When A Girl Says Tell Me Something Interesting: It Means

a man and a woman sitting in a coffee shop

You are hanging out with her and she suddenly asks you to tell her something interesting. What does it mean when she says, “Tell me something interesting.”


In this article, I will share what it means when a girl asks you to tell her something interesting, what she expects to hear from you, and what you should reply to her.


When a girl asks you to tell her something interesting, it can be confusing because it’s a generic term.


You have no idea what she is referring to, so you have to get creative and develop something that will blow her mind, keep her entertained and eventually win her.


If you don’t know anything about her, this can be super challenging for you to come up with the best response.


For you to know what she wants to hear, you have to be at least familiar with the things she prefers.


You have to know what she likes to talk about, what she enjoys to hear, and the topics that keep her excited.


Anyway, there are so many details I can cover about this, but before I go too deep, let me share what it means when a girl says tell me something interesting.


What does it mean when a girl says tell me something interesting?

When a girl says tell me something interesting it means she wants you to tell her something that will excite her, keep her entertained, and take her away from the reality she is facing. She wants to hear something nice from you that will make her happy.


This is the part where she tells you that you have to entertain her because she is bored or wants you to change the topic.


If you were talking about something else and she suddenly asked you to tell her something interesting, this shows that she is not happy to hear what you are talking about.


It’s not a topic of interest to her and that is why she would like you to change the topic.


But she thought that telling you directly that what you were talking about was boring would only hurt your feelings.


That is why she used the indirect approach for you to think of something else to talk about that will keep her active and entertained.


So, if it was in the middle of the conversation when she told you to tell her something interesting, this should let you know that she doesn’t find what you are talking about interesting.


But if it’s when you have just met and after greeting each other she directly asked you to tell her something interesting, she wants you to talk about something that will keep her entertained.


You have to think of a topic that will make her happy and active.


I will talk more about that as we keep going deeper into this article.


That was only the short part of the meaning when a girl says tell me something interesting.


So, now that you know the meaning of this, what approach should you take when a girl uses such a phrase?


What should you reply to when a girl asks you to tell her something interesting or nice?


That is what I will be talking about in the next section of this article.


How do I reply when someone says “Tell me something interesting”?

a man and a woman sitting in a coffee shop

When someone says tell me something interesting, they expect you to tell them something that will capture their attention, excite them, and make them happy.


They want you to entertain them or take them off what they are stressed about.


In another case, they want you to change the topic that you were talking about because they don’t find it interesting.


So, when a girl asks you to tell her something interesting the first thing you should do is observe the mood she is in.


Does she seem joyous? Is she stressed about something? How is her condition? Where are you at?


These are some of the questions you should find answers to if you want to know the perfect way to respond to this phrase.


What you might think is interesting for her to hear, might be the same thing that will end up turning her off.


So, it’s very important to check her mood before you think of saying anything.


Anyway, if you were talking about something else and she cuts you off and asks you to tell her something interesting, you should be too alarmed.


You should be happy that she was honest with you and asked you to change the topic.


If it was another girl she would have just walked away from you or pretended to care what you talk about and after there, she would end up ghosting you.


What to reply when a girl asks you to tell her something interesting depends on the topic you are discussing and the nature of your relationship.


If she is your friend, you should talk about the things she enjoys hearing, the topics she likes to talk about, and bring out your creativity and tap into sections she never expects you to.


But if she is someone you just met and she asks you to tell her something nice, think of something funny about anything that would make her happy.


You don’t need to choose a topic to talk about because you know nothing much about her.


So, think of something about your life that will make her laugh and make her eager to listen to you. That should be an interesting part of your life.


We all have one, though you may think that you don’t but it is always there.


You can talk about the craziest things you did in your life and try to make her resonate with her life.


This way, you won’t have to keep talking the entire session you will be next to her.


She will keep developing the conversation before you know it, she is also telling you things that you haven’t even asked her to talk about.


If you were talking about something repetitive, try to change the topic a little bit and come up with something new.


You can’t always be talking about movies and trips, think of something that will make her excited to hear you talk about.


That is the only way you will be able to quench her thirst.


Another angle is if she asks you to tell her something nice or interesting yet deep down you have feelings for her.


Don’t hesitate to tell her how you feel about her. It’s something beautiful and nice that will leave her thinking about you.


All women love it when guys pour their hearts out and express themselves.


Even if she won’t give you a positive answer, in a way, she will feel good that you think so highly of her and you want something more from her.


Another thing you can tell her when she asks you to tell her something nice or interesting is to compliment her.


Give her genuine and solid compliments that will make her happy. If there is anything you don’t like about her include it at the end of your compliment.



If a girl asks you to tell her something interesting think of something she would like to hear. Talk about something that will make her active and push her to keep the conversation going.


You will have to change the topic if you are talking about something else. This is a sign that she is not happy to hear what you are talking about. It can be that she is bored or she is just not in the mood to listen to what you are talking about.


If you were shooting your shot, you would have to stop, don’t keep pushing it because this shows that she has heard so much of your feelings today. It’s time for you to let her digest everything.


Talking about something else that doesn’t involve you making yourself vulnerable before her won’t make her forget what you told her. She won’t forget that you have feelings for her.


Take it easy.


Sometimes when a girl says, “Tell me something interesting,” it can be that she is bored and she wants to tell her something that will crack her ribs.


You don’t have to be a comedian to make a girl laugh, think of your childhood stories, and talk about them. She would laugh so hard imagining the younger you regarding how you navigated the word.


Related reads;

  1. When A Girl Says She Will Think About It: It Means?
  2. When A Girl Comes Over To Your House: It Means?
  3. When A Girl Says She Loves Spending Time With You: It Means?

Abduljabbar Ali

I am Abduljabbar Ali from Mombasa, Kenya. I have been fortunate enough to travel around Kenya. I will be sharing my travel experience and travel tips with you. Say "Hi" and let us connect.

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