When A Girl Says She Loves Spending Time With You: It Means?

A man and a woman hanging out

When a girl says she loves spending time with you, she tries to express how she feels around you.


If a girl enjoys being around you this definitely shows that your relationship with her is on another level.


Though there might be several things she is trying to make you aware of the main one always has to do with how she feels when she is around you.


In this article, I will share what it means when a girl says she loves spending time with you and why she says it.


What does it mean when a girl says she loves spending time with you?

When a girl says she loves spending time with you it means she is expressing how she feels around you. It shows she feels comfortable around you, she likes how you handle her and she wants you to acknowledge that she enjoys being around you.


So, when a girl says that she enjoys spending time with you it has to do with your connection with her.


Most girls will try to play hard to get or make you feel intimidated so that you don’t get over yourself.


They will try so hard to hide how they feel when they are around you that you are stuck in guesswork and chasing signs.


When a girl says she loves spending time with you she wants you to know exactly how she perceives everything you do when you are around each other.


She wants you to know that you are doing the right thing and she would like to keep spending more time with you.


What does it mean if a girl likes to spend time with you?

If a girl likes spending time with you it means that she likes you. You are an interesting guy, you make her feel special because of how you handle her and talk to her. She wants you to know that she enjoys hanging out with you so that you keep bringing on the good vibes.


What you need to know is that if a girl enjoys hanging out with you it is because you are doing things right.


You don’t bring negativity or make her feel weird when she is around you.


You show her respect and handle her the way she wants. Despite everything you do when you are with her, you make her feel good about herself.


Girls love being around someone who makes them feel special, wanted, and loved. If she says she enjoys your company, you are doing everything right.


Anyway, there is always a reason when a girl says anything to you. When she says she enjoys hanging out with you it’s not all for the sake of spitting the words to you.


She wants you to understand and acknowledge what is going on between you. What she is trying to do is indirectly express herself.


Let me go further and explain to you why a girl says she loves spending time with you.


This is why she loves spending time with you;

1. She likes you.

A man and a woman hanging out

The first reason why she told you she loves spending time with you it’s because she likes you.


It’s one way of her saying that you are an incredible guy and she enjoys every second she is around you.


A girl will never love spending time with you if she doesn’t like you. She will do everything to avoid you, cut the time short when she is next to you, or always turn you down whenever you ask her out on a date.


If a girl says she loves spending time with you it is because you are someone she adores.


It can be that you are not even doing anything incredible to make her feel so special other than sitting down with her and listening to what she says.


To her, this seems something incredible because it clicks with her expectations and what she hopes to achieve from you.


She likes you but she is expressing it indirectly by saying that she just loves spending time with you.


Think about it, why would she say that she loves spending time with you? This all reflects on how she feels about you when she is with you.


A girl will only feel this way if there is a certain connection she has with you.


The connection she may have with you may either be romantic or platonic; it all depends on how deep she is into you.


If you are always doing things together, you travel around the world together and you spend some time working on things you care about without bringing anything romantic in between — she is saying that she loves spending time with you not because she likes you romantically.


Read also; When A Girl Wants To Travel With You: It Means?


The nature of your relationship with her is platonic since you have never been involved in anything romantic between the two of you.


She loves it that way and this clearly shows that you are the best friend she has ever had.


You are in her friend zone and that is why she says she enjoys spending time with you.


But if you always get romantic when she is around you; you touch her randomly, cuddle with her, take her out for dinner, buy her flowers, hold hands when you are with her in public, and cook her meals at your place — this shows that she likes you romantically.


She is trying to tell you that she has feelings for you by indirectly telling you that she loves hanging out with you.


She is telling you indirectly because it is hard for girls to express their feelings to men directly.


Most of them don’t have the courage. They will either use signs or put you in a position to figure out how they feel about you.


So, if there is something romantic between you going on but you haven’t made things clear to each other about what you want, she wants you to know that she likes you romantically.


She doesn’t mind if you will take things further and spice up the relationship between you.


2. She feels comfortable with you.

Another reason why she says she loves spending time with you is because she feels comfortable around you.


When she is with you she is at ease. She does not feel pressured to do things she doesn’t like or change who she is just to please you.


She is completely herself when she is with you because you do things to make her feel relaxed and safe with you.


When a girl is comfortable around you it shows the level of how incredible your relationship with her is.


Your relationship with her is on good terms. She is happy with where the two of you are.


A girl will only feel comfortable with you when you do the things she wants you to, you handle her the way she wants you to and you make her feel safe.


If you always find a way to make her comfortable by giving her drinks and food, saying nice things to her, and making her feel herself, this is why she says she loves spending time with you.


