Traveling Is Not For Everyone: 5 Facts To Know

An image of me strolling in the streets

You may be working hard to travel the world, explore places, try new things, meet people, and learn their culture, history, and language.


Everything you have been doing to get closer to your goals feels like you have just been pushing yourself behind.


Nothing works out the way you expect. Everything seems too hard.


Sometimes the challenges we face when chasing our dreams are meant to show us we are on the right track, but they also show us if something wasn’t meant to be.


Traveling is not for everyone. In this article, I will share some facts that will help you make peace with that.


Traveling is not for everyone: Facts you need to know;

1. If you don’t feel like traveling anymore don’t push yourself too hard.

A picture of me stressed


Let us assume you have worked so hard to get to a point where you can travel the world full-time.


When you started it, everything was in place. You enjoy exploring and even told yourself that you would do it as long as you live.


Days go and everything starts changing. The excitement and thrill you had about traveling doesn’t satisfy you at all.


You don’t perceive your travels the way you used to do. It kinda feels like your priorities have changed.


The internal motivation you had to travel is gradually fading. You would rather just stay in one location and live your life.


You don’t feel like traveling anyone no matter how hard you try to convince yourself you need to.


Things don’t align the same way they used to. Instead of your travels giving you happiness, they do the opposite.


Nothing is exciting about traveling anymore.


You gave yourself a break because you thought you were travel burnt out, but even after 5 months of no travel, you still don’t feel the same way about exploring.


The passport in your bag just doesn’t get you up as it used to.


What you should understand is that traveling is not for everyone. It’s okay for your priorities to shift somewhere else.


If you don’t feel like traveling anymore you don’t need to push yourself towards it.


Listen to your body, check out your recent priorities, ask yourself what you truly want, and go for it.


If traveling doesn’t excite you but something does, accept that and move on with what makes you happy.


Maybe traveling and exploring is not something you want to involve yourself in.


Read also; I Don’t Feel Like Traveling Anymore: 6 Things To Do


2. Don’t follow the trend.

You have seen so much content online about how people live their lives while traveling the world.


It seemed a pretty good idea for you to do the same too. You thought it was something you wanted to do because other people were doing it.


At some point, you convinced yourself that it’s also one of your dreams to travel the world and sleep in different beds every single day.


The idea of moving from country to country came in as a result of the content you consume online.


It’s a trend in the twenty-first century. You hear everyone talking about leaving it all behind and starting a slow and simple life on the coastal shores of the Indian Ocean In BALI.


You see men and women online enjoying themselves out there. They are living their freedom.


Someone like you who is stuck currently with so many responsibilities, a job of 9-5 that you wish you would run away from, and a life that seems so miserable.


This makes you feel that your solution will come in when you start following the trend.


You feel that your life will be more meaningful and exciting when you also start traveling and sharing your experiences with the world.


Many people are doing it, why shouldn’t I do it?  Let me venture into it.


You indulge yourself in something not because it is truly what you want but because of the influence you get from other people.


The Social media platforms just push you into chasing a dream that is not yours.


You were influenced, it’s not that traveling is for you.


If you are thinking that moving from country to country while exploring is going to make your life better and solve your problems, you are lying to yourself.


You only want to travel because of the trend and it’s not because it’s something you are passionate about.


What you should know is that not every problem you have in your life can be solved by you living like a digital nomad.


The travel lifestyle won’t solve all your problems neither is running away from them.


Don’t follow the trend thinking that you will also find salvation from it.


Traveling is not for everyone. Don’t let the media trick you into indulging yourself in it.


3. If nothing gives in just let go of the traveling dream, you tried your best.

Maybe you haven’t started traveling yet, you are still in the process of getting there.


You want to travel the world. This is what you are living for right now.


Nothing else matters when it comes to you other than traveling.


You are so passionate about it. It’s something you have been dreaming of for a very long time.


Things are hard for you, challenges keep dragging you behind and nothing seems to be going your way.


You started saving money to travel the world but you don’t see reaching your goal anytime soon.


Read also; 11 Creative Ways To Save Money For Travelling


Sometimes you go for months without having enough money to save for your trips.


Your income streams are dying, you have a gig that doesn’t pay you enough to clear your bills and save money for your dream.


You are met with unavoidable circumstances and you are forced to take out your savings.


This has been going on for a while. The moment you think you are getting closer another financial tragedy strikes you.


You have been chasing your dreams long enough but you don’t seem to get closer to it.


