When A Girl Hides When She Sees You: What Does It Mean?

a woman hiding a closet

When a girl hides when she sees you, it can mean that she is avoiding you, or she is just shy.


These are just some of the common reasons why a girl would hide when she sees you.


But there are more reasons that I will share with you as you keep reading this article.


Without wasting time, let me start by sharing what it means when a girl hides when she sees you.


You need to know what it means so that you have an idea of how you can prevent it from happening.


If you want to talk to her and she hides when she sees you, the chances of you getting hold of her are going to be super slim.


What does it mean when a girl hides when she sees you?

When a girl hides when she sees you, it means she is trying to avoid you. It could be that she doesn’t want you to see her because she is not ready to face you, to talk about anything, or she is just shy. It could also be that she is embarrassed because she is not looking her best today.


If there is nothing wrong between you and you have never done anything to give her a reason to hide from you, just know that it has something to do with how she feels about being close to you.


But if there is something you want from her and she is now hiding when she sees you, it’s because of what you need from her.


She doesn’t want to give you what you want, and that is why she hides when she sees you.


If you don’t notice her, it will be hard for you to ask her for the thing you want so badly.


It could be that you expressed your feelings to her, but she didn’t tell you what she feels for you.


You are hanging because you don’t know what she thinks of you. She is now hiding from you because she doesn’t want to give you the answer.


But if nothing is going on between you and she still hides when she sees you, she is super shy.


Let me explain in more detail for you to understand why a girl would hide when she sees you.


This is why she hides when she sees you:

1. She is shy.

a woman hiding a closet

The first common reason why a girl hides when she sees you is that she is shy.


What you should know is that girls are usually super shy. Most of them don’t have the courage to face guys.


If she is someone you have just met recently and you are still getting to know each other, she is just not used to you yet.


It’s not that she is avoiding you. Your charm may be too much for her, and that is why she can’t face you.


She has to hide from you.


Anyway, what you should know is that shy girls don’t have a reason to hide from you.


It’s just who they are—they will hide from you even when there is nothing serious going on between you.


So, don’t ask yourself so many questions if you know she is the type of girl who is demure.


If she doesn’t look you straight in the face when she talks to you, doesn’t tell you what she wants, and does her best to avoid talking to you, she is shy.


These are some signs of a shy girl. If any of what you have just read is true about her, you are right to conclude that she is just shy.


2. She likes you.

“Why would she hide when she sees me if she likes me?” I know that is the first question you might ask.


When a girl likes you, everything about you becomes tricky and hard to handle.


It won’t be easy for her to face you and initiate a conversation the way she does with other people.


When a girl likes you, everything about you is special to her. She also cares about how you will perceive her.


She will do her best to avoid anything that might make her look odd. If she likes you, she is probably trying to get your attention.


She wants you to choose her, and for you to pick her, she has to match your expectations.


Everything she does will be to show you that she is the best girl you could be with in your life.


She hides when she sees you because she doesn’t want the challenge of starting a conversation with you or responding to the words you will say to her.


A girl may have feelings for you but will hide them. In most cases, it’s because she thinks you may not feel the same way, which would end up hurting her.


It’s hard for a girl to express her feelings to a guy. She hides when she sees you because she doesn’t want to get into a situation that forces her to show how she feels about you when she is trying so hard to hide it.


3. She is embarrassed.

If she hides when she sees you, it could also be because she feels embarrassed.


Maybe something happened during your last encounter that destroyed her confidence completely.


She now hides when she sees you because of what happened the last time you were together.


When a girl feels embarrassed about something, she will not feel comfortable facing you.


She will do everything she can to distance herself from you until you forget what happened.


If she did something that she thought would only bring her shame, this could be the reason why she hides when she sees you.


Would you want your friend to see you after you have done something embarrassing?


He or she might laugh at you or make fun of how things went, which would end up hurting your feelings.


She may be hiding for the same reason.


Alternatively, it could be that she is not looking her best. She thinks that you will comment negatively about how she looks.