She is in her comfort zone when she is with you and that is why she enjoys hanging out with you.


It can be a good thing or a bad one when a girl feels comfortable around you depending on what you are pursuing.


If she feels comfortable with you handling her as a friend and nothing more, this shows that the moment you turn things around and want something more from her, that will make her uncomfortable and she might pull herself away from you.


Since she is at ease when you handle her like a friend she will want things to be that way.


She told you that she loves spending time with you because you don’t put her out of her comfort zone.


She likes things the way they are right now.


But if you always try to make your move on her romantically and she seems fine with it to the extent of her telling you that she enjoys hanging out with you, it shows that she is comfortable with you doing what you do when she is around.


If you have feelings for her, this is your chance to show her that you need more because it will be much easier for you to pull her to your side.


3. You treat her the way she wants.

She says that she loves spending time with you because you treat her the way she wants.


What you do when you are with her is exactly what she wants and expects from you and that is why she is telling you she enjoys being around you.


She wants you to know that she finds it super incredible that you make an effort to do the things you do.


If you always play video games together, walk around the park, take her to the beach, and spend hours watching movies together — she likes all these things you do with her.


It makes her feel happy and makes the time you spend together memorable and that is why she says she loves spending it with you.


You give her the attention she wants, you listen to her, you make her happy, and make her forget the worst days of her life.


If a girl loves spending time with you it has to do with the things you do and the words you say when she is around you.


The truth is that if you did or said anything that made her feel bad being around you, she wouldn’t have told you that she enjoys spending her time with you.


She would have avoided you, cut the time short, and slowly cut off communication with you.


If you were searching for a sign that you were doing the right thing, this is one way of you knowing that you have been on the right track all along.


4. She wants you to know that she acknowledges your effort.

When a girl says she loves spending time with you it’s one way of her letting you know that she appreciates everything you do for her when she is around.


It can be that you always try your best to make her feel comfortable and happy when she is around you.


She sees all the effort you put in to make her feel happy whenever she is with you.


The only way to make you realize that she is happy with what you do for her is by expressing herself.


She is grateful that you do things to make her feel at ease whenever she is around, you make her feel special and wanted.


When you do something for a girl and she ends up showing you that she appreciates everything you do for her, it will make you put even more effort into making her happy.


She wants you to know that she is aware of everything you do for her and she is thankful for that.


It’s always nice to have someone around who appreciates the work you put into the relationship to make things work.


5. She wants you to keep her around.

When a girl wants you to hold her close and not let her go, she will say things to make you feel special.


If she knows that you are likely to stop spending time with her and focus on something or someone else, she will try everything she can to make you keep her around.


Especially when she knows that she has an added advantage because of how you feel for her — she will say the things you want to hear so that you keep her around.


In some cases, it can be that she is using you for your money and attention and she doesn’t want you to stop.


Since you kinda have a thing for her and you don’t want to lose her to someone else, you are determined to keep her close.


When you realize that the things you do to make her happy work in your favor, you will keep doing them.


She will tell you things you want to hear for you to keep doing the things she wants you to.


The truth is that if she tells you that she doesn’t like being around you yet you spend so much money on her just to make her happy, you will stop the things you do.


You will stop asking her out, you will distance yourself from her, you will stop giving her the attention she wants and you might even cut her off.


But if you are aware that she enjoys the things you do when you are together and that it’s one way of you winning her, you will keep her around as long as she wants.


So, when a girl says that she loves spending time with you it doesn’t always mean that it is for your benefit. It may be a way of her manipulating you into giving her more of your attention.


She doesn’t have anyone else to keep her entertained and busy and that is why she is charging you up.


Take a moment and look at how she handles you and what she always request from you to realize if she is just using you or she genuinely means it when she says she loves hanging out with you.



When a girl says she loves spending time with you it means she likes you, she feels comfortable around you and you treat her the way she wants you to.


The things you do together makes her feel herself and happy.


She is expressing how she feels when she is with you so that you keep doing the right things.


Anyway, if a girl says she loves spending time with you it doesn’t necessarily mean she is in love with you.


It can be that she only enjoys your company only because you treat her the way she wants but not because there is a special connection between the two of you.


If you involve romantic gestures when you are with her and she says that she enjoys it, this clearly shows that she also feels the same way about you.


But if there is nothing romantic going on, she says that she loves hanging out with you because you are an interesting guy.


You entertain her and make her feel complete. The two of you are just a vibe.

Abduljabbar Ali

I am Abduljabbar Ali from Mombasa, Kenya. I have been fortunate enough to travel around Kenya. I will be sharing my travel experience and travel tips with you. Say "Hi" and let us connect.

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