When A Girl Wants To Smoke With You: It Means?

a man and a woman laying down smoking

If a girl wants to smoke with you, does it mean anything more? Why would she want to smoke with you in the first place and what does it imply?


In this article, I will make everything clear so that you understand what it means when a girl makes such a request.


When a girl requests just to be close to you, there is always a catch. A girl won’t do anything just to show you that she is doing something.


Everything a girl will want to do with you is always calculated. You may not be aware of it, but in most cases, she wants you to uncover the mystery behind everything she requests from you.


So, if a girl wants to smoke with you there is something she is fishing for, it’s up to you to depict what she wants from you.


Is it a good time? Does she just want to blow off the steam with you or is she stressed and she wants someone to talk to?


If this is something usual, there is something she would like to share with you and that is why she wants to smoke with you.


Anyway, before I share with you a bunch of details about what it means when a girl wants to smoke with you, there is something you should know.


Your relationship with her plays a big role when it comes to the meaning you might take out of this article.


If she is someone close to you, you know each other better and you share something, its meaning would be different compared to when it’s just a random girl you met while partying and she ended up asking you if you would like to smoke with her.


Now that I have got that out of the way, let me share what it means before I go deeper into this article.


What does it mean when a girl wants to smoke with you?

When a girl wants to smoke with you it means she wants your company to talk and connect with you on a deeper level. It can also be that she wants someone who she can talk to and share her stories while she is having a good time.


It all has something to do with your company. If she wants to smoke with you, she wants to be around you.


The moment you spend time together smoking, she will use it to share what is bothering her, get to know you, or connect with you.


a man and a woman laying down smoking

As I said earlier, it depends on your relationship with her. I will explain deeply for you to get what she truly wants from you.


If she is your friend, she enjoys your company, she loves hanging out with you and she just wants to have a good time with you.


Read also; When A Girl Says She Loves Spending Time With You: It Means?


She knows you enjoy smoking. That is the only way she can get closer to you and make you feel that you have someone you can connect and relate to when it comes to most of the things you enjoy doing and talking about when you are together.


The part of her wanting to smoke with you is just to get the precious moment to connect with you.


It is also possible that she has something to share with you and that is why she wants to smoke with you.


As you are smoking, that is when she will open up to you and tell you everything that she feels like.


Another part is that she feels comfortable around you and that is why she doesn’t think it’s a big deal to smoke with you.


You are someone she knows better; she is used to you and she feels at ease when she is with you.


She can be who she wants to be when she is with you because she knows you will never judge her, do, or say anything that will make her feel bad about herself and the things she likes to involve herself in.


The truth is that when a girl is not comfortable around you, it will be so hard for her to request something from you.


Let alone the part of her wanting to smoke with you, she will never dare to ask you about anything that will lead the two of you to be close to each other because she is uncomfortable.


But if she doesn’t feel restricted when she is around you, she will always find it easier to do or say anything around you.


This is mostly brought about by how you treat each other, how you handle her, and the things you do when you are together.


If she is happy and feels free whenever she is around you, this is the main reason why she doesn’t think it’s a big deal smoking with you.


So, this also says that your relationship with her is on good terms and that is why she wants to smoke with you.


The same thing applies to when a girl wants to drink with you but that is another topic of its own that I will cover in the future.


What if she is just a girl you met recently? There is nothing special between you and she wants to smoke with you.


The first thing I would ask you is, which environment were you in when she asked to smoke with you?


Were you in a club? Were you partying? What were you doing?


If it’s the first thing you have just met and you talked for a few minutes or hours and she later on wants to smoke with you, it’s all about her wanting to spend more time with you to get to know you.


The first thing you should know is that you are probably not the first guy she has requested to smoke with.


This means that it’s something she has been doing for a while whenever she is in social places, interacting and meeting new people.


She wants to smoke with you because she thinks you do enjoy smoking; you are a cool person to smoke with and maybe she wants to know your story.


You are the kind of a guy she would like to hang out with and that is why she wants to smoke with you.


It’s a good sign, if you are interested in her maybe you have a shot with her as long as you play your cards right.


A girl will never want to smoke with anyone she doesn’t find cool to hang out with.


But when a girl wants to smoke with you it doesn’t necessarily mean she likes you.


It may be that she even thinks you are the coolest dude she should hang out with and smoke with.


But for a guy who she is truly interested in, she would never want to expose that side of her to him.


Anyway, all these are my assumptions, you will know the full story when you open up your heart, dig deeper into her mind, and find out what she is chasing.


If she has feelings for you or she sees more of what it can be between you, she will tell you the truth about it.


Read also; When She Says Let’s Be Friends And See Where It Goes


But if you are on the wrong page, she will also make everything clear to you, if she can ask to smoke with you, I don’t think there is anything she would hide from you.



When a girl wants to smoke with you it means she feels comfortable around you, she wants to hang out with you, she wants someone to talk to about things that are bothering her or she just wants to know more about you.


If she is a girl you just met, she wants to get to know you better, she thinks you are a cool guy to hang out with and connect with. She may be searching for friends, and this is one way for her to get them.


Read also; Why She Wants To Be Friends After Rejecting You


The moment a girl wants to do anything that requires her to be close to you, it’s possible that she finds you to be an interesting person to talk to and hang out with.


For you to know whether she wants something romantic with you or just wants to befriend you, you will have to take your time to talk to her.


Dive deeper into her thoughts and find out what she is truly fishing for. If she is interested in you, she will open up to you.


But if you are interested in her, don’t wait for too long before you express your feelings to her.


Related reads;

  1. When A Girl Gives You Money: It Means?
  2. When A Girl Texts You First: It Means?
  3. She Told Me Not To Wait For Her: It Means?

Abduljabbar Ali

I am Abduljabbar Ali from Mombasa, Kenya. I have been fortunate enough to travel around Kenya. I will be sharing my travel experience and travel tips with you. Say "Hi" and let us connect.

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