What Does It Mean When A Girl Wants Your Attention?

a woman holding a log of wood while flexing

When a girl wants your attention it means that she wants you to notice her, she wants you to be aware of her so that when she does anything you will be the first person to see it.


What will she benefit from getting your attention? Why does she want your attention? These are some of the questions will answer in this article for you to understand her end game.


First, you should know that women will do anything to get what they want.


They may be a little bit shy to express themselves but the things they will do will be enough for you to notice them.


Before I go too deep into details about what it means when a girl wants your attention, keep in mind that girls love attention.


It’s the attention that they get from guys that pushes them to behave the way they do.


A girl may be so calm when she is all alone, but when she notices there are some guys around her, she will do things to make the guys focus on her.


Girls love it when everything is just about them. That is why so many girls would go the extra mile on social media and in person just to grab men’s attention.


Now that you know about that, let me dive into what it means for you to understand what she is trying to do.


What does it mean when a girl wants your attention?

a woman holding a log of wood while flexing

When a girl wants your attention it means she wants you to notice her, recognize her, validate her, and even push you to make a move on her if you are interested in her.


She wants you to know that she is around so that if you want anything from her, you make a go for it.


When she gets your attention and deep down you are interested in her, you will start getting closer to her.


You will think of ways to impress her, you will want to sit next to her, you will give her compliments, and keep her entertained.


Girls love it when guys are aware of their existence. She wants you to know that she is available.


Some girls will try to get your attention so that you comment about how they have dressed and how they look.


She may even not be interested in you. She wants your attention because it makes her feel good about herself.


Let me say it boosts her ego when guys are all over her, talking about her and even hitting on her.


The truth is that if she doesn’t have your attention, you won’t bother talking to her or buying her a drink.


You will stay busy focusing on the things that you are doing.


In another case, when a girl wants your attention it means she is interested in you. She can’t express what she feels for you, but she is hoping that she will get you to make your move on her.


If you find her attractive and she has been giving you gestures that she wants you to talk to her, hang out with her, and open up about how you feel for her, you will end up doing so.


She understands that you will end up concluding that she is interested in you and you will shoot your shot.


That is what she is hoping you will do.


If she is not interested in you, since you have seen the way she handles you, if she wants your attention maybe it’s because she is bored and she wants someone to keep her entertained.


Let me just say she wants to use you for your attention. It relates to the case where a girl rejects you but still wants you around.


Read also; Why She Wants To Be Friends After Rejecting You


The truth is that when she gets the attention, she needs from the guy she adores, she is going to let go of you.


She will start ignoring you and pretending that you don’t even exist because she gets what she wants from someone she is genuinely interested in.


So, if a girl wants your attention out of nowhere and you haven’t been so close, this shows that she just wants to use you for the moment.


She is bored and she wants someone to keep her busy. Most guys find themselves in this state without knowing that the girl is only getting closer to them because she is bored.


Girls love it when they get the boyfriend energy from guys they aren’t even dating.


In this way, they won’t have to put any effort into crafting a relationship because they get what they want without working for it.


So, when a girl wants your attention, it has two sides of the coin, the first one is that she is interested in you and the second is that she just wants to use you for the time being.


If she was distanced before and she suddenly wants your attention, you need to observe and learn about her intentions before she turns you into her puppet.


But if it’s when you have just met and she is trying so hard to get your attention, she wants you to notice her, she is also trying to get closer to you to befriend you or make you open up more about yourself.


Read also; When A Girl Wants To Get To Know You: It Means?



When a girl wants your attention and you have no idea of her intentions, the first thing you should do is talk to her.


Try to find out why she wants your attention before you fully leave everything else and focus on her.


Is she interested in you or is she trying to get on your good side because she knows there is a benefit from that?


You have the right to sit down and talk to her about why she wants your attention so badly.


Some girls may reject that they want your attention, while others will open up and tell you why they are trying to make you notice them.


If you are interested in her and deep down you know she is worth your time, give her your attention. Let her know that you notice her by getting closer to her, complimenting her and even asking her out on dates sometimes.


She wants your attention because you matter to her. You are the guy she is trying to please and win.


The truth is that if a girl isn’t interested in you, she won’t even bother trying anything to get your attention.


Be careful not to fall into her trap. Some girls will want you to give them your attention when they need it, but when you need them, they will cut you off.


Don’t accept to be exploited. And something more, don’t give your attention to a woman who doesn’t match your energy. Don’t give your attention to a woman who is only available when she feels like it.


If you have important issues to handle in your life, don’t leave them out to give a girl your attention.


Prioritize your life over a woman.


Related reads;

  1. When A Girl Wants You To Pