When A Girl Texts You First: It Means?

A man reading a text while smiling

When a girl texts you first does it mean that she is starting to like you? Maybe she is getting so comfortable with you and she feels like she should always talk to you.


I know you have so many questions about why she texts first. In most cases, you expect that you should be the one who will reach out to her.


You have always been initiating texts with other girls but this one just doesn’t wait for you to text first. She texts you first often.


This has got you thinking so much about why she is doing that. Anyway, don’t worry about that because I will explain everything you need to know about why she texted you first.


But first, let me share what it means when a girl texts you first.


What does it mean when a girl texts you first?

When a girl texts you first, she wants to talk to you. It also shows that the conversations you have been having with her pulled her close to you. She enjoys talking to you since you are an interesting person to talk to. She hopes you will come up with something amazing to cheer her up every day.


The first thing you have to know is that when a girl texts you first every day it has to do with how she feels when talking to you.


She enjoys talking to you and that is why her urges always push her to reach out to you every single day.


If she didn’t feel great talking to you, she wouldn’t have initiated the texts. The first thing has something to do with how she feels about you.


But there is something more when it comes to why she always texts you first. As you continue reading you will know it all.


This is why she texts you first;

1. She enjoys talking to you.

A man reading a text while smiling

If a girl initiates texts it’s because she enjoys talking to you. She wants you to keep the communication going since she enjoys it when you talk about different things with her.


You cheer her up and make her feel great thus making her day amazing.


If you are the kind of a guy who always makes her smile whenever you text she will always think about you.


When she is thinking about you often, you will end up being her priority. She won’t talk to anyone when her day commences until she reaches out to you first.


So, just know that she enjoys talking to you and that is why she texted first.


She finds you to be an interesting person to talk to and that is why she is always texting you first.


The things you talk about through texts are interesting and you always get her hooked up on her phone most of the time.


The topics you cover through texts always catch up with her. She can’t seem to get more of your words. She keeps texting you first hoping you could continue talking to her about the things you usually talk about.


If a girl finds you boring to talk to, she will never make an effort to reach out to you first. As time goes by you realize that she doesn’t put in the effort of maintaining communication with you.


She won’t text or call unless you do. You aren’t exciting to talk to, so why should she make an effort to text you first?


Read also; She Never Calls I Always Call Her: Here’s Why


So, if she always texts you first you should know that she enjoys talking to you.


No girl would reach out to you if you are boring to talk to. It seems she finds it easier to talk to you about anything.


She enjoys this and that is why she wants to keep it going. She knows that when she texts you, the communication will keep on going.


2. She is just curious about you.

If it’s when you are getting to know each other, you just met and exchanged numbers, she is just curious to know more about you because you spark an interest in her.


She wants to get to know you better and that is why she texts you first every day.


The only way she will keep the communication going and make you feel like she is leaning toward you is by actively keeping the communication going.


For guys, when a girl keeps reaching out to them, they will end up concluding that the girl is interested in them.


This will make it easier for them to tell the girl anything just to create that connection.


So, if it’s when you have just met and she is constantly texting you every time, she wants to know more about you.


She wants to know the kind of a guy you are. That will be possible if she keeps the texts going.


The random texts you receive from her are just meant to ignite you to start opening up about yourself.


If you are keen enough, you will realize that most of the texts she sends you require you to tell her something about you.


It can be that you are a mystery to her. She can’t read you the way she does to the other guys. She knows nothing solid about you.


It’s a curious phase, she wants to know something about you and that is why she is texting you first.


You may ask, why would a girl care about knowing you? That is another whole topic that I’ll talk about in my next article.


But for now, let me just give you a quick answer to why she wants to get to know you.


She is curious if you can fit into her category, if you are the kind of a guy she wants, just filtering your intentions out and she just wants to know random things about you that make you who you are.


When a girl wants something from a guy, she will make an effort to get it. She is texting you first because you have information she would like to know about you.


If she knew everything about you I don’t think she would have been texting you first unless she felt something more for you.


3. She wants to bond with you.

When a girl texts you first every day it’s a way of her trying to figure out a way to connect with you.


It can be that she finds you to be an incredible person and that is why she just wants to be close to you.


The first thing anyone would do if they wanted to bond with someone is to ensure that the communication keeps on going.


She is texting you first knowing that it will end up being a habit. It will reach a point where you will also find it easier to text her first.


