When A Girl Says She Wants To Have Fun With You: It Means?

A woman and a man hanging out at the park

When a girl says she wants to have fun with you this means she doesn’t want anything serious with you that will lead to attachments and commitments.


The only thing she wants from you is a good time with no strings attached.


In this article, I will share why she says she wants to have fun with you and what it means for you to understand the position she is putting you in.


When a girl talks about fun, know she doesn’t want something deeper with you. She is only with you for a good time.


Let me say she is preparing you for what is to come. She doesn’t want you to jump to conclusions that she can be everything to you when the only thing she can offer is fun.


Anyway, before we get caught up in the details about the fun she is talking about, let me share what it means first.


What does it mean when a girl wants to have fun with you?

When a girl says she wants to have fun with you it means she only wants to have sex without being in a relationship with you. She wants only a casual thing with you because she is not ready to commit to you or do a long-term relationship.


So, if she is talking about fun, this is what she has in mind. It’s one way of telling you not to fall in love with her because she won’t give you what you want.


She can spend time with you and even have sex with you but this doesn’t mean that she will give you all of her attention.


The word fun implies that it’s something exciting, and thrilling and that doesn’t require much energy and too much attention.


There are so many reasons why a girl may say she wants to have fun with you, the main ones have something to do with how she feels about you.


Soon you will understand why she says she only wants to have fun with you.


Why she says she wants to have fun with you;

1. She doesn’t want to commit to you.

A woman and a man hanging out at the park

One of the first reasons why she says she wants to have fun with you is because she doesn’t want to commit to you.


Relationships require too much commitment for them to work out. It can be that she is not ready to put in all the work just to build a relationship with you.


She clearly knows everything about relationships and that is why she doesn’t want to burden herself with commitment.


You may think it’s not a big thing to invest in someone you care about but she doesn’t see things the same way you do.


For a relationship to work you have to maintain communication, be there for each other, support each other, be loyal to one another, and even be willing to change for someone you care about.


This may be too much for her because she wants to be free and do what she feels like with anyone she wants.


She doesn’t want to put herself under the pressure of building a perfect relationship with you when she can just have fun with you.


The way you think about commitment may not be the same way she looks at it.


Different people have different perspectives when it comes to committing to a relationship, she may be way too far from such kind of a relationship.


As you keep reading the article, you will understand why she doesn’t want to commit to you.


2. She is not ready for a relationship.

For someone to accept to be in a relationship with you, they have to be ready for it. It’s a huge decision that requires someone to think about it before indulging themselves in it.


Read also; When A Girl Says She Will Think About It: It Means?


She says she just wants to have fun with you because she is not ready for a relationship. It can be that she is not ready to be in a relationship with you or anyone else.


When a girl doesn’t want to be in a relationship but likes the idea of having you for herself, she will just give you the option of having fun with her.


You both like each other and there is sexual tension when you are close to each other. She only wants to focus on that and nothing else.


If she was ready to be in a relationship with you she couldn’t have talked about having fun.


3. You aren’t the type of guy she wants.

She wants to have fun with you because you aren’t the type of guy she would want to date.


You may be physically attractive to her but you don’t possess the qualities that she wants.


She doesn’t want to hurt your feelings by telling you that you aren’t a full package and that is why she says she just wants to have fun.


Let me be honest with you, if you were the type of guy she wanted to be with, she would have given anything up to be with you.


When a girl wants you she will be ready for anything just to keep you for herself. But if you don’t have the qualities she wants and you can’t give her anything she wants and expects, she will just keep you around.


It may be harsh to hear this but that is the reality of the matter.


When a girl sees that you have something you can give her — she will find a reason to hold on to you.


Before a girl accepts to be in a relationship with you she has to see to it that you have what it takes to be the kind of a man she can keep.


Sometimes it may not be something to do with what you can offer but things between you just don’t click the way she wants.


You may think that you have what it takes to be with her — but she doesn’t see that. To a girl, it’s either you have what it takes to be with her or you don’t.


