When A Girl Wants To Watch A Movie With You: It Means?

a man and a woman watching a movie in a cinema

When a girl wants to watch a movie with you it means she wants to hang out with you. In most cases, it is not about the movie she wants to watch with you, it’s all about the company that she wants from you.


In this article, I will share what it means when a girl wants to watch a movie with you


Before I start sharing with you what it means when a girl wants to spend an hour binge-watching a TV show with you, there are some important facts that you should take note of.


She wants to watch a movie with you because she enjoys your company, she feels super comfortable next to you and it can also be that she likes you.


It can also be that she wants you to make your move on her and that is why she wants to spend hours watching a movie with you.


It’s always harder for a girl to open up about how she feels about you.


When a girl goes to the extent of expressing what she feels for you, it has taken her ages to gather that courage.


As you know, men are the ones who always make the first move. What women will do is just convey signs and it will be up to the guy to figure out.


What does it mean when a girl wants to watch a movie with you?

a man and a woman watching a movie in a cinema

When a girl wants to watch a movie with you it means she wants to hang out with you. It is not about the movie, it’s all about your company. She enjoys spending hours with you because of the relationship you have cultivated with her.


The moment a girl enjoys spending time with you she will always search for a reason to be next to you.


She will want you to sit next to her, she will invite you to her events, she will want to walk with you, she will ask you to help her with so many issues that she is capable of handling and so many other things just to be next to you.


So, if a girl wants to watch a movie with you, it’s all about the time with you and nothing else.


The part about her wanting to watch a movie with you is because of the relationship you have with her.


If it’s a platonic relationship, she enjoys spending time with you because you are a good guy, you keep her entertained and she is used to being next to you.


Read also; When A Girl Says She Loves Spending Time With You: It Means?


You are the guy she would rather spend hours with because you are an important part of her life.


In another case, if she is interested in you romantically and now wants to watch a movie with you, just know that she wants to make a move on you.


If she won’t make a move on you, she will push you to make a move on her especially if she knows that you feel something for her.


You know that it will be just the two of you watching movies. Have you ever heard of “Netflix and chill”?


This is the part where the two of you enjoy a moment of privacy as you watch movies together.


As time goes by, you will both feel so comfortable getting romantic, spice things up and eventually you might end up getting each other in bed.


So, if there is a romantic connection between you and she suggests that she wants to watch a movie with you, just know that she wants to turn things around.


A movie is not the only thing you will watch, you will watch each other and you will eventually put the environment on heat.


When it’s just the two of you in a room watching movies, if you have feelings for each other you won’t be able to bottle them up.


You will find yourselves yearning for each other and you will eventually make a move on each other as long as there is a common interest.


If a girl wants to watch a movie with you it also shows that she likes you. No girl would want to spend hours watching a movie with someone she doesn’t like.


There might be a romantic connection or a platonic one, it will be up to you to find out.


So, even if she hasn’t made things clear about how she feels for you, just know that something is going on in her mind, it’s only that she is not yet ready to reveal it.


It can be that she is too shy to pour her heart out or she thinks that you don’t feel the same way about her.


For you to know what she feels for you, you will have to make the move and see how she is going to respond.


Now that you know why she wants to watch a movie with you, let me dive into another section.


What are the things you are supposed to do when watching a movie with a girl?


Especially if she is a girl who is interested in you and you also feel something for her.


If you look at her and how the two of you connect, you see that there is a solid connection.


This is your chance to turn things around and pull her closer to you. After that movie, things should be solid between you.


This is what you should do when watching a movie with a girl;

1. Make her comfortable.

If a girl came over to your place to watch a movie with you this is the first thing you should prioritize.


You should do everything you can to make her comfortable. This is what will make the rest of the things go smoothly between you.


When she is comfortable at your place, she will be willing to spread her wings, she will be active, and she will do and talk about anything she feels like.


This is what I call a vibe. But if she doesn’t feel comfortable at your place, the time you will spend together won’t be exciting at all.


If she feels comfortable she will be able to make a move on you, she will do lots of things without you pushing her to do them.


But if she doesn’t feel free at your place, she will be closed, she won’t be herself and she won’t enjoy the moment.


What if she has invited you to her place to watch a movie, should you think of making her comfortable?


If she is in her space, you don’t have to worry about making her comfortable.


She will be the one trying to make you feel at home. The only thing you should do is make sure you don’t do anything to make her uncomfortable.


The things you do and say are what will either make the moment amazing or worse.


2. Get her snacks and drinks.

This is something else you can do to make things exciting during your movie time.


If she has come over to your place to watch a movie don’t forget to get her snacks and drinks.


It’s about having a good time with her. In most cases, girls enjoy watching a movie while snacking and drinking at the same time.


If she has invited you to her place to watch a movie also be a gentleman and buy her some snacks.


You are probably going to spend hours at her place, she will cook for you and take care of you for the rest of the time you will be there.


The only favor you can do her is buy her something that she is going to enjoy eating or drinking.


3. Watch the movies that she is interested in.

You should choose a movie she is interested in watching if you want to have an amazing time together.


If you choose a movie that she doesn’t enjoy, she is going to be bored and she is probably going to leave you to watch alone.


So, if you know nothing much about the shows she likes watching, it’s not stupid to ask her about it.


But if she gives you the choice to pick the movies to watch, select a movie that will work on your favor.


If you are interested in turning things around and bringing the heat on, choose romantic movies.


4. Make your move on her.

If you are interested in her don’t be afraid to make a move on her when you are watching a movie with her.


She might have told you that she wanted to come and watch a movie with you and just chill at your place but she might have something else in mind.


Read also; When A Girl Comes Over To Your House: It Means?


But she won’t directly tell you that she came to let you make your move on her.


It will be up to you to figure out if that is what she also wants or not.


Don’t be afraid of her, she is probably thinking about the same thing. The only problem is that she doesn’t have the courage to open up to you about what she wants.


So, when you are watching a movie with her, ask her if she wants to cuddle with you.


If she doesn’t respond, it can be that she is shy to say it out loud. Get closer to her and try to embrace her.


If she responds positively, this is a sign that she also wants the same thing.


But if she pushes you away, this is a sign that she is not comfortable with you cuddling with her or she is not feeling it.


It can be that she is not in the mood or she is not interested in engaging herself in such kinds of things with you.


If you can’t cuddle with her, try to hold her hands while you are watching together and see how she is going to respond.


Try your level best to decrease the distance between you and see how she is going to respond.


If she pushes you away, just understand her and don’t make it a big deal.


Today she may not be willing to get closer to you but as time goes by things might change.



When a girl wants to watch a movie with you it’s all about the company. She wants to hang out with you.


So, make sure that you give her the best moment ever.


If she has invited you to her place to watch a movie, she probably wants you to make a move on her.


Especially if things between you are a little bit tense when you look at each other.


She probably likes you and she is giving you the chance to show her how you feel about her.


It doesn’t matter whether she is at your place or you are at her place, make your move on her and see how she is going to respond.


If she responds positively to your moves, it’s a sign that she expected the same thing.


But if she pushes you away, it’s a sign that she is not into what you are into. If you keep pushing it, you will only ruin things between you.


Related reads;

  1. When A Girl Wants You To Sit Next To Her: It Means?
  2. When A Girl Says I Want You What Does That Mean?
  3. When A Girl Says Tell Me Something Interesting: It Means

Abduljabbar Ali

I am Abduljabbar Ali from Mombasa, Kenya. I have been fortunate enough to travel around Kenya. I will be sharing my travel experience and travel tips with you. Say "Hi" and let us connect.

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