When A Girl Wants You To Sit Next To Her: It Means?

a man sitting next to a woman while holding her palm

When a girl wants you to sit next to her the first thing you should know is that you have a positive thing going on with her.


She wants you to sit next to her simply because your vibes match. It can be that she feels comfortable when you are next to her.


There are so many things you can conclude when a girl wants you to sit next to her.


You might even end up thinking that she wants to be in a relationship with you and that is why she always wants you to be next to her.


In this article, I will share what it means when a girl wants you to sit next to her and why she wants it that way.


For you to know how to navigate this situation, especially if you are thinking of making your move by expressing your feelings, you need to know why she always wants you to sit beside her.


Without wasting time, let me share what you should know about this situation.


What does it mean when a girl asks you to sit next to her?

When a girl asks you to sit next to her it means she feels comfortable next to you, she enjoys your company, she has something to share with you, she wants you to entertain her or she just loves the idea of hanging out with you.


The full meaning of what it means when a girl wants you to sit next to her is determined by your relationship with her.


If she is just a friend that you have been so close with for a while, if she asks you to sit next to her it’s understandable.


The two of you have a connection that you have developed over the years. She is used to being around you and that is why she doesn’t find it a big deal when she asks you to sit next to her.


She knows you guys are friends and you have a lot to share and that is why she wants you next to her.


The confusion comes in when she is someone you have a crush on, you aren’t that close to each other and you don’t know each other that much.


Don’t worry, I will break down everything for you to understand why she wants you to be next to her.


You may think that she wants you to sit next to her simply because she has a thing for you.


Maybe she thinks you are attractive and she wants you to make your move on her.


That may be the case but you can’t just assume that she wants you to make your move when you have no idea of where she stands.


The part about her wanting you to sit next to her alone is not enough to make you conclude that she is interested in you.


So, you can’t only use this gesture to conclude that she wants something more from you and that is why she has asked you to sit next to her.


Let me go deeper by explaining some of the common reasons why she wants you to sit next to her.


This is why she wants you to sit next to her;

1. She wants your company.

a man sitting next to a woman while holding her palm

When a girl asks you to sit next to her it means she wants your company. It can be that she is bored, she has no one to talk to and keep her busy and that is why she wants you around.


If a girl wants your company, she will want you to be next to her. She will do everything she can to minimize the distance.


In most cases, a girl will want your company if you guys are friendly to each other, you know each other and something is brewing.


Also, if you know each other better because of the common interests you have, this might be the reason why she wants you to sit next to her.


She knows that when you are next to her you will have so much to talk about.


That will be enough for her to have an amazing time with you.


So, if a girl wants you to sit next to her and there is nothing serious going on, just know that she wants your company.


As long as a girl knows that you can keep her company, she will ask you to sit next to her.


In most cases, a girl will observe to see if you find any liking in her before she goes ahead and asks you to be closer to her.


She probably knows that you like her and that is why she wants you to sit next to her.


2. She feels comfortable next to you.

The aspect of comfort is another thing that made her ask you to sit next to her.


She feels comfortable next to you because she trusts you, she has known you for a long time and she just feels safe.


When a girl feels comfortable around you, she will even end up asking you to go over to her place just to keep her company.


Read also; When A Girl Wants You To Visit Her: It Means?


She won’t care what other people think about your relationship with her.


You should conclude that she feels comfortable next to you if you have been close to each other for a while.


You have interacted and you have shared most things about your life. If she is just a stranger you met on the bus, it’s not about comfort, it can be something else that you will know as you continue reading this article.


Will you sit next to someone whom you don’t feel comfortable with? You won’t even start a conversation with them let alone sit beside them.


The level of comfort a girl feels also says a lot about your relationship with her.


Your relationship with her (be it platonic or romantic) is on good terms and that is why she feels safe to have you seated next to her.


3. She enjoys spending time with you.

When a girl loves spending time with you she will always want you to sit next to her.


This has a connection to your relationship with her. If you are friends, it’s clear that your friendship is stronger.


She feels so close to you to the extent that she enjoys it when you are seated next to her.


You make her happy, you talk about things she enjoys and it feels right for her to be next to you.


And that is why she always wants you to sit next to her. you will realize that she is always active when you are beside her.


She has so many things to talk about, she tells you all her dirty little secrets and she embraces you like an important person in her life.


You should conclude this if you have been close to each other and it’s not the first time that the two of you have been next to each other.


When a girl loves spending time with you she will always have something to share with you even if it’s silly.


You will always be the first person to hear anything that goes on in her life. She will tell you things that you don’t even deserve to hear.


She will be willing to do anything with you as long as you are next to her. The conversations will be longer and deeper.


All these things are just meant to make you spend more time with her.


4. She likes you.

When a girl wants you to sit beside her it’s all because she enjoys your company, she finds you an interesting guy to talk to, you are a vibe and she probably thinks you are the coolest guy around.


All these things amount to how she feels and thinks about you. A girl may like you as a friend or it can be more of that.