What she is doing is trying to form a bond with you and make it easier for you to always reach out to her when you need to.


She wants to make you feel comfortable reaching out to her anytime you feel like doing so. That is why she is always texting you first.


When a girl wants to connect with you, it can either be that she wants to befriend you or she is just searching for something more.


But first, she has to make you feel comfortable talking to her before she dives deeper into the other dimension of things.


4. She wants you to know that she cares.

If a girl texts you first every day she wants you to realize something. She wants you to know that she cares about you a lot.


She is trying to make an impression that will make you conclude that she cares so much about you and that is why she always texts you first.


Anyway, it’s normal for any guy to feel that a girl cares when she texts every time.


She is trying to show you that you mean something more to her and that is why she texts you first.


The conversation she makes with you doesn’t have to be anything special. The effort she makes in keeping the communication with you going shows that you are an important person in her life.


If she didn’t care about you she wouldn’t have bothered texting you every time. You wouldn’t be her priority at all. You mean something more to her, it doesn’t matter whether it’s platonic or a romantic thing.


5. She wants your attention.

When a girl texts you first sometimes it’s because she is bored and she wants your attention.


Girls love it when guys give them attention. If she doesn’t get the attention she wants to make her feel good about herself, she will end up seeking it.


At a moment, you may think that a girl is interested in you and that is why she is all over you, but it’s only because she is bored and you are the only dude who can entertain her for the moment.


She makes you feel special for you to be motivated to keep the communication going with her.


But the truth is that if she finds that one person who can give her what she wants, she won’t even bother texting you again.


Even if she has a boyfriend, she will text you first when her guy is not around and she wants someone to keep her busy.


Read also; If A Girl Says She Has A  Boyfriend Is That Total Rejection?


How will you know if a girl just wants your attention when she texts you first?


When a girl texts you first and the first thing she wants you to do is tell her stories or send her things to make her laugh, just know that she is bored.


She doesn’t care about how you are, all she wants is for you to entertain her. When you have noticed this, just know that she just wants your attention and that is why she has texted you first.


If she has not been the girl who texts first for a while and suddenly she is reaching out to you, just know that she is bored.


She doesn’t have anyone to keep her busy. Since she knows you have feelings for her, she is trying to use that to take advantage of you.


Deep down she knows you won’t resist doing her bidding because you are into her.


So, if her texting pattern is always off, if she texts you first just know that she wants something from you.


6. She probably likes you a lot.

Another possible reason why she texts you first is that, she likes you a lot.


She can’t stop herself from thinking about you and that is why she reaches out to you. When a girl likes you she will always like almost everything about you.


The small talks you will have with her will always strike her, she will enjoy every word you send to her and she will want to connect with you on a deeper level.


At some point she will start opening up to you about things, and the conversation will go deeper. So, if she is always reaching out to you just know that she likes you.


As long as she doesn’t demand anything when she reaches out to you, just know that she wants you. You are the product she wants and that is why she makes the effort of reaching out.


If she didn’t want anything from you, why would she have bothered texting you at all?


You may not realize that she is into you because she won’t straight away tell you that she is interested in you.


It is up to you to figure out if she is into you or if she just wants someone to waste time with.


You will know more about what she wants from you when you start fishing things out. Try to be curious and talk about things that will make her open up to you about what she wants.


Tease her once in a while just to get her full impression before you do anything else.


The obvious thing you know is that she cares about you. Does she want something more?


It’s for you to find out. You have the power to do that as long as she is always reaching out. Don’t let the conversations end in texts only.


Try to ask her out on dates, if you are also interested in her let her know about it and get the relationship going.



If you truly want to know what her intentions are when she texts you first, always take a moment to observe the texts she sends you.


Her intention is in those texts she sends you. If she is only texting you because she is bored and wants someone to keep her busy, you will know it.


But if she likes you and that is why she always texts you first, everything will be clear to you.


If she is a one-time girl text, she probably wants something from you that is why she had no choice but to text you.


Related reads;

  1. She Says She Wants To Focus On Herself: It Means?
  2. Is She Taking It Slow Or Not Interested?
  3. She Told Me Not To Wait For Her: It Means?

Abduljabbar Ali

I am Abduljabbar Ali from Mombasa, Kenya. I have been fortunate enough to travel around Kenya. I will be sharing my travel experience and travel tips with you. Say "Hi" and let us connect.

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