When A Girl Says She Will Think About It: It Means?

A woman standing in front of a man

The moment you approach a girl and express to her how you feel about her and she tells you that she will think about it, here is something you should know about her.


You should understand why she said that she would think about what you proposed.


If you wanted her to be your girlfriend but she didn’t give you the answer you expected, you don’t need to stress yourself about it.


She told you she would think about it, but it doesn’t necessarily mean that she has rejected you.


There is a chance you will have her in your life if you play your cards right. Since she told you that she will think about your proposal does it mean she will give you a chance?


In this article, I will share with you what it means when a girl says she will think about it.


The moment you understand why she told you she will think about your proposal that is when you will have the chance to play your game right and pull her to your side.


What does it mean when a girl says she will think about it?

When a girl says she will think about it, it means she doesn’t know what to tell you at the moment. She doesn’t know if she should give you what you want or push you away. The thing is that she is undecided and unsure of what she should tell you.


The truth is that if she had the answer you wanted at the moment you made your request or proposed to her, she would have told you on the spot.


If you asked her to be your girlfriend and she said that she would think about it, she doesn’t know if she should give you a chance or not. She is stalling.


She needs time to think about what you asked of her before she tells you what she thinks about your request.


On the positive side, she is on your radar. Do you know why I say that she notices you?


If she didn’t want anything to do with you or what you want from her, she would have just given you a negative answer on the spot.


The fact that she told you she will think about it, she is considering your request.


If a girl doesn’t like you she will tell you on the spot. But if she wants you to give her time to process what you have asked of her, there is a chance she sees something good in you.


When a girl says she will think about it, she wants you to be patient with her to determine the right answer she should give you about your request.


What you should know is that if she told you to give her time to think about your request, it doesn’t 100% guarantee that she will give you a positive answer.


The worst period after you have proposed to a girl is when she is keeping you waiting.


You have no idea what is on her mind, you don’t know what she feels about you and you are totally unaware of what she thinks about you.


The fact is that you don’t have control over what she will tell you. You can’t do anything to change the answer she will give you after you have proposed to her.


So, what should you do when a girl says she will think about it?


This is what to do when a girl says she will think about it;

1. Give her time.

A woman standing in front of a man

When a girl says she will think about it the best thing you can do is to give her time to process everything.


You need her to give you her genuine response. She won’t be able to give you the right answer if you keep pressuring her to give you the answer immediately.


For instance, if you have asked her to be your girl and she told you that she will think about it, give her time to contemplate it.


When you keep pushing her to give you her response immediately when she is unsure of what to tell you, the only answer she will give you is a negative one.


She will find you to be too much to handle and a guy who is not understanding, girls don’t want a guy like this.



The worst is that she will even refer to you as an immature guy; this is how she will drop you.


So, you need to show her that you know that she has to process everything you told her. Show her that you are an understanding guy by giving her sufficient time to think through everything.


You also need to let her know that you will give her time to think about the request you made.


This is the only way she will know that you are all on the same page. Don’t rush her to give you an immediate response after you have proposed to her or have made a request.


2. Focus on something else.

Trust me, I have been there. The waiting period is usually the worst one because you actually have no idea what she will tell you after she has had enough time to think about everything you asked of her.


To prevent yourself from going crazy overthinking about every possible situation that might happen after you make your request, you need to keep yourself busy.


Focus on something else that will take your mind off of what you asked of her.


If you fail to focus on something else you will always be pushing her and this might result in you getting a premature answer that is probably not going to make you happy.


When you ask a girl to be your girlfriend, you are asking her to commit to you and give you all her energy, time, and attention.


Commitments are not always easy for everyone. So, before someone decides to commit to you, she has to be sure that that is what she wants.


You have so many things to work on in your life. There are so many things you haven’t achieved, those are the things you should put your mind to.


You need to focus on building yourself, making a life for yourself, and chasing that financial freedom goal so that you will be able to do what you want in your life.


Even when the girl accepts to be with you, she will need a guy who can stand up for himself and be there for her when she needs him.


Can you be that kind of guy that she wants? Can you give her what she wants?


So, instead of you stressing yourself about what she will tell you after a certain period, work on your goals. You will be too busy to think about what you talked about with her in the first place.


