When A Girl Wants To Get To Know You: It Means?

a man looking at a woman sitting in front of her

When a girl wants to get to know you better, she wants to explore more about you so that she can figure out if you are the right fit for her.


She wants to know you in so many aspects, right now she only knows your name, and that is not enough.


Maybe she knows you are funny and attractive, but other traits about you will only be visible the more she spends time with you.


She said she wants to get to know you better before anything can develop between you.


Anyway, there are so many reasons why a girl would say that she wants to get to know you better, some may have to do with how she feels about you, the relationship she is thinking of building with you, or just a way to get closer to you.


You won’t know what she is thinking unless you allow her to be around you, observe her, and learn what she truly wants from you.


What does it mean when a girl wants to get to know you better?

a man looking at a woman sitting in front of her

When a girl says she wants to get to know you better it means she wants to observe you, learn more about you, see if you can meet her expectations, and get to know any aspects that make you to be you.


In most cases, when a girl says that she wants to get to know you better, she has seen something interesting about you.


It can be something to do with how you relate with other people, how incredible you are at what you do, how attractive you are, and other things that are of interest to her about you.


When a girl wants to get to know more about you, it doesn’t necessarily mean that she likes you or she wants something more from you.


It can be that she just wants to get closer to you to befriend you, you are just someone she can hang out and talk to because you are so interesting.


To be honest, she has seen something that has drawn her to want to get to know you better.


If a girl wants to get to know you better then you have to open up to her about yourself, be open about what you like and what you hate for her to know more about you.


Now that you know what it means when a girl wants to get to know you, let me dive into the details of what you should say, how you should handle her, and what to do to make sure that she knows more about you.


You need to understand that she is curious about you, the only thing you can do is ensure that her curiosity is well-fed.


She wants to get to know me first.

When a girl wants to know you first before anything else, it means she wants time to figure out if you can give her what she truly wants if you can meet her expectations, and if you are a vibe.


It can be that you have asked her to be your girlfriend but she doesn’t know many things about you.


Which is super tricky. You can’t date someone you know nothing about. It will be so hard to understand each other.


This is a good sign, but it doesn’t guarantee that she will end up falling into your box.


It’s just like when a girl says she wants time to think about the proposal you have made.


Read also; When A Girl Says She Will Think About It: It Means?


She wants you to give her time to digest and process everything before she gives you the right answer.


The same case applies here, she may end up not liking what she knows about you and that is when she will just distance herself from you.


When you come across a beautiful woman, you think to yourself that she is going to be the best person for you, you open up your heart even without knowing much about her and you later find out that she is not who you thought she was.


What you will do here is to end the relationship with her, cut her off, and find someone else.


Or you may have been attracted to her because she is beautiful but it turns out that her characters don’t match your status.


She doesn’t want to go too fast before fully knowing you.


She wants to be sure that you are the kind of person she can be with and that you can meet her expectations.


It’s a frustration when you are all into someone and you end up finding out that they don’t even meet your expectations or you guys are totally on a different page.


So, if a girl wants to get to know you first, she wants to be sure that you are who you say you are, you can give her what she wants, the connection is genuine and also prevents you from moving too fast into the relationship.


Some girls may use this technique to stall when they aren’t sure whether to let you go or pull you in.


It can be that she is also scared to give in so quickly and that is why she wants to get to know you to be comfortable around you.


She wants to get rid of the awkwardness between you, it’s especially true if it’s when you have just met and you are starting to get used to being around each other.


What to say when a girl wants to get to know you better

When a girl says she wants to get to know you better no response will satisfy her curiosity.


You can’t just say one word about yourself and Viola, she now knows everything about you.


Knowing each other is a process, it will take time and the part of you opening up about your life for her to grasp any relevant information about you.


The more time you spend together, the easier it will be for her to get to know you.


To be honest, there are so many things you can share with her about yourself, but you won’t exhaust it at a go.


The words you will say aren’t enough for her to know more about you. It involves actions too for her to know who you are. She has to know how you behave when you are angry and happy too.


In this way, she will be able to understand you deeply enough to know how to handle you.


Anyway, if you are after a response that you can use when a girl says that she wants to get to know more about you, here it is;


This is what to say when a girl says she wants to get to know you better;

  1. The moment I came across you that was the first thought that crossed my mind.
  2. I’m down for that, we should get to know each other and see if we have any unique connection.
  3. I bet we have a lot of things in common, let’s explore our interests it’s good for us.
  4. Nothing is exciting about my life, welcome aboard, you are allowed to exhaust every detail about me.
  5. I am afraid you might fall in love with me if you know too much.
  6. Trust me, I am an open book, what you see is what you get here. There is no mystery to solve when it comes to me.
  7. So, which part of my life do you want to know first, I am ready to let you in.
  8. Not so many people have been so interested to know anything about me, I guess you have seen something special in me.
  9. The only way to know more about me is to spend more time with me. I have a journal that is only open to people who are around me.



When a girl wants to know more about you it means she wants to figure out if you can match her expectations and end up giving her what she truly wants.


In some cases, when a girl wants to get to know you better it’s just a way to get closer to you and befriend you.


You may have been interested in her and you ended up opening your heart to her but she told you that she wants to get to know you first.


This may be a genuine reason or she is just stalling because she is unsure of whether to let you in or not.


When a girl wants to get to know you it doesn’t always mean that she wants to be in a relationship with you.


It can be that she finds you an amazing person to hang out with and it will be better if she at least knows where your interests are.


If she wants to get to know you, be ready to open up to her, and let her know what you like and what you hate.


Don’t hide anything that might be a deal breaker when she finds out about it.


Be an open book and be honest to her about who you are, if she won’t like it let her go. Someone else will like you the way you are.


Related reads;

  1. When A Girl Ends The Conversation First: It Means?
  2. Why She Wants To Be Friends After Rejecting You
  3. When She Says Let’s Be Friends And See Where It Goes

Abduljabbar Ali

I am Abduljabbar Ali from Mombasa, Kenya. I have been fortunate enough to travel around Kenya. I will be sharing my travel experience and travel tips with you. Say "Hi" and let us connect.

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