When A Girl Says She Wants To Take Things Slow: It Means

A man thinking critically while looking through a window

She says she wants to take things slow because she doesn’t want to move too fast into the relationship.


When a girl says she wants to take things slow she may have noticed that you are moving too fast and you are scaring her.


In this article, I will share what it means when she says she wants to take things slow and how you should handle the situation.


What you should know is that moving fast into a relationship is not advisable because it’s mostly likely to fail.


She is not wrong when she says she wants to take things at her pace. That should work to your advantage.


It may be confusing when she says she wants to take things slow especially when you want her to open her heart for you in an instant.


Guys, we are impatient when we are into someone. Most of the time we want the girl we adore to just give us what we want at ago.


There are several reasons why she said that you should take things slow.


As you continue reading you will understand them all. For now, let me share what it means when she says she wants to take things slow.


What does it mean when a girl says she wants to take things slow?

When a girl says she wants to take things slow it means she doesn’t want to move so fast into the relationship by getting into the intimacy level immediately when you start dating, making the relationship official, or planning about the future so soon.


She wants the two of you to move the relationship at a pace she can handle. Moving the relationship too fast is likely going to be too much for her to handle.


When you start dating and you immediately want to have sex with her — this is moving so fast.


So, if you were suggesting that she come over to your house immediately when she agreed to be your girlfriend, this is what made her think that you are moving too fast.


When you start dating for the first few months, introducing each other to your families and planning about the future without even being aware of how the two of you connect is moving fast.


So, if you were doing any of the things I am talking about, this means that you are moving the relationship too fast and that is why she told you that she would like to take things slow.


On the other side, if it’s when you are getting to know each other and the feeling between you is mutual, she wants you to take things slow so that you have enough time to figure out if what you feel for each other is real or an infatuation.


She also wants enough time for the two of you to get to know each other better before you seriously commit to each other.


Is it good if a girl says she wants to take it slow?

A man thinking critically while looking through a window

If a girl says she wants to take it slow it means she is invested in building a strong and lasting relationship with you — it’s good if she says she wants to take it slow because this shows that she doesn’t want to play games with you.


She doesn’t want a short-term thing with you because she is determined to get to know you better, understand you, and eventually take the relationship at a pace that both of you can handle.


In most cases, when a girl says she wants to take things slow it shows she is willing to take her time to get to know you better, figure out the vibe between you, and if both of you are in for the right reasons.


So, if she says she wants to take things slow, it’s definitely a good sign and you shouldn’t worry about it.


She wants things between you to go right and that is why she wants you to take things at a pace that will work for both of you.


Moving too fast in a relationship imposes too much pressure on both of you because of the sudden expectations while you both still dealing with building the foundation of a relationship.


There are a lot of things to figure out in a relationship especially when you are in for the long-term game.


So, if she wants you to slow down a little bit and focus on every detail to build the relationship, she wants the best out of the relationship.


She doesn’t want you to move too fast into the relationship and later on you both find that things between you aren’t the way she expected.


This will hurt both of you. And this is what she is trying to avoid.


So, don’t push her away when she says she wants to take things slow because she is trying to understand you, what you both want out of the relationship, and your expectations.


She is determined to build a strong relationship with you and that is why she just doesn’t want you to take things so fast.


When she says she wants to take things slow but doesn’t show a sign of working on the relationship between you — she doesn’t give you attention, she doesn’t even spend time with you, she doesn’t maintain the communication and she’s not taking you seriously, this is not good at all.


She told you that she just wants to take things slow just to stop you from putting too much effort into pursuing her.


It is one of the ways to cut you short. If this is what you see from her then it’s clear that she doesn’t have the intentions of being with you.


She doesn’t want to tell you the truth. The best thing to do is to focus your energy and attention on someone else who seems genuinely interested in you.


What to do when your girlfriend wants to take it slow?

