When A Girl Wants You To Chase Her: What You Will Notice

a woman and a man hanging out in a park

When a girl wants you to chase her the first thing you will notice is the games she plays. She will come up with so many stunts just to get you to pay attention to her and push you to do this just to get her to listen to you.


At times, you may think that she is playing hard to get or she doesn’t understand what you are conveying, but the truth is that she just wants you to chase her.


Why would a girl want you to chase her? What will she benefit from it? In this article, I will answer all these questions for you to know how to navigate this situation.


I will share some of the common things you will notice when a girl wants you to chase, and at last I will add on what to do when you find yourself pursuing a girl who is all about you chasing her.


You will also know if she is truly interested in you or if she is just yearning to use you for your attention.


Before I go too deep into this article, first you have to know what it means when a girl wants you to chase her.


What does it mean when a girl wants you to chase her?

When a girl wants you to chase her it means she is not interested in you as a person but she likes the attention you give her. The energy you put in when you are pursuing her by sending countless texts, blowing up her phone with calls, and being on her tail every day is what she enjoys.


She likes it when you make everything about her. That is why she wants you to keep chasing her.


You may think that you are on the verge of winning her but she is just stringing you along.


A girl who is truly interested in you will never play games. She will be honest with you about how she feels about you.


She won’t give you endless tests just to get you to give her your attention. A girl who wants you to chase her, the only thing she wants from you is your attention and nothing else.


If she is interested in you she will make things easier for you. She will respond positively to everything you say to her.


What you should know is that if she enjoys the fact that you are chasing her, you are not the only guy she has put in that trap.


Other guys who are on the same path as you are. She is milking attention and validation from other guys who are interested in her.


She is not a woman you want to focus on. This is a woman you should avoid because she is only going to waste your time.


So, when a girl wants you to chase her, what are the things that she will do? What are the games that she will play?


For you to avoid this trap, you need to understand her deeply enough. But you will be stuck in limbo if you don’t understand the games she plays.


Signs she wants you to chase her;

1. She doesn’t make her intentions clear.

a woman and a man hanging out in a park

The chase we are talking about here is the one that involves you going the extra mile just to get her attention.


She wants you to keep pursuing her but she doesn’t make things clear. You know what you want from her, she is aware of it but she pretends that she doesn’t know anything.


She is using this as a way of confusing you so that you keep putting yourself out there for her.


You have expressed your feelings to her, but she hasn’t told you anything sensible.


She hasn’t rejected you or accepted you in her life. You are hanging in a balance.


You have no idea if she wants to date or not. The things she does is just to show you that she is still an option for you so that you keep chasing her.


She knows that if she makes her intentions clear (whether she wants a relationship, a casual thing or she doesn’t have feelings for you) you will end up giving up on her.


You will stop pursuing her because you aren’t on the same page. Will continue to pursue a woman who is not interested in you?


If you want her to be your girlfriend but she wants to keep you in a friend zone, will you still stick around?


Read also; Should You Be Friends With A Girl Who Rejected You?


She doesn’t make things clear because she wants you to keep chasing her to know what she truly wants.


The thing is that she won’t make things clear until she has had enough of you or there is someone else she wants to put in the same path you are on.


So, when you notice that a girl doesn’t make things clear after you have expressed your feelings for her, she just wants you to keep chasing her.


This is the girl you should avoid because she is only going to waste your time and there is nothing solid you will build with her.


2. She keeps you hanging.

This is another sign you will come across when a girl wants you to chase her. She will keep you hanging.


She might have made things clear to you that she wants a romantic relationship with you (through actions), but she doesn’t want to give you an answer.


Maybe she told you that she would think about it but it has been months but she hasn’t told you a thing about how she feels about you.


Read also; When A Girl Says She Will Think About It: It Means?


She doesn’t want you to know whether she wants to be with you or not knowing that you will stick around for the moment.


You will keep chasing her because you know she still has something you would like to know.


This is what she is doing to keep you around. She is aware that the moment you know that she is not interested in you after she has given you the answer, you will pull away from her.