That’s why she doesn’t want you to see her. Maybe she is used to you always seeing her glowing, but today she has no makeup or fancy clothes.


She doesn’t look good, and she fears you might comment on it, which she doesn’t want to hear. That’s why she hides when she sees you.


4. She doesn’t want to talk to you.

If she is not a shy girl, and she hides when she sees you, it’s because she doesn’t want to talk to you.


She knows that the moment you see her, the first thing you will do is approach her and start a conversation she doesn’t want to have.


It could be that you always talk about things she is not interested in or doesn’t want to hear.


It’s hard for her to tell you to stop talking because she doesn’t want to hurt your feelings.

The best thing for her to do is hide from you when she sees you to avoid these conversations.


Another possibility is that you did something to hurt her or make her angry, and that is why she doesn’t want to talk to you.


She doesn’t want to stand in front of you, explaining things about what happened, which is why she hides from you.


Maybe she doesn’t want to remember what happened last time, and that’s why she hides.


She thinks that when you see her, you will start talking about what happened, and this will take her back to the messy situation she is trying to avoid.


So, if something happened that made her angry or caused her to distance herself from you, she is hiding from you because she doesn’t want to talk about it.


She doesn’t want to talk to you about anything that happened.


5. She wants to get your attention.

Why would a girl want your attention but at the same time hide from you? Does it make sense?


Women can be complicated to understand, and you might find yourself asking many questions about what’s going on.


She wants your attention but hides when she sees you. How would she get your attention by hiding?


When a girl keeps hiding when she sees you, at some point, you will notice that she has been avoiding you.


This is enough to drive you nuts. You will want to know why she hides when she sees you.


You won’t get the answers from the internet—you will have to get closer to her and ask her yourself.


This is enough for you to give her the attention she wanted so badly.


Your curiosity will be the reason why you give her the attention she seeks.


This is another trick girls use to get men’s attention. Right now, you are here searching for the reason why she hides when she sees you. It’s all because she already got your attention.


Read also; What Does It Mean When A Girl Wants Your Attention?


6. She might be keeping a secret from you.

She hides when she sees you because she has a secret she is trying to keep from you.


If you manage to get closer to her, it will be hard for her to keep bottling up everything she is hiding.


She will eventually find herself telling you everything she has been keeping from you for days or weeks.


The only way for her secret to remain a secret is by hiding when she sees you and avoiding getting too close to you.


In another case, it could be that she feels guilty about something she did. She feels compelled to tell you everything, but she doesn’t believe you will forgive her.


That might be the reason why your relationship with her could end. She is hiding from you because she doesn’t want to open up and tell you everything she is hiding.


She knows that when you get closer to her and start talking, you will eventually find out what she has been keeping secret from you.


You should consider this if you are close to her and something has been going on between you.



When a girl hides from you, just know that she might be shy, avoiding you because there is something she doesn’t want you to know, embarrassed by how she looks, or keeping a secret.


In most cases, when a girl is shy and likes you, she will not face you. She will try to distance herself from you even if she cares about you.


She will avoid close contact with you because things are a little weird when it’s just the two of you.


If there is a romantic connection between you, she hides because she likes you but doesn’t have the courage to tell you directly that she wants something more.


She wants you to figure out what’s going on and make your move.


When a girl hides when she sees you, and you still have no idea, even after reading this article, you need to confront her and ask her.


It could be that she is hiding from you because of something silly that you could easily work on.


The entire article has now been corrected for grammar, with no changes to the wording. If you’d like further revisions or clarifications, feel free to ask!


Related reads;

  1. When a Girl Hides Her Boyfriend From You: It Means?
  2. She Wants You To Meet Her Friends: It Means?
  3. When A Girl Ends The Conversation First: It Means?

Abduljabbar Ali

I am Abduljabbar Ali from Mombasa, Kenya. I have been fortunate enough to travel around Kenya. I will be sharing my travel experience and travel tips with you. Say "Hi" and let us connect.

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