Should I Leave My Girlfriend For Being Too Friendly?

A man thinking

Your girlfriend is too friendly with other guys and this hurts you. It makes you feel like she is paying too much attention to other guys while she leaves you aside.


At some point, you feel like she cherishes the other guys more than she does you. She is always so active with these guys and this makes you feel like she is leaving you out.


When it comes to you, the interaction and energy are not the same as she gives to other guys. So, you are thinking to yourself if you should leave her.


Anyway, I get how you feel. Your girlfriend should give you the maximum attention. The other guys who aren’t you shouldn’t be allowed to enjoy too much of her positive energy.


You are the one she is dating, she has to give you everything while the other guys who don’t mean so much to her, should have the least of her attention.


She can’t treat you the same way she treats other guys. If she is doing that, she is doing something wrong, but the first option isn’t always to end the relationship.


As you keep reading the article you will understand why I’m telling you that leaving her isn’t your first solution.


I know it’s something that frustrates you that she is too caught up with other guys. If your first move is to break up with her then you will be ending your relationships with so many girls out there.


It can be that she is even not aware that it bothers you when she is being too friendly with other guys. She does it because she thinks you are cool with it.


You don’t find it a big deal, that is what she thinks because you always act so cool when she is busy hanging out with other guys while you are watching her.


Should I leave my girlfriend for being too friendly?

A man thinking

You shouldn’t leave your girlfriend for being too friendly to other guys as long as she doesn’t do anything that goes against your relationship or breaks the trust between you. What you should do is sit down and talk to her about what she does and tell her how you would like her to handle other guys who aren’t you.


If you leave your girlfriend for being too friendly with other guys that will be so immature. Have you ever heard people breaking up because of this issue?


This is not something you should use to justify the end of your relationship with her. As long as she is not f*cking with the guys she is too friendly with, you shouldn’t think of breaking up with her.


She is your girlfriend and that is why she is with you and not with the other guys she is too friendly with.


This means you have the power to change things around and shape her the way you want her. I know you are afraid to talk about this issue with your girlfriend and that is why you are thinking of breaking up with her.


You think that when you face her and express your discomfort about what she does with the other guys will make you feel like a loser, a jealous and insecure boyfriend.


And this will make you look weak to her. This is why you don’t have the energy to confront and you think you would rather end things up with her.


Ending your relationship with her isn’t the appropriate way to work out this issue. When you are with someone in your life, their responsibility is to ensure that you are happy.


You also must face your girlfriend anytime she is doing something that doesn’t make you happy and let her know about it.


If she doesn’t know that her being too friendly with other guys makes you angry or uncomfortable, she will never stop doing it.


She will continue thinking that you are okay with how she interacts and behaves with the other guys. The moment she realizes that the way she connects with other guys is what bothers you and makes you unhappy, she will be ready to stop because your happiness is her priority.


So, don’t break up with your girlfriend for being too friendly to other guys unless she is giving you red flags and disrespecting you in the process.


If she is flirting with the guys she is being too friendly with it’s clear that she doesn’t respect you at all. She doesn’t deserve to be with you if she can’t maintain respect.


But if she is not doing anything to disrespect you but it’s the thought of her being so close to other guys that bothers you, this is something you can talk about and agree upon.


This is the best way to solve issues in a relationship and not just by ending it.


If your girlfriend is too friendly with other guys, she gives them too much attention than she gives you, you have the right to address her about it.


Let her know that you aren’t happy that she is too friendly with other guys to the extent that she forgets that you need her attention.


Be honest with how about how you feel when she is too close to the other guys. If she knows that what she does hurts your feelings, she will be willing to change things just to make you happy.


She won’t make this a big deal if she is mature enough and she understands the position she is putting you in. This is not something to start an argument about.


Talk to her about it, but don’t ask her to cut her friends off because it irritates you. She will feel like you are taking control of her social life and this might bring another issue.


Just let her know how you would like things to be when it comes to her with the guys she is so friendly with.


What if she refuses to listen to you about how you feel when she is so friendly with other guys?


If she doesn’t listen to you and she doesn’t care about how you feel about what she does, the best thing to do is to distance yourself from her first.


Don’t just make the decision of ending the relationship yet. Create your distance and see how she will behave.


Stop giving her your attention. Don’t act the way you usually do before her. Be completely a different person.


If she cares about you and what you are going through, she will be ready to make a change to make you happy and strengthen the foundation of your relationship.


But if she doesn’t care about you she won’t bother asking why you are distant and she will keep doing what she does.


If she won’t make you a priority she probably doesn’t deserve you. In this case, you will have no choice but to break up with her.


Your girlfriend’s first priority is to make you happy. If she can’t do that then she doesn’t deserve to be with you.


You can’t be with someone who always hurts your feelings. Which kind of a relationship is that?



If your girlfriend is too friendly to other guys first thing you should do is to let her know about how you feel regarding to what she does.


Let her know that you aren’t comfortable and happy the way she interacts with the other guys.


Don’t be afraid that she will conclude you are jealous and insecure. Just be honest with her and tell her everything so that she knows what bothers.


It can be that she doesn’t know that she is doing something that hurts your feelings or makes you feel neglected.


But when she knows that she is making things hard for you, she will be willing to do anything to make you happy.


Don’t give her a reason to think that you want to control her social life. Just her understand that you don’t find it appropriate when she is so close to other guys when she should be giving you maximum attention.


Related reads;

  1. Should You Be Friends With A Girl Who Rejected You?
  2. Why She Tells You When Other Guys Hit On Her
  3. When A Girl Says She Wants To Take Things Slow: It Means

Abduljabbar Ali

I am Abduljabbar Ali from Mombasa, Kenya. I have been fortunate enough to travel around Kenya. I will be sharing my travel experience and travel tips with you. Say "Hi" and let us connect.

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