When A Girl Gives You Money: It Means?

A woman giving money

When a girl gives you money what does it truly mean? Does she think you are broke and you can’t support yourself at all? Or is she doing it out of kindness and generosity?


In this article, I will share with you what it means when a girl gives you money and some of the reasons why she does it.


It doesn’t matter if she is your girlfriend or just a friend, I will break down everything you need to know about this situation.


When a girl gives you money the first thing you should know is that she just cares about you.


It’s the part of her being caring and generous to you. If you are close it’s she cares so much about you and she knows more about you.


All the knowledge she has about you is enough for her to determine what you want. But there might be more to what she does.


There are two sides of the coin I’ll discuss in this article; the first part is her giving you money after you have asked her to help you and the other is that she just gives you money without you asking her to.


If a girl gives you money after you have asked her to help you out, she does it because she knows you are stranded and you need her financial support.


She gives you the money since you truly need it. She cares about you, she doesn’t want to see you struggling financially when she can help you clear some of your bills.


The part of her giving you money after you have asked her to support you or after sharing with her your financial constraints — still shows that she cares about you.


What if she just gives you money without you asking her to, or telling her about your financial issues?


That is what we are going to cover in the entire part of this article. But first, let me get this out of the way.


What does it mean when a girl gives you money?

When a girl gives you money without you asking for her support it means she cares about you. She has realized that you are struggling financially and that is why she has decided to give you the money.


If you have been close to each other she probably knows you so much better than you know yourself.


The way you handle yourself next to her shows everything she wants to know about you. If you have been having it hard, she knows about it.


Even if you don’t tell her that you are struggling to clear your bills, she sees it all.


So, if she gives you money it’s in the hope that it will help you clear your bills, and get yourself some new shoes and clothes.


At some point, you might end up thinking that she is treating you like a charity program. Which is the worst thing a girl you are interested in can take you for.


If you are interested in her and you get closer to her to win her, it might turn out to be super hard for you to do that if she is taking you to a charity program.


Damn! I can’t imagine being in such a situation with a girl that I’m so hooked up to. It will be super hard to get your way around it.


When a girl gives you money it shows that she is just caring — she wants to help you out sort your issues before things get worst.


Depending on your connection with her, it might mean more when a girl gives you money.


This is why she gives you money;

1. She wants to help you pay your bills.

A woman giving money

The main reason why a girl would give you money in the first place is to help you clear your bills.


If she thinks you are struggling to clear your bills, she will choose to help you even without you asking her.


She knows that you are in a tough situation and she just wants to help you clear up the bills and make things easier for you.


You may have not told her that you are having issues clearing up your bills but she knows exactly what you are going through especially if you spend so much time together.


She sees through you. So, if you are truly having a hard time paying your bills, she is giving you money because she knows you need it more than she does.


In another case, if you talked to her about how things are driving you nuts when it comes to clearing your bills, this is the reason why she gives you money.


You may not have asked her to give you but she just did it because she thinks you need it.


2. She wants you to know that she can take care of herself.

If she is your girlfriend or a girl you are trying to win, when she gives you money without you asking her to, she is trying to prove a point.


It’s like she is telling you that she can take care of herself financially and she doesn’t want you to worry about her.


She can buy herself the things she wants, she can pay for the dates, and even spoil you.


It’s not that she came to you because she wants you for your money. She is capable of taking care of herself financially.


The only thing you should worry about is yourself. Sometimes when a girl tries to get closer to you without you trying any stunts, it might end up feeling that it’s a trap.


Deep down you will think that she has an ulterior motive for coming so close to you.


Maybe she just got close to me because she is trying to use me for my money.


She is turning things around to make you realize that she is not a gold digger. What she wants from you is just love and attention.


You don’t have to worry about her using you for money or making you her bank. She is trying to tell you that she has it all covered.


When a girl gives you money it will click that she doesn’t have money issues. So, you won’t worry about her draining you financially.


3. She wants to motivate you to keep working on your goals.

If a girl keeps giving you money it’s just a way to motivate you to keep working even harder on your goals.


The truth is that as a man you won’t be happy that a girl gives you money. Even though she may be doing it to help you out, it will hit you that you need to be the one supporting her and not the other way around.


You will know that you need to work hard to be able to give her money and support her when she is stranded. This will charge you and thus motivate you more to work on your goals.


As a man, you won’t like to feel helpless. She knows that you won’t always be happy when she gives you money.


Finally, you will do something about your situation so that you won’t take any cash from her.


If you have bills to clear it will be hard for you to reject the money she gives you.


The pain of not being able to reject that cash is what will remind you every single day that you need to make money.


This will push you to find several ways of making money so that you get yourself back and also be able to say no when she offers you money.


If what she does won’t wake you up and start working on yourself and find means to support yourself, you truly have a problem.


4. It is just a treat.

When a girl gives you money she wants you to buy yourself something that is going to make you happy.


This is just a treat.


If you use the money to buy yourself a ticket to Indonesia, it will make you happy.


It may be her gift to you because she didn’t know what to get you with the money she had.


You don’t need a reason to treat someone you care about. If you are close, this is just a treat or a way of her saying thanks for the good things you have done for her.


5. She likes you.

If it reaches the extent where a girl gives you money without you asking for her help, it shows how she feels about you.


She likes you and cares so much about you and that is why she is giving money that she could have used to spoil herself.


The truth is that she also needs the money to buy herself things but she is giving it to you anyway.


Even if she is rich, she could have used the money to get herself a ticket to an exotic island and enjoy herself.


If it’s not that much money, she could have used that money to buy herself chocolate bars but she chose to prioritize you.


She chose to give you the money because she cares about you, she likes you and she wants to make you happy.


If a girl doesn’t like you she won’t even think of giving you a dollar. Why should she spend her money on you when you mean nothing to her?


But if she likes you, the money she has won’t mean anything if she won’t use it to make the person she cares about happy.


If she is just a friend and you haven’t expressed yourself how you feel about her, it’s time that you do it.



When a girl gives you money and you don’t know why she does it, you have the right to ask her.


Let her tell you why she does it. But if you need the money that she gives you, take it but think of a way to get yourself out of that bubble.


You need to work on yourself and make money to support her, and not the other way around. If you keep taking the money she gives you, it will reach a point where she will look down upon you.


At first, she won’t mind but it will reach a point where that will be a point of concern to her.


But if you feel that she is giving you money just to make you feel low about yourself, reject the money she gives you.


Work hard on your hustles and pay your bills. She will respect you for that.


Related reads;

  1. When A Girl Texts You First: It Means?
  2. Should You Be Friends With A Girl Who Rejected You?
  3. When A Girl Comes Over To Your House: It Means?

Abduljabbar Ali

I am Abduljabbar Ali from Mombasa, Kenya. I have been fortunate enough to travel around Kenya. I will be sharing my travel experience and travel tips with you. Say "Hi" and let us connect.

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