Why She Wants To Be Friends After Rejecting You

A man and a woman having fun outdoors

She now wants to be friends after rejecting you — you have no idea why she still wants you around when she has just told you that she doesn’t want to be with you romantically.


Doesn’t it bother you that she wants you to be close to her when she wants nothing to do with you? How will she even handle that friendship after what she did?


You have no idea why she wants to be friends after rejecting you and that is why you have so many questions about what she is requesting of you.


Should you be friends with a girl who rejected you? I have a detailed answer for you, check out my other article.


Read also; Should You Be Friends With A Girl Who Rejected You?


I will be real with you so you don’t find yourself in a hot soup. Not all girls who will want you to be their friends after they have rejected you, truly mean what they say.


As you continue reading this article, some of the things I’ll share here will shock you, but that is the reality of things out there.


Some girls will be frank with you when they offer you a hand of friendship after rejecting you.


Those who plan to exploit you, won’t be real with you. It will be up to you to figure out what they truly want.


Without wasting time, let me dive deeper into what you want to know about why she wants to be friends after rejecting you.


This is why she wants to be friends after rejecting you;

1. She genuinely wants you around as her friend.

A man and a woman having fun outdoors

If you guys were close since your relationship started platonically this may be true. It can be that she genuinely wants you around as her friend because you have been through a lot together.


After she told you that she can’t be in a relationship with you it clicked in her mind that what she told you might tear you apart.


You have been around her, you have spent so much time together and you even help each other when you are stranded.


She knows that the truth she told you about her not having feelings for you would end up breaking the friendship.


So, it’s like she is telling you that you can be around her, and do the things you used to do together but she will never date you.


She liked the part where you were so close to each other and created so many amazing memories.


It ended up making her feel so comfortable being your friend. She truly wants you as her friend and that is why she told you about it.


The truth is that if she didn’t care about the friendship you had going, she wouldn’t have asked you to be her friend after things had been that awkward between you.


To be honest, even if you accept to be her friend after she has rejected you, things won’t be the way they were before you expressed your feelings for her.


So, before you decide whether to turn her down, you need to think hard enough about what you are about to drag yourself into.


2. She wants your attention.

You have been pursuing her for a while before you made the point of expressing your feelings for her.


This means you were always there for her, you initiated calls and lengthy conversations with her. You were there when she was down and high.


You guys got closer. It’s probably true that she didn’t have a guy back then. If she had a boyfriend you wouldn’t have been so tied up on her.


Read also; When She Says Let’s Be Friends And See Where It Goes.


So, she had no one giving her the attention the way you gave her. You might have been the only guy who made sure she was fine every day.


You checked up on her, brought her random gifts, and even went out together on the weekends.


If she rejected you the first thing you did was to distance yourself from her. You no longer do the things you used to do for her.


The guys she has in her contacts can’t give her the attention you gave her. You put it all in because you were in love with her and you wanted something more.


She got used to the baby girl treatment you gave her, but now that you have decided to cut off the things you used to do for her, this hurts her.


The truth is that she feels lonely or she is scared of being alone and that is why she wants you around as her friend.


She knows that when you agree to be friends with her, you will still do the things you used to do for her.


If you will be friends, you will give her what she wants because you will be close to her. You are in love with her, as long as you are around her, you will give her the attention you used to.


This is because you will convince yourself that she might change her mind about you later on and let you in her life.


If she wants you to be friends because she wants your attention, what happens when she ends up getting someone else who can do the things you used to do for her?


She will cut you off. So, let me just say she wants to use you for your attention. It’s not about friendship.


3. She feels guilty after rejecting you.

You were so kind to her because you were trying to win her in your life. All you did was take care of her as your girlfriend since you thought it would make her give you a positive response.


But that was not the case, she rejected you and now you are in another tricky situation with her again.


The truth is that she knows you are hurt by the reaction you gave her when she told you that she can’t be with you.


She knows you are hurting so bad inside since she cares about you, and this eats her up inside.


All she can see from you is an angry guy who has lost his charm. You are no longer that joyous guy she used to know since things aren’t the same after you realize that she doesn’t feel the same way for you.


You have changed your communication patterns, you no longer spend time together and things are super difficult between you.