A girl will not tell you if you are her type or not. Most of those details she will keep to herself especially when you are friendly with her.


She won’t say anything to hurt your feelings or make you feel worthless because you are always there for her.


4. She doesn’t see a future with you.

If a girl doesn’t think you can give her the future she wants but you are someone she can spend her time with, she will keep you around.


For mature women, they will always think about their future when they want to engage themselves in any relationship.


A woman will look at you from the financial point, your capability to get things done, and the things you are chasing in life at the moment.


If you don’t have your life figured out yet she wants someone who can take care of her finances and guide her through the life she is leading, she won’t consider you as her match.


She will be open to keeping you around as long as you keep her occupied and entertained.


If she doesn’t think you are the type of a guy who can give her the life she wants, she won’t commit to you at all.


She will have it with you while it lasts but the moment she gets someone who can give her the future she wants — she will let you go.


That’s the reality of things though most of us are too blind to notice. When you are into someone you will hardly notice what they are focusing on.


Take it from me, if a girl sees that you can give her the future she wants, she will want to hold you close and never let anyone mess you up.


5. She has unfinished business.

She wants to have fun with you because she is not willing to give you her full attention.


She may have someone she is waiting for. At the moment she can’t be with him.


Also, it can be that she is still trying to figure out other issues concerning her relationship that you know nothing about.


Taking you in seriously will only deny her a chance to deal with her unfinished business. You are someone who will only come between her issues.


She knows that when she is with you just for fun, it will be easier for her to ditch you and deal with other issues that you know nothing about.


It is also possible that she hasn’t moved on from someone she used to be with (if she was in a relationship before) and she just wants to use you to get over him.


If you had someone you were waiting for to come into your life, would you have opened your heart to someone else?


You would probably have proposed a short-term thing with them.


6. She was hurt in the past.

If she was in a relationship before and now she is proposing that she just wants to have fun with you, this means she went through hell.


Her past relationship didn’t turn out to be what she expected and that is why she doesn’t want to get herself involved in another one.


She just wants to have fun with you and nothing else because she thinks you might end up hurting her and that is what she is trying to avoid.


Most girls are usually super cautious about getting themselves into another serious relationship after they have been hurt.


If she is not talking about her past relationship with you, she will surely not want to revisit her past.


So, if she says that she wants to have fun with you she wants to avoid getting herself in a situation that will remind her of what happened to her in the past.


7. She enjoys casual relationships.

Most girls who propose a causal relationship have done it before and they liked it.


If she is saying that she wants to have fun with you without even a second thought, she did it before.


You are not the first person she has had fun with. She enjoys these kinds of relationships.


The truth is that if she hated casual relationships she couldn’t have suggested it. If you are keen enough and observe how she handles you — you will realize that she has been enjoying it.


You won’t do something that you don’t like. So, if she just wants to have sex with you with no strings attached, she probably has done that before.


Anyway, everyone has his or her own choice when it comes to what they want, she made her choice that she wants to be in a casual relationship with you and you probably won’t change her mind about it.



If a girl wants to have fun with you and doesn’t want anything serious, it’s up to you to decide if that is what you want.


She can’t ask you to do something that might end up hurting your feelings.


If you know that you will get attached and want something more apart from what she is offering, you shouldn’t engage yourself in that relationship.


You better just stay friends with her since knowing what to expect from her is easier and more predictable.


It will also be impossible to get attached to her when you have decided that your relationship with her will only be purely platonic.


She wants to have fun, is that what you want? If that is so then go ahead and do it. But if it doesn’t sit well with you don’t dare to do it because it will hurt you in the long term.


Related reads;

  1. When A Girl Says She Will Think About It: It Means?
  2. When A Girl Comes Over To Your House: It Means?
  3. When She Says Let’s Be Friends And See Where It Goes

Abduljabbar Ali

I am Abduljabbar Ali from Mombasa, Kenya. I have been fortunate enough to travel around Kenya. I will be sharing my travel experience and travel tips with you. Say "Hi" and let us connect.

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