You will stop giving her the attention you used to because you know she is not going to give you what you want.


She doesn’t tell you a thing about what you talked about, maybe you kissed, but she doesn’t even want to talk about it and still acts nice to you.


She talks to you like nothing happened, she hangs out with you and even comes over to your place, and nothing happens between you other than the normal (platonic) things.


Read also; When A Girl Comes Over To Your House: It Means?


So, when you realize that a girl keeps you hanging instead of telling you yes or no, just know that she wants you to keep chasing her.


She wants you to keep taking her out, buying her gifts, keep her company, and give her the boyfriend energy she is missing but she doesn’t want to let you in.


This is what is going on here.


3. She takes you in circles.

When a girl wants you to chase her, she won’t tell you that she wants you to do it.


She will just take you in circles, and give you mixed signals knowing that you will stick around hoping that she is going to give you a positive answer.


Girls are aware of the games they play. If you don’t understand them, it will be super hard for you to know what is going on.


You may think that you are winning her, but it’s the opposite.


What you should know is that if a woman is interested in you she will never take you in circles.


She will make everything clear. Even if she doesn’t know how to express herself, her actions will give you an idea of what she wants.


The moment you notice that she is taking in circles day in and day out, this is a sign that she wants you to chase her.


The aim behind this is that if you know where she stands, you will change things. You won’t keep chasing her because you are aware of where she is taking you.


She is always giving you excuses whenever you ask her out on a date, she doesn’t initiate conversations when there is something important you want to talk about and she keeps giving you mixed signals.


Read also; She Never Calls I Always Call Her: Here’s Why


Today she might act nicer and the next day she acts like she doesn’t know you.


You are unsure of where she stands when it comes to what you are building with her.


She is that nice girl who pretends to care about your well-being but she never lets you know what her full story is.


As you are struggling to know where she stands, you will keep entertaining her, giving her your attention and you will always be chasing her.


This is what she wants. As a guy, you may think that she is unsure about how she feels about you and that is why she is not clear about what she wants.


You may try things to make her open up, but she will never let you know the truth about what she wants and truly feels about you.


4. She constantly wants your attention.

A girl wants you to chase her because she wants your attention. This is the main thing that any girl who wants you to be on her tail wants.


When a man spends hours talking to a woman online, entertaining her, and listening to her stories, this is the attention she is getting.


Time is precious, not all guys have the luxury of spending hours talking to a woman because they have important things to work on in their lives.


If a woman constantly wants your attention after you have made your intentions clear to her, she just wants you to keep chasing her.


She wants your attention just to make you believe that you are the guy she is interested in.


But if she doesn’t even initiate calls or texts, this might give you a clue that she is not on your radar.


She always wants you to be there for her when she goes shopping. She might even call you to hang out with her when her friends are around.


But when she is alone, she will never ask you out because she is not interested in you.


She knows that when her friends are around, it will be hard for you to make any move.


Where will you even get the chance to make your move when she is too busy with her girlfriends?


And after that, she will just ditch you and leave with her friends.


Later on, she will text you pretending that she enjoyed having you around just to show you that she was truly happy to hang out with you, but this is just a trap to keep you chasing her.


When she reaches out to you the only thing you will think is that she enjoyed having you.


But the truth is that this is a trap to keep you chasing her. You will eventually go out again and keep her company when she wants to go shopping.


How will you know that a girl wants you to chase her when she constantly wants your attention?


If a girl wants your attention and yet doesn’t show you any romantic gestures, it’s a sign that she wants you to chase her.


It’s kinda similar to when a girl puts you in a friend zone after rejecting you. You have high hopes that she will end up changing her mind about you and letting you in, so you keep following her up.


Read also; Why She Wants To Be Friends After Rejecting You


But after a very long time, is when you will realize that she wanted nothing to do with you but your attention only.


5. She pulls you in and out.

Another trick girls use to make guys chase them is this; they act super interested in you and go to the extent of conveying romantic gestures but then stop.