She can see all this especially if you are close to each other. If she can’t see it since she is far from you. What you say in your texts and calls conveys the pain you feel.


This makes her feel guilty because when she takes a moment to think about the situation you are in right now, it’s all because of her.


She feels responsible for hurting you and putting you in such a situation.


In other words, she also pities you because she thinks you are in a tough position.


To make herself feel good about the things she told you when you told her about how you feel for her, she wants you around.


When you are around her after she has rejected you, it will give her the chance to wash her guilt away by doing things to make you happy.


She wants to compensate for the pain she caused you without knowing that it’s impossible unless she gives you what you want.


You are probably surprised why she is so nice and kind to you after she has rejected you. She is just guilty for what she did and she wants to use the friendship as an excuse to make herself feel good about rejecting you.


Keeping you around as a friend and being nicer to you is what will help her get over the guilt she feels for rejecting you after all the things you did for her.


4. She wants to see your reaction.

Girls are smart though sometimes they play dumb. She knows that she told you that she can’t be with you because she is not in love with you.


Also, she is aware that she has hurt you so badly. So, ask yourself, where does the audacity of her asking you to be her friend come from?


She is just fishing out for your reaction and that is why she has told you about being friends.


What you will do or say after the request she has made will enable her to know if you are too desperate for her, too much into her or you are okay with moving on to someone else.


If you tell her that you don’t want to be friends with her after she has rejected you, she will know that you don’t want her around.


She will have no choice but to slowly cut ties with you by getting rid of anything that might connect the two of you.


But if you quickly accept to be her friend she might conclude that you are so much into her and you will be around her for a while.


5. She wants to keep you around in case things change.

She might have rejected you because for now she is not ready to be in a relationship or she is just too scared to open her heart to anyone.


A girl will tell you that she has a boyfriend and that is why she doesn’t give you a chance but that is not the reason why.


Not all will admit that they are scared of being vulnerable to someone else. She didn’t tell you about that.


You just assumed she wants nothing to do with you and now you should find a way to move on.


It’s usually hard for women to express their feelings directly to a guy. She doesn’t know how to open up to you about how she wants things to be.


The thing is that she wants to keep you around as a friend in case she finds it easier to open up to you, she will give you a go.


She knows that when you choose to be friends with her after she has rejected you, it will be hard for you to move on or focus on someone else but her.


This is to assure her that you will not get snatched by another girl out there who might be so much into you.


If that happened, she would have lost you for good. Maybe she doesn’t want that to happen and that is why she is giving you the offer of friendship just to prevent that from happening.


When you are close to her, it will be easier for her to pull you in once she feels she is ready for a relationship.


6. She wants to use you.

Not all girls who will tell you that they want to befriend you after they have rejected you mean good.


One part of them is aware that they won’t manage to have the things you used to offer since now you know the reality of things.


If you used to support her financially and emotionally, she knows that things won’t be the same. You will stop giving her the things she wants.


The dates, the gifts you used to buy her, and the places you used to explore together will all be canceled. Since she wants you for what you offer, but she can’t give you her heart, the offer of friendship seems genuine to you.


Especially when a girl realizes that you are so desperate for her and you can’t do anything about what she wants from you, she will want to take advantage of that.


So, be smart about it, and don’t let her blind you by her charm. Why does she care that you are far from her now? We all know that she doesn’t love you.


Don’t get into her trap, she will end up making you a slave.



The choice is yours now that you know why she wants you to be friends after she has rejected you.


In my opinion, don’t be friends with her if all you want from her is a romantic touch. Being close to her as a friend will only hurt you and make matters worse.


So, the best thing you should do is to distance yourself away from her.


But if you think you can be friends with her without bringing about how you feel about her, go ahead and do it.


Related reads;

  1. When A Girl Says She Wants To Take Things Slow: It Means
  2. When A Girl Says She Wants To Have Fun With You: It Means?
  3. If A Girl Says She Has A  Boyfriend Is That Total Rejection?

Abduljabbar Ali

I am Abduljabbar Ali from Mombasa, Kenya. I have been fortunate enough to travel around Kenya. I will be sharing my travel experience and travel tips with you. Say "Hi" and let us connect.

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