Nothing gives in. You are stuck and this makes you feel miserable.


What I can tell you is that you have tried your best. You indeed want to travel the world, meet people, explore places, and learn new things along the way.


Everything you have been doing is to get you to reach this goal. But when you make 2 steps forward, you go behind 4 steps.


You don’t seem to be making any progress at all.


What you should know is that it’s okay not to get what you want. We can’t always get everything we want in life.


Life is unfair. You have to accept that you can’t always get everything you wish for.


Traveling is not for everyone. It wasn’t meant for you and that is why nothing seems to be pushing you towards it.


You have tried your best to get somewhere, but all you get to are disappointments.


Accept that you can’t always have what you want in life. That’s life.


It’s what separates you from other people out there. What you are fortunate to have in your life isn’t what someone else is blessed with.


Someone else is fortunate enough to live the lifestyle you are chasing right now. That is what separates the two of you.


You tried your best to achieve the dream of traveling around the world but nothing gives in.


It’s okay, traveling is not meant for everyone. Reach for anything else that will be close to your reach as long as it will make your life meaningful and a happy one.


4. If traveling doesn’t excite you it’s okay.

An image of me strolling in the streets


You have been traveling for a while trying to find some meaning out of it and give yourself a purpose but nothing seems to be working.


At one point you thought that traveling the world was going to give you the thrill of life you are searching for.


You got the chance to start traveling. After several months in it, nothing feels the same.


The zeal you were searching for doesn’t seem to find its way to you.


You still feel the same way you used to. Traveling hasn’t changed a thing in your life.


The problems you were dealing with are still catching up with you, you still feel the same way about your life and you feel that nothing seems to excite you anymore.


The more you travel the world, the lonelier it gets. You have even tried to travel with someone thinking that it is going to change the feeling but nothing changed.


Read also; How To Travel Alone But Not Feel Lonely


The temples, oceans, mountains, and landscapes don’t excite you at all.


It kinda feels like you are in someone’s else life and not yours.


You feel out of place no matter how hard you try to make yourself comfortable in this lifestyle you are leading.


What I can tell you is that it’s okay if you aren’t excited about traveling anymore.


It once made you happy but that changed. You need to make peace with that. Something else is going to give your life the thrill of excitement you are searching for.


You won’t get that from traveling anymore. It wasn’t meant to last for that long.


It’s okay if your travels don’t give you the excitement you were searching for.


You have outgrown it.


Traveling is not for everyone, make peace with that. The sooner you do, the quicker you will find out something else that makes your life colorful.


5. Traveling won’t give you the same satisfaction other people get.

You may be thinking that traveling will make you happy and give your life meaning.


I have seen people chasing their dreams and materialistic things that they thought would make them happy.


As they got closer to what they were fighting for, the more it didn’t make sense.


Instead of finding the tranquility and peace they were searching for, they kept on yearning for something else that was far out of their reach.


You may spend all your life fighting for something thinking that it will give you purpose and define your life, but it will never suffice you.


Traveling is not for everyone, not all people who will venture into this lifestyle will get what they are searching for.


If traveling satisfies someone else, it doesn’t mean that it will do the same thing for you.


You may be thinking that if you manage to just get that flight away from your home and start exploring a new country everything will fall into place.


There is no way you can guarantee that you will be that way because traveling is not everyone’s lifestyle.



Traveling is not for everyone. Don’t fight so hard for this kind of lifestyle thinking it will make you happy and give your life meaning.


Don’t lay all your cards on this kind of a lifestyle thinking it will give you what you want.


It’s a good idea to try this lifestyle and see if it suits you.


When you get the chance to explore, jump on it. By doing it, you will know for sure if it’s something you can do or not.


By doing it, you will know if this is what you truly want or not.


If you have tried everything to fit in this nomad lifestyle but nothing makes you feel satisfied just know that it’s not meant for you.


Traveling is not for everyone. If you prefer to settle somewhere and live a slow life, you should take that up.


Do what makes you happy and gives your life a sense of direction.


Related reads;

  1. Traveling Alone For The First Time? [Your Ultimate Guide]
  2. 5 Ways To Make Passive Income While Travelling
  3. I Want To Travel The World Where Do I Start? Do This


Abduljabbar Ali

I am Abduljabbar Ali from Mombasa, Kenya. I have been fortunate enough to travel around Kenya. I will be sharing my travel experience and travel tips with you. Say "Hi" and let us connect.

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