Somedays she acts like she is romantically interested in you and she wants you to go all in, but on some days she acts like she has no feelings for you.


And it’s not that she has told you that she is ready to be in a relationship with you.


She hasn’t given you a hint about what she wants from you even after you have expressed your feelings.


But some days she is too hot when around you but other days she is cold. She gives you a test of how things can be between you and then pulls out.


When you make a move she doesn’t let you keep it going. She only makes a move when she feels like it.


But she doesn’t let you touch her or initiate a kiss.


As a man, when you notice that a girl starts making romantic moves, you will conclude that she is interested in you.


This will keep you optimistic and you will keep pursuing her even when you are thinking about giving up.


When you stop giving her your attention, she asks you to go over to her house, she makes things a little bit interesting but after there she cuts you off for several days or even weeks.


This is just to keep you around. She knows that you are interested in her and this trick is enough to keep you chasing her.


If you have noticed this from a girl whom you are pursuing, it’s a sign that she wants you to keep chasing her.


6. She plays hard to get.

The point of her wanting you to chase her is to keep you pursuing her. A girl who wants you to chase her will never make things simple for you.


She will always play hard to get so that she keeps on the run for a while.


When a woman plays hard to get it will force a man to put in more effort. This is what will make you go the extra mile.


You will keep chasing her because you are interested in her.


If she says yes to you the moment you tell her that you want her to be your girlfriend, where will be the fun of that?


She won’t get the extra attention she wants from you, she won’t get the chance to make you bend a knee for her.


So, when a girl plays hard to get, this is another sign that she wants you to keep chasing her for a while.


Something you should know is if she is playing hard to get, it can be that she is truly interested in you but she doesn’t want you to think that she is cheap.


In another case, it can be that she is playing hard to get because she wants you to keep pursuing her as long as she wants (that is what we call chasing).


So, you have to take your time to observe her to know if she just wants you to chase her or if she wants you to know that she is not an easy-going girl.


7. She makes you feel insecure about yourself.

She knows that when you are confident about yourself you won’t keep chasing her.


You will develop the courage to pursue someone else you are interested in.


You will only entertain the woman interested in you, but if she breaks you into pieces, you won’t have anywhere to run but to her.


Some guys aren’t aware of this issue but those who are smart enough will see this from a mile away.


Since you are interested in her, you will be willing to do anything to develop yourself just to make her love you.


If she tells you that other guys are hitting on her, you will conclude that you will end up losing her if you don’t keep putting in the effort.


Read also; Why She Tells You When Other Guys Hit On Her


This means you will go the extra mile to please her and she will have the opportunity to use you.


And when she breaks you down so that you don’t feel you are good enough for her, you won’t even have the courage to approach someone else because you know you aren’t good enough for anyone else.


She might do anything to make you feel that you are not good enough for her so that you humble yourself towards her and be ready to do anything just to get the chance to be with her.


So, when a girl does anything to make you feel that you are not good enough for her or good for anyone else, she wants you to bend to her will so that she keeps using you.


At the same time, you will keep chasing her thinking that she is the only girl you will manage to get hold of because of the initial relationship you had with her.



If a girl wants you to chase her, she is not worth your time. She is not willing to settle down. This is the kind of woman who will only waste your time.


A girl who is interested in you will never want you to chase her. She will make things clear to you whether she wants to be with you or not.


Don’t chase a girl. The moment you notice she is playing games or she is not giving you the vibe you want, pull away from her.


She is only going to waste your time, but she will never give you what you want.


No matter how attractive she is, don’t allow yourself to fall into her trap.


If you see that your energy is not reciprocated, move along bro, you will meet someone else worth your energy.


Related reads;

  1. What Does It Mean When A Girl Wants Your Attention?
  2. When A Girl Ends The Conversation First: It Means?
  3. When A Girl Wants You To Visit Her: It Means?

Abduljabbar Ali

I am Abduljabbar Ali from Mombasa, Kenya. I have been fortunate enough to travel around Kenya. I will be sharing my travel experience and travel tips with you. Say "Hi" and let us connect.

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