When A Girl Asks What Do You See In Me: It Means? (+Answers)

a woman with a short hairs and black T-shirt looking in front

She faced you after you expressed and asked, “What do you see in me?”


This is a question that she expects you to give her decent answers. Whether you like it or not, she might reject you if you give her the wrong answer.


Anyway, I am going too far already, it’s just the beginning of the article. Before I give you an idea of navigating such a phrase, first you have to know what it means and why she asked you such a question.


Without wasting time, let me dive deeper into it.


What does it mean when a girl asks, “What do you see in me?”

a woman with a short hairs and black T-shirt looking in front

When a girl asks, “What do you see in me?” it means she just wants to understand why you have fallen for her. She wants you to clarify why you chose to approach her instead of someone else.


She doesn’t want you to keep telling her how you feel about her. The thing is that she already knows that you are into her.


The only thing she wants to know is why you think she is the best woman for you.


This is the explanation that she is hoping to get from you.


Also, when a girl asks you this kind of question, it can be that she isn’t sure if what you are telling her is true.


It’s like she doesn’t think you deserve to fall in love with her because she is nothing much better than the other girls.


It’s kinda like she has low self-esteem, and she doesn’t think for a second a guy like you (better) would end up falling in love with someone like her.


She wants you to open up to her and tell her why you think she is even worth your time.


Girls who are dealing with low self-esteem issues will always want reassurance and a deep explanation as to why your heart pointed towards them.


Maybe she thinks that she is not that attractive enough for you to fall for her. She can’t give you what you want, being with her will only waste your time.


This is another case. You will have to reassure her that what you see in her is something incredible…


More of how to answer that question will follow, for now just understand what it means and why she asked you such a question.


Let me add another reason why she asked, “What do you see in me?”


It can be that she thinks she is way above your status, what she thinks is that you can’t give her what she wants because you have nothing to offer and your life is just out of balance.


You have issues handling your life, what makes you think that you can handle her and deal with your life messes at the same time?


What you see in her is a beauty that you can’t manage. If you have noticed that she is beautiful, can you take care of her the way she wants?


What you see in her is something you can’t afford. So, she is asking you this question because she wants to know if maybe you have noticed another side of her that you can manage.


You should conclude this if the girl is above your age, her ego is up to the sky, and if she has been looking down upon you most of the time.


How to tell a girl what you see in her

So, before I give you some of the responses you can use to reply to this question, first you have to know how to go about it.


When a girl wants to know what you see in her, should you just talk about what you see physically?


Should you be poetic a little bit and maybe she may end up giving you a chance?


How should you tell her that you have seen something incredible in her and that you want to keep her in your life?


This is how to tell a girl what you see in her;

  1. There is no specific way of telling a girl why you fell in love with her (there is no formula).
  2. Be yourself and just talk about what you like in her (don’t start expressing your feelings again).
  3. Talk of the moments that convinced you that she is the perfect woman for you.
  4. If she has ever done anything for you that made a significant change in your life, talk about it.
  5. Talk of her personality, dedication, character, charm, and anything else that makes her an incredible girlfriend for you.
  6. At last, also add something negative about her that you aren’t really a fan of.


If you follow these tips I have shared with you, you will crash it. She will have no worries about why you fell in love with her.


What you should know is that the answers you are going to give her can make it easier or harder for you to win her.


If you aren’t genuine about what you want from her, she will notice it, if she is smart.


Trust me, a girl can see it from a mile away when you are all about games and you don’t want something real with her.


Especially if she is a woman who has been in so many relationships in the past or she is just experienced.


The answers to the question, “What do you see in me?”

  1. You have a personality that pushes me to be the best guy ever whenever I am around you.
  2. What I see is a girl who changed my life from step A to B.
  3. What I see is beyond what the eyes can tell, you should only ask what my heart feels for you (A clever way of turning things around).
  4. I believe you are capable of making me happy, changing me for the better, and give a sense of direction in what I do.
  5. What I can see right now is your beauty, but what I can fathom is how far the two of us can go.
  6. You may think that you aren’t worth the price, but what I see in front of me is a beauty that melts my eyes.
  7. At first, when I met you, I only saw the radiant beauty, but I came to realize that you are just more than a pretty *ss and face. (Continue by adding the things about her that entice you).
  8. I can’t see anything in you, but what I can foresee is how great partners we will be for each other.
  9. I can see a woman who is ready to sacrifice everything just to make anything that she wants in life go through, including our relationship if it happens.
  10. I know you are a woman who can make my life easier, and happier and spice it up a little bit.
  11. You are not just like any other girl I have fallen in love with in the past, you are an exceptionally, beautiful, talented, and brilliant woman who is going to give me the happiest family I could ever ask for.



When you answer this question, try your level best not to say anything that might suggest that you are after the wrong thing.


If you say anything that doesn’t align with what she wants, she won’t give you the chance. It will suggest that you aren’t on the same page.


For instance, if she is not the kind of a girl who would prefer to be in a serious relationship (with commitments and all that), don’t start talking about seeing a future with her.


Read also; When A Girl Says She Wants To Have Fun With You: It Means?


You will only mess things up and she will immediately pull away from you.


When you notice that she is a little bit unsure about what you feel for her, keep expressing your feelings and add on why you want her to be your girlfriend.


If she doesn’t think she is good enough for you, keep reassuring her that she is the best thing you can hope for in your life.


Let her see that she is worth the price, she is someone important and you are ready to let her be part of your life.


All the best.


Related reads;

  1. When A Girl Says Tell Me Something Interesting: It Means
  2. When A Girl Texts You First: It Means?
  3. Why She Wants To Be Friends After Rejecting You

Abduljabbar Ali

I am Abduljabbar Ali from Mombasa, Kenya. I have been fortunate enough to travel around Kenya. I will be sharing my travel experience and travel tips with you. Say "Hi" and let us connect.

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