She may portray signs, it will be up to you to decode the gestures and figure out what she wants from you.


If a girl wants to be close to you it always has to do with how she feels about you.


So, if she has shown you any romantic gestures, know that she is interested in you romantically and that is why she always wants you to sit next to her.


She wants you to sit next to her so that you realize that she appreciates your presence and to push you to make your move on her if you feel something for her.


If she wants to hang out with you all the time, she asks you to go over to her place, she opens up to you about everything that goes on in her life and she jokes about dating you, these signs are enough for you to know that she wants something more from you.


On the other side, if she has never given you any reason to conclude that she wants something romantic with you, don’t conclude that she wants something more with you.


She always wants you to sit next to her because you are just a good friend and she enjoys your company a lot.


Read also; When A Girl Says She Loves Spending Time With You: It Means?


5. She wants to talk to you about something.

If she is not the type of a girl who always asks you to sit next to her, the moment she wants you to sit next to her, there is something she would like to share with you.


She wants you close because it’s the only way she will be able to let everything out.


Also, it can be that she doesn’t have the courage to follow you where you are and start talking about what she would like to share.


When you are next to her it will be easier for her to tell you what she wanted to share.


So, if a girl wants you to sit next to her and it’s not something usual for her to ask of you, she has information that she would like to share with you.


If it was not for that information that she wanted to share with you, she would have asked her friends to sit next to her and not you.


This is what you should keep in mind.


Next time when she has nothing to share with you she will never ask you to sit next to her.


6. She wants to make someone jealous.

It is possible that she only wants you to sit next to her because she is trying to make another guy jealous.


Especially if you are in class, work area, or in a gathering, you are not the only shark in the sea.


She is trying to capture another guy’s attention and that is why she wants to use you.


You may not know that since you are into her and you think that it’s an opportunity. She is finally getting closer to you the way you wanted.


But she only wants to use you as bait and that’s why she wants you to sit next to her.


So, if she has never been interested in you don’t just conclude that she wanted you to sit next to her because she is now starting to like you.


She is just using you to get to someone else. This happens a lot.


The moment you realize that a girl who is never on your radar asks you for favors and pretends to be so close to you, there is an end game.


It’s just like a girl who has never even cared about you and now she wants you to be her close buddy.


She now invites you to her events and wants you to be always there for her.


It can be that she is lonely. The guys she used to entertain ditched her and now she wants someone else who is going to keep her company.


She is using you for attention but it’s not like she cares about you at all.


You matter for the moment, but when she finds someone else who means something more to her, she will forget about you.


7. She wants to get your attention.

She wants your attention and that is why she wants you to sit next to her.


A girl who wants you to notice her will use several techniques just to pull you closer to her.


Read also; What Does It Mean When A Girl Wants Your Attention?


When a girl asks you to sit next to her you will have no choice but to give her your attention.


Especially if she is a girl you are interested in, you will find yourself doing everything you can to make her happy and comfortable even though she is the one who asked you to sit next to her.


You will notice her, you will listen to her and you will do what you have to, to make the moment amazing since you don’t want to be termed as a boring guy.


What you should know is that women love it when everything is all about them.


They love it when a guy notices them and does things to validate them. If she had asked you to sit next to her and you did so, she would have captured your attention.


Your curiosity about why she asked you to sit next to her will drive you to give your full attention.


Right now you are searching to know why she wanted you to sit next to her, you are doing this because she captured your attention.


8. She wants to see your reaction.

Maybe the two of you have never been close to each other. She doesn’t know what you think or feel about her.


She wants you to sit next to her just to notice your reaction. It’s your reaction that she will use to determine how you feel about her.


If she asked you to sit next to her and you agreed, she probably now thinks that you find her attractive.


But if you refused, she concluded that you don’t find her attractive and maybe you don’t like her and that is why you refused when she called you and asked you to sit next to her.



When a girl wants you to sit next to her the first thing you should know is that she wants your company.


She enjoys spending time with you, you are an interesting guy because you have so much to share and you always keep her entertained.


If you were boring, she wouldn’t have asked you to sit next to her. If a girl asks you to sit next to her, it’s up to you to decide if you want to be next to her or not.


If you are interested in her and you want to shoot your shot, sit next to her and show her that you are the guy she should always think of hanging out with.


But if you aren’t interested in her don’t bother sitting next to her because you might end up losing your opportunities.


Another girl may be interested in you and she may end up thinking that you are attracted to someone else.


And that might be the reason for her to pull herself away from you.


Related reads;

  1. When A Girl Says I Want You What Does That Mean?
  2. When A Girl Wants You To Chase Her: What You Will Notice
  3. When A Girl Ends The Conversation First: It Means?

Abduljabbar Ali

I am Abduljabbar Ali from Mombasa, Kenya. I have been fortunate enough to travel around Kenya. I will be sharing my travel experience and travel tips with you. Say "Hi" and let us connect.

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