She Never Calls I Always Call Her: Here’s Why

Man leaning on a wall making a call

You always call her to check on her no matter how busy you are. But she doesn’t bother calling and you wonder what is happening.


Why are you always the one initiating communication with her? Doesn’t she feel like talking to you?


I know this sucks especially when it comes from someone you are truly into. It gives you gestures that hurt your feelings.


I want to be frank with you about what is happening here and the kind of relationship you have got yourself into.


The truth about girls is that if they are into you, that will be noticeable from the actions and words they will say to you.


A girl might tell you she likes you but act completely different from how you expected her to.


So, the best way to know if a girl is serious about you, if she is interested in you and wants something more from you is just by observing how she handles you.


The first important thing that will show you that a woman is truly into you is the effort she will put into the relationship.


The effort comes from the energy she puts into the relationship — communication for instance is an important puzzle in a relationship.


She never calls you but you always call her because you value the relationship you are building and you are trying your best to show her that you want something huge with her.


But that may not be the same case. As you continue reading this article, everything will come to light.


This is why she never calls but you always call her;

1. She is not interested in you.

Man leaning on a wall making a call

The first reason why she never calls but you always call her is that she is not interested in you. You are so much into her but she doesn’t feel the same way about you.


It doesn’t matter whether she is just a friend or someone you are trying to win in your life. Maybe she is your girlfriend but she puts you in this tough situation.


The way a girl behaves before you portray the way she feels about you and the relationship you are building.


Sometimes girls may make things complicated by saying things and acting completely differently.


But there is always one thing that is clear when a girl doesn’t like you. If she doesn’t like you, no matter how much she pretends to care about you, she will never manage to keep up with it.


It will always slip, she will get sloppy and she will just forget that you even exist. The moment you reach out to her and ask her about why she is so silent, she will come up with so many excuses.


All these excuses are just meant to lead you astray into thinking that she has a lot going on in her life and that is why she couldn’t call you for that long.


Most girls have nothing much to do in their lives. So, if she is giving you the BS that she was so committed to the extent that she never calls you — the truth is that she is not interested in you.


She is not into you and that is why she never calls you. But I’m pretty sure she may be calling someone else.


If a girl isn’t interested in you, she is probably interested in someone else. She has her phone with her 24/7. She receives calls and makes calls to the people that matter to her.


If she is not calling you it’s true to suggest that she is calling someone else. You are not a person of interest that she wants to waste her precious airtime calling.


This is harsh to hear but that is the fact. The interest a girl has in you is what will either push her to maintain communication with you or cut you off.


So, if you are making all that effort to stay in touch with her but she doesn’t bother to reciprocate the energy, it’s clear that she is not into you.


2. She doesn’t want to commit to you.

Let me say it’s when you have started dating. The surprising thing is that she told you she is ready to make things work between you.


You decided to put in the effort to show her that you want this relationship to work. You always initiate calls to show her that she means so much to you.


She might have told you that she is ready to be with you, but the truth is that she doesn’t want to commit to you.


You are expecting so much from her because you like her and you want this relationship to work out.


The effort you put in shows that you are ready to take things to the next level. It doesn’t matter if she told you that she would like to take things slow or not.


Read also; Is She Taking It Slow Or Not Interested?


The communication part has nothing to do with that. If she wants the relationship to work out she has to reciprocate the energy you put in.


You always call her and talk to her for hours, but the moment you stop doing it, she never gets back to you.


When I look at this situation you are in, you are the one putting in all the effort to maintain the communication.


This relationship is going on because of the effort and energy you put into it. The moment you will stop calling her that is when this relationship will crumble into pieces.


You are on different pages. It can be that you didn’t understand what she wanted to offer you and that is why right now you are just confused about what is happening here.


Maybe you pushed things and made her admit to something she didn’t want to just to stop you from being so annoying.


The truth is that she is not even into what you asked of her. She only said yes because she wanted to stop you from disturbing her peace of mind.


To make the story short, if she doesn’t want to commit to you she will never maintain communication with you or do anything that will result in building a strong foundation of the relationship.


You always call her because you committed yourself to her and the relationship you are building with her.


The picture is clear when it comes to what you have in mind about the two of you. That is why you are making the effort to maintain communication.


It’s not the same case with her, the two of you are on different sides.


3. She likes it when you are all over her.

You always call her but she never calls. This means you also text her but she never texts you first.