Spend your time wisely and become the guy you have always wanted to be. What is the point of pulling her in your life and she ends up leaving you for someone else better than you?


If she finally says yes or no, you haven’t lost anything. You have actually gained something; a motivation for you to keep on working on your dreams so that she ends up regretting rejecting you in the future.


3. Limit your communication with her.

You need to reduce your communication with her if she tells you that she will think about it.


There is no need for you to keep blowing up her phone with so many messages and frequent calls simply because she has an answer you are waiting for.


The more you talk to her, the harder it will be for you to refrain from asking her about the proposal you made.


You will feel the need to do a lot of things to ensure that in the end, she gives you the positive answer you want.


This is the point you will talk about so many things and some might even turn her off.


And that will be the reason she will say no to you at the end. Don’t give her a reason to think you are so desperate for her.


Don’t let her think that you don’t have anything important to do in your life other than pursuing her.


I don’t mean that you should completely cut her off simply because you are trying to limit the communication.


If she wants to talk to you about anything be responsive. But don’t be the one who is always pushing for conversations.


What you should know is that she told you to give her time to think about it, she is also using this time to observe you and see the kind of a guy you are.


You might have done things right since you met her, but you will end up ruining things at the finish line.


The things you will say and do when you are next to her play a big role in the answer she will give you at the end.


4. Stop bringing about the topic in the waiting period.

She is aware that you made your request. It is at her fingertips because she asked you to give her time to think about it.


So, you don’t need to keep bringing up the topic you talked about. If you asked her to be your girlfriend and expressed your feelings to her, you did enough.


It’s now her time to think through what you told her and come up with the answer to give you.


Your job is done, it’s up to her right now. When you say the same thing over and over she will assume that you have nothing else going on in your life.


The only thing you can think about is her. If she realizes you have nothing going on in your life that will turn her off.


You might end up losing her. To be honest, women want men who have something going on in their lives.


These kinds of men seem responsible and have their lives figured out.


You want to give her the impression that you are the best guy for her and show her that you are an understanding guy.


Have constructive conversations with her about life and the things she cares about. Don’t let her know that you are too thirsty for her and not for anything else in life.


Don’t bore her by repeating the same things every day, she will end up rejecting you and you will be the only one to blame.


5. Remind her if she takes too long to give you her answer.

She said she would think about it and the best thing to do is to give her time to process it all.


I earlier said that you need to give her time to determine the genuine answer for you.


If you have given her enough time to think about your proposal but she doesn’t tell you anything about it, this is when you should remind her.


Let her know that you are still waiting for her response regarding what you asked of her.


Some girls will pretend that they don’t remember what you wanted from them. This is just to test you to see if you are bold enough to repeat the same things you told her.


So, if she acts like she doesn’t know what you want from her, don’t hesitate to remind her.


If a girl asks you to give her time to think about your request, you have the right to remind her about it if she keeps you waiting longer than you anticipated.


She should not take more than one month if she told you to give her time to think about your proposal.


If it goes on for one month, the truth is that she isn’t that serious about you. The answer that she could have given you would have been negative because she isn’t excited to tell you about it.


The truth is that if a girl likes you, she won’t keep you waiting for longer after you have made your intentions clear to her.



When a girl says she will think about it, the only thing you have to do is give her time to process it all.


Give her sufficient time to think of the best answer to give you. In most cases, when a girl considers your proposal, it’s usually a good sign.


If she never noticed you, she would have just rejected you on the spot.


When a girl says she will think about it, it doesn’t necessarily mean that she will give you a positive answer.


If she says yes to you in the end that is good for you, embrace her in your life now.


But if she rejects you, don’t worry about it, keep on working on yourself and you will get someone better than her.


Related reads;

  1. When A Girl Says She Loves Spending Time With You: It Means?
  2. When She Says Let’s Be Friends And See Where It Goes
  3. If A Girl Says She Has A  Boyfriend Is That Total Rejection?

Abduljabbar Ali

I am Abduljabbar Ali from Mombasa, Kenya. I have been fortunate enough to travel around Kenya. I will be sharing my travel experience and travel tips with you. Say "Hi" and let us connect.

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