Your energy matched hers. It’s not that she wants something more with you, it’s just a pure platonic relationship.


If you didn’t have anything that she was interested in, she wouldn’t have given you her number because she has no reason to talk to you.


So, if you had a short conversation and you realize that she enjoyed it, this is a sign that you are a vibe and that is why she wants you to stay in touch with her.


3. She just didn’t want you to keep disturbing her.

It can be that she has given you her number only because you were a nuisance.


You have been blowing her socials for her number and she didn’t want to block you.


She decided to give you her number yet she is in a relationship just to stop you from disturbing her.


It can also be that when you meet her in person the only thing you keep asking is her phone number.


She gave you her number just to stop you from asking for it every time you meet in person.


So, if you have been asking for the phone number, she didn’t want to give you but she eventually gave it to you, it’s because she wanted you to stop disturbing her.


She didn’t give you her number because she wants to be in touch with you. She did it just to please you.


It’s like saying yes to a fool to please him. That is what she did. If this is the case, the phone number that she just gave you, won’t be of any help to you.


You will text her and call her but she will never respond to you. If what I am talking about is true, just don’t bother texting or calling.


She won’t even be interested in talking to you. She has a boyfriend that she is attached to, you are nothing but a loser who keeps disturbing her.


4. Her relationship is falling apart.

If she has given you her number willingly but has a boyfriend, this is something else should know.


Her relationship is crumbling into pieces and that is why she wants someone else who will take over the moment things go sideways.


One thing you should know about women is that they plan. Before a lady tells you that she wants to end the relationship, she has sat down and thought about it for a long time.


The truth is that if she was truly happy with her boyfriend and nothing was going astray, she wouldn’t have been willing to entertain another guy.


She wouldn’t have given you her number willingly unless there was something important she wanted you to send her.


So, how can you know if her relationship with her boyfriend is not working out?


If she complains about her boyfriend, she talks bad about her boyfriend and she is willing to go against her boyfriend just to make you happy, it’s a sign that her relationship is not working.


The relationship is falling apart; the guy is not giving out what she wants and expects.


This is your chance to make your move. But you won’t know anything unless you make her open up to you about why she wants to be in touch with you when she is in a relationship.


5. She is thinking of cheating on her boyfriend with you.

When a girl is thinking of cheating on her boyfriend with you she will be willing to branch out.


You will notice that she is ready to entertain other guys even when her relationship is on good terms.


It can be that her relationship is great but she is not the type of a girl to settle with one guy.


She wants to explore and have fun even when she is in a relationship. She gave you her number hoping that you will end up making your move on her.


Read also; When A Girl Says She Wants To Have Fun With You: It Means?


Another angle she may be using is to get comfortable talking to you to the point where she will turn things around.


It’s pretty simple to know if a girl wants to cheat her boyfriend with you or not.


Take your time observing how she communicates with you, the way she handles herself before you, and the things she does when she is with you.


If she wants something more, you will know that the more you talk to her.


When a girl gives you romantic gestures even when she is in a relationship, just know that she wants something more.


She doesn’t care about her relationship or the guy she is with right now. The only thing she wants is for you to make a move on her and turn things around.


Yes! Girls can cheat on their boyfriends with other guys if they are interested in doing so.


The part about her being in a relationship with another guy doesn’t stop her from entertaining another guy.


6. She may be in an open relationship.

She may have given you her phone number yet she has a boyfriend since she is in an open relationship.


The contract she has with her boyfriend allows her to f*ck with other guys but it won’t ruin anything.


She has given you her number knowing that you are interested in her. You will make a move on her and she will respond positively.


She is ready for you and that is why she gave you her number. Don’t assume it.


You need to talk to her and ask her about her relationship status before you conclude that she is ready to smash with you when she has a boyfriend.


Open relationships have no limits, you can get along with anyone you like as long as you can do it.


It’s more of a casual relationship. You can f*ck but it doesn’t mean that the two of you will be tied together.


So, if she has given you any impression that she is open for anything with you yet she has a boyfriend, she is in an open relationship.


7. She didn’t want to look like the bad guy.

If you have asked for her phone number and she has given it to you, it is because she just doesn’t want to look like the bad guy.


It can be that you have been talking for a while, you have connected. She thinks that denying you her phone number is only going to make you dislike her.


She wants you to be close to her because she cares about you as a friend. She wants the friendship to keep on going.


Don’t be surprised if she only gave you her number because she thought you were desperate for it.


And saying no would only make you hate her, that is what she thought and that is why she decided to give you her number yet she is in a relationship.



When a girl gives you her phone number but has a boyfriend the first thing you should do is observe how she interacts with you.


Take your time to figure out what her intentions are instead of assuming that she wants something more with you.


If she has given you her number willingly, she probably likes you. It can be that she either wants you to be her friend or she may be expecting something more from you.


The only way to know what she wants is by talking to her. if she wants to cheat on her boyfriend with you, it will be up to you to decide if you want to be that type of guy or not.


In another case, if you have been asking her to give you her number when she is in a relationship for a while and she finally decided to give it to you, she only did it because doesn’t want you to keep disturbing her.


She won’t even reply to your texts or pick up your calls, if she responds it will be once in a while.


What is the point of entertaining a girl who is in a relationship? If she ends up leaving her boyfriend for you simply because you have convinced her to, what makes you think she won’t leave you for someone else too?


Related reads;

  1. What Does It Mean When A Girl Wants Your Attention?
  2. When A Girl Wants You To Pay For Everything: It Means?
  3. When A Girl Wants To Get To Know You: It Means?

Abduljabbar Ali

I am Abduljabbar Ali from Mombasa, Kenya. I have been fortunate enough to travel around Kenya. I will be sharing my travel experience and travel tips with you. Say "Hi" and let us connect.

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