When She Says Let’s Be Friends And See Where It Goes

A woman sitting next to a man while putting her hands on his right shoulder as looking at him

When a girl says let’s be friends and see where it goes, she is putting you in a trap just to see if you can unshackle yourself from it.


What you need to know is that girls like testing guys who are into them just to see the miles they can go for them.


A girl may like you but she will still do things to take you in circles because she enjoys seeing you putting all the effort to please her.


In this article, I will share what it means when a girl wants to be just friends first to see where things between you will go.


Additionally, I will also add on what to do when a girl puts you in such a tight spot.


When a girl says let’s be friends and see where it goes it means she is open-minded to explore other possibilities of romantic connections with you if you will be able to give her what she wants and expects.


She is aware that you have a thing for her but for now, she can’t give you the chance immediately until she sees how you handle yourself when you are next to her.


You haven’t shown her what she needs to see from you or do the things that will make her believe that you are the best option for her.


She wants to be friends first and then figure things out from there; she wants more time with you to get to see if you are truly the guy she wants to be with or if you don’t fit in her category.


The only way she will get to see if you meet her expectations is by spending more time with you and keeping you around as her friend for the time being.


If you have anything off that doesn’t impress her, she will take note of that and she will use it to filter you out and consider someone else who has better qualities than yours.


She doesn’t want to give you a chance immediately and ends up finding out that you are not matching her vibe.


What does it mean when a girl says we’ll see how it goes?

When a girl says we will see how it goes it means she can’t give you what you want for now until she observes and learn if you meet her expectations or not. The response she will give you will depend on what impression you will give as you have been around her.


She says, “We will see how it goes” because she just wants enough time to consider if she should give you a chance or not.


Right now she is undecided and unsure of whether to give you a chance or to push you away.


What you will do during this period of “We will see how it goes” is what will make a difference regarding the response she will give you.


The things you will do and say as you are finding your way towards her heart are what will either make her give you a chance or not.


If you end up proving to her that you can be trusted, you don’t care about her and you can’t meet her expectations, she will immediately cut you off.


But when she notices that you are an incredible guy, you can give her what she wants, you are true to what you said to her and you tick all the boxes, she will end up taking you in.


This is how it goes for girls. If she doesn’t give you the answer you are hoping for but keeps you waiting, she is just stalling to think of the right answer for you or she just wants to see the things you will do to show her that you truly deserve her.


Other times it’s because she is unsure of whether to give you a chance or not and that is why she puts you in such a spot.


What does it mean when she says “Let’s see where it goes”?

A woman sitting next to a man while putting her hands on his right shoulder as looking at him

When a girl says “Let’s see where it goes it means she wants to see how things between you will turn out to be regarding your connection. If you will vibe the way she wants then she will be open to giving you a chance. But if it doesn’t go the way she expected, you will end up losing her.


She wants more time with you to see if you have the connection that she wants.


A girl may be attracted to you physically but she will want to see more first before she decides to let you occupy her life.


She will want to see if you can offer more than what she can see already. And that is why she wants to let things flow and see where they will end up.


If it turns out that you can truly make her happy and fit into the category she wants you to, that is when she will open her heart to you.


You won’t even have to worry about expressing yourself again to her, you will notice that she is taking you seriously and she is prioritizing you over other people.


But when she ends up distancing herself from you, she doesn’t talk to you as often as she used to and she doesn’t even hang out with you, that is when you should know that things didn’t go the way she expected.


What to do if a girl says “Let’s just be friends and see how it goes”?

Most guys fail to navigate this and end up being locked in a friend zone that they didn’t expect.


If a girl says let’s just be friends first and see how it goes don’t just let your gut down.


Most guys tend to think that if they let the girl handle things the way she wants and be just a nice guy to her, she will end up giving them what they want.


If a girl offers you a hand of friendship and you gladly take it and show her that you are super comfortable in that spot, she will lock you there.


She will lock you there to the extent that you won’t be able to change the relationship because you will be a good friend to her.


When she is too comfortable with you being a friend because you don’t challenge her to change things between you because you are waiting to see how things go, you will end up in a friend zone.


If she says let be friends first and see how it goes don’t show her that you are okay with being just a friend to her. Don’t let her get too close, too comfortable, and too friendly with you.


You have to keep challenging her and showing her that you want something more from her and not just friendship.


This means you will have to change your game; handle her like a woman you are pursuing and not a girl you want to befriend.


Ask her out on dates, hang out with her alone, have deeper conversations with her, show her romantic gestures, and if she is comfortable get physical with her (cuddle, hug her, and hold hands), and don’t forget to express what you feel for her.


When you constantly treat her like a woman you want to have in your life and you keep showing her what your intentions are with her, in the long run, she will get used to the fact that the two of you can’t just be friends.


If she likes you and she sees the vibe between you, she won’t have a reason to push you away.


But if her intentions all along were to put you in a friend zone, it doesn’t matter what you do, she will never give you a chance.



If you are in love with her and she says let’s just be friends first and see how it goes, don’t get too comfortable in that position.


Don’t show her that you are happy being her friend. You have to keep challenging her for her to see that you want more from her.


If you don’t make your move to express what you feel for her once in a while when you are closer to her, she will assume you are okay with being friends and that is where she will lock you up.


She won’t let you spread your wings. Once she gets too comfortable being a friend to you, it will be super hard for you to change her mind.


You will be stuck in a friend zone while another dude who doesn’t even know her favorite color will end up winning her.


Related reads;

  1. If A Girl Says She Has A  Boyfriend Is That Total Rejection?
  2. When A Girl Says She Loves Spending Time With You: It Means?
  3. Should You Be Friends With A Girl Who Rejected You?

Abduljabbar Ali

I am Abduljabbar Ali from Mombasa, Kenya. I have been fortunate enough to travel around Kenya. I will be sharing my travel experience and travel tips with you. Say "Hi" and let us connect.

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