When A Girl Ends The Conversation First: It Means?

a man looking at a woman walking next to him

When you are talking to a girl and she decides to end the conversation first without any solid reason, this is a huge sign that you shouldn’t take it for granted.


It’s not a good sign, it’s a negative one. So, if you thought that you were making strides when it comes to winning her, you are just lying to yourself.


In this article, I will share some of the common reasons why a girl would end a conversation first and what it means.


I will also add some things that you should do if you want to make sure that she doesn’t do that.


So, without wasting time, let me dive deep into this topic.


What does it mean when a girl ends the conversation first?

a man looking at a woman walking next to him

When a girl ends the conversation first without any solid reason it means she is not interested in talking to you, she is probably bored by the topic you are talking about, she doesn’t feel the vibe or she just doesn’t think you are worth her time.


In most cases, when a girl ends the conversation first, just know that she is not feeling it.


You are always the one pushing her to talk to you but she usually doesn’t want to talk to you.


I am pretty sure that you are always the one initiating the conversations. You keep texting and calling her but she never does that. When you see each other you are always the first one to say hello.


Read also; She Never Calls I Always Call Her: Here’s Why


Maybe she always tells you that she has something going on and that she has to leave even before you share what you want to.


Ask yourself, how is it that she always has something going on when you are about to start a long conversation with her?


She always cuts you short with the excuse that she has to be somewhere, she has to run some errands and so much BS.


The truth is that if she keeps giving you the same excuses over and over just to cut the communication short, this means that she doesn’t want to talk to you.


But she doesn’t want to tell you the truth thinking that it might hurt your feelings or you will end up cutting her off when you are still of use and that is why she keeps entertaining you.


That is the reality of things even if you don’t want to admit it. A girl may pretend that she cares about you just to keep you around.


She wants your attention, you are the guy she will call when she is bored and she has no one else to keep her company.


Read also; Why She Wants To Be Friends After Rejecting You


So, if she tells you that she doesn’t feel it when you strike up any conversation with her, it might ruin things for her.


If a girl is interested in you, she will always be willing to spend hours talking to you about things that you haven’t even asked her to talk about.


She will keep the conversation going even when she has nothing to talk about.


Another thing that you will notice is that she will be giving you her full attention when you share some stories with her.


She will be excited to hear more from you and she will add to the conversation if it relates to her situation.


Even if a girl is an introvert, if she likes you, she will never think of ending the conversation first unless there are some things she is working on and she has to save some time.


She will always be willing to sit next to you, listen to you talk about different topics and she will show genuine interest in what you talk about even if she doesn’t like it.


If it turns out that she doesn’t like what you talk about, she will let you know about it so that you change the topic.


She won’t just cut the conversation short and walk away from you even without you opening up your heart for her.


Read also; When A Girl Says Tell Me Something Interesting: It Means


So, what you should take away from this article is that if a girl always ends the conversation first, she is just not on your radar. You are not someone she would like to spend her time talking to.


She just doesn’t want to say it but that is the truth, she is only entertaining you because sometimes you are of use to her.


What to do when a girl keeps ending the conversation first

If she always ends the conversation first it will be so hard for you to get her by your side. You won’t manage to share everything you want with her.


And if she is to fall in love, knowing that you are into her and you want something more, is by first hearing it coming from your mouth.


You may also be the reason why she always ends the conversation first, so you need to style up and bring something new that can capture her attention.


If you aren’t talking about anything interesting, you aren’t straightforward, she won’t find the need to sit next to you for hours when you aren’t delivering anything.


So, if she ends the conversation first you need to ask yourself what you are doing wrong, is it the topic you choose to talk about?


Is she interested in what you always talk about with her? If she is not a football fan don’t start rumbling about sports with her.


You will only bore her and she will have no choice but to cut you short. So, you need to talk about things that she enjoys hearing, be creative a little, and bring something that will spike her interest to hear.


Avoid talking about topics that she hates, avoid making her mad deliberately when she is with you, and always give her a hint of what you want to talk about with her instead of beating around the bush.


Other women want a straightforward guy.


Let her know that you would like to talk to her so that she will stay and listen to you. But if you say hi and don’t say anything afterward she won’t know that you want to talk to her.


She will just end the conversation because there is no need for her to be next to you when you have nothing important to share with her.


The moment she reaches her threshold she is going to cut you short and walk away, and next time it will be hard for you to get hold of her.


Another thing you can do is to talk to her and let her know how you feel about what she does.


It can be that she has no idea that it bothers you when she ends the conversation first before you even talk about what you want.


She is not an angel. If she is not doing it deliberately she will change and try her best to give you her full attention for you to talk about what you want with her.


You also have the right to confront her and let her know that you don’t like what she does.


If she is doing it just to piss you off, you will know about it by the response she is going to give you.


You don’t have to hide your frustration if what she does is something that doesn’t make you happy.


If she is not interested in talking to you, other women will be willing to spend hours sharing their life stories with you.


Also, talking about this issue will give you a clue if she is interested in you or not.


But if she is just a friend and she always cuts you short in every conversation.


Don’t bother talking to her. Ignore her and focus on the people who are genuinely interested in talking to you.



If a girl always ends the conversation first, it means she is not interested in talking to you.


You are just disturbing her. If you stop initiating conversations, she won’t even try to say hi to you.


Sometimes it has to do with what you talk about. Don’t talk about something she doesn’t like or make her angry every time she is about to sit next to you and start a conversation.


You should talk to her if you feel her actions are wrong. This hot conversation you will have with her is what will give you an idea if she does this deliberately or if she has no idea if she is hurting you.


Don’t force yourself on her if she doesn’t seem to notice you when you don’t start talking to her.


She is not on your radar, bro, so she always pretends to be too busy to spend some minutes talking to you.


Related reads;

  1. When A Girl Wants You To Visit Her: It Means?
  2. When A Girl Asks What Do You See In Me: It Means? (+Answers)
  3. She Says She Wants To Focus On Herself: It Means?

Abduljabbar Ali

I am Abduljabbar Ali from Mombasa, Kenya. I have been fortunate enough to travel around Kenya. I will be sharing my travel experience and travel tips with you. Say "Hi" and let us connect.

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