This is what to do when a girl says she wants to take things slow;

1. Handle her the way she handles you.

If she initiates conversations, asks you out on dates, and initiates romantic touches to a certain level — handle her at the same pace she does.


If she kisses you then you should also do the same. But don’t go overboard into pushing her to have sex with you because that will just ruin things.


But if she doesn’t seem okay with you kissing her don’t push it. Do the things that she seems comfortable with.


The things she will do for you are what she is comfortable with them being done to her. So, be keen and observe how she handles you, the things she does, and what she talks about when she is around you.


If you handle her the right way to the extent that she gets so comfortable around you, she might even end up keeping aside the idea of taking things slow and she will give you everything you want.


If your relationship is new don’t push her to do things she doesn’t feel comfortable with, you will scare her and make her feel that you are only after the things she isn’t interested in.


2. Don’t push intimacy with her so soon.

If your girlfriend wants to take things slow don’t immediately start asking her to come over to your house.


This will only suggest one thing to her — you want to have sex with her. This might scare her away and you might end up losing her.


So, don’t put her in a situation where she will feel that you just want to get her in your bed.


You should stop talking about getting intimate with her or doing anything that will suggest that you want to get into her pants.


Most of the time when a girl says she wants to take things slow — she implies that you shouldn’t f*ck so soon.


She wants you to focus on connecting, get to know each other better, and figure out if you are truly into each other or if it’s just lust driving the two of you.


If you only focus on having sex with her — this will make her conclude that you are with her for the wrong reasons and this might be the reason for her to dump you.


Don’t show her the red flags during this moment, focus on the things that will make her feel that you genuinely care about her and you aren’t closer to her to get her in your bed.


3. Don’t plan or talk about your future with her.

When a girl says she wants to take things slow she doesn’t want to make things official yet. You are too far from introducing each other to your families and putting rings on each other’s fingers.


So, if it’s when you have just started dating, don’t think of introducing her to your family. It’s the opposite of taking things slow.


Don’t talk of engagement or marriage because you will only scare her.


All the things I am talking about are for the future and not just as soon as you have started dating.


It’s not wrong to talk and plan about the future with the person you are dating. But it should only happen when you have settled into the relationship and you are both aware of what you want from each other.


Your relationship is defined and you are seriously committed to each other. When a relationship is new and it’s when you are figuring things out, this will be too much for her.


So, if your girlfriend wants to take things slow, don’t plan and talk about the future which includes the two of you.


It’s the opposite of what she asked of you. This will only show her that you aren’t on the same page and this might mess up your relationship.


4. Keep on showing her what she means to you.

As you are taking things slow with her don’t forget to show her that you are into her and you want things to work out.


Don’t be too afraid to express your feelings and show her how much she means to you.


I told you earlier that she wants to take it slow because she also wants to observe you and figure out if you are fit for each other.


Show her that you have genuine feelings for her and that you are with her for the right reasons.


The moment she is sure that you are truly into her and you aren’t in for the games and fun, she will open her heart to you.


She will give herself fully to you and the part of her asking you to take things slow will be kept aside.



When a girl says she wants to take things slow don’t do anything that will suggest you are on a different page.


If she wants to take it slow and you do the opposite she might end up breaking up with you because you can’t handle what she wants.


The best way to handle her if she says she wants to take it slow is to observe how she handles you and copy the exact pace.


But as you are doing this don’t forget that you have to keep showing her that she means so much to you. Keep expressing your feelings through words and actions.


Make her notice that you are truly in love with her and you are sure that she is the girl you want to stick with.


As time goes by, she will realize that you are in for the right reasons.


Related reads;

  1. When A Girl Comes Over To Your House: It Means?
  2. When She Says Let’s Be Friends And See Where It Goes
  3. When A Girl Says She Wants To Have Fun With You: It Means?

Abduljabbar Ali

I am Abduljabbar Ali from Mombasa, Kenya. I have been fortunate enough to travel around Kenya. I will be sharing my travel experience and travel tips with you. Say "Hi" and let us connect.

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