Have you ever had the aspect of chasing someone? Do you understand how women want to feel and how they want men to handle them?


You have been so busy putting effort into maintaining the communication with her because you are into her.


She noticed that you don’t get tired of doing the things you do. She likes it that you always reach out to her.


She doesn’t want that to stop at all — she wants you to keep on calling her. What you don’t know is that she is aware if she starts initiating calls you won’t have a reason to keep calling her every time.


If you never knew, women like it when men put so much effort into pursuing them.


They want to feel special, loved and wanted. If she knows that you can do that when she lays back, she will want you to keep doing that.


She wants you to keep calling her and that is why she always picks up your calls and talks to you nicely like nothing wrong is going on between you.


When you call her she doesn’t hang up your calls. You can talk for hours. Ask yourself, why doesn’t she call you when you don’t?


She wants you to chase her. If she didn’t want you to keep calling her, she could have been ignoring your calls or she could have told you that she doesn’t want you to keep calling her.


But the fact that she enjoys it, she picks up your calls and talks to you for hours, this shows that she is motivating you to keep on calling her.


This is what is going on here and that is why you are in this position. She likes it when a guy keeps putting in all the effort.


It makes her feel so important. She is just a different person. Women who want men to chase them to just feel special, are hard people to please.


They want too much attention but they will never be able to reciprocate that at all. This is what is going on here and that is why you are always the one calling her but she never does.


4. She doesn’t want to talk to you.

Answer this question, why do you always call her?


You always call her because you want to talk to her, you feel the need to talk to her, you care about her and you want her to know that too.


The effort you put into maintaining the communication is enough for anyone to know that you truly want to talk to her.


Now, ask yourself, why doesn’t she ever call you?


She doesn’t call you because she doesn’t feel the need to talk to you. Don’t let anyone tell you that she is too busy to call you.


Don’t let her tell you that she is focusing on herself and that is why she can’t pick up her phone to call you yet you have been doing that always.


She doesn’t want you to hear the truth because it might end up hurting your feelings and that is why she is keeping things to herself about why she never calls you.


Maybe you haven’t asked her about why she never makes an effort to call you. Deep down you know the truth, you knew it all along but you didn’t want to agree.


You didn’t want it to be true that she didn’t want to talk to you. She just doesn’t feel like talking to you and that is why she never calls.


If a girl wants to talk to you, she will always call you no matter how busy she may be. It won’t pass a week without her calling you.


But if she never calls you then you know your answer already.


5. She is not motivated to call you.

For a girl to call you there has to be something that pushes her to do that. It can be how she feels about you, what she gets from you, and how the two of you are connecting.


You may be surprised why she never calls you but the truth is that she isn’t motivated to do so.


There has to be a reason for a girl to call you. She has to be motivated to reach out to you for her to do it. If she doesn’t see a reason to call you, she will never make an effort to reach out.


Are you entertaining enough when you talk to her? Do you make her laugh? What do you talk about with her when you reach out?


These are some of the questions you should find answers to if you want to figure out why she never calls.


The truth is that if there was anything that gave her a reason to reach out to you, she could have done it.


But she doesn’t see a reason why she should call you. Maybe your conversations are always too long and boring.


You don’t have anything important to share with her, you don’t keep her entertained and she doesn’t feel a thing when you talk.


If the conversations that you have with her are always dry, this is one of the reasons why she never calls.


But if you had something that always pushed her to call you every time you stopped putting in the effort to do so, she could have been reaching out to you.


For now, she never calls you because she doesn’t see a reason to do that.



If she never calls but you always call her the first thing you should know is that she is not interested in you. The truth is that if a girl is into you, she will ensure she keeps the communication going even if it’s a little bit.


The fact that you put all the effort into ensuring the communication between you goes on but she does nothing about it shows that you are forcing yourself on her.


You are not on the same page and that is why she doesn’t make the effort you do.


The only thing you should do if she never calls you is also to stop calling her. It doesn’t matter what she is doing in her life, no one is too busy for the people they care about.


Put your effort into something else that will build you instead of wasting your time and energy on her.


Related reads;

  1. Why She Wants To Be Friends After Rejecting You
  2. Why She Tells You When Other Guys Hit On Her
  3. Is She Taking It Slow Or Not Interested?

Abduljabbar Ali

I am Abduljabbar Ali from Mombasa, Kenya. I have been fortunate enough to travel around Kenya. I will be sharing my travel experience and travel tips with you. Say "Hi" and let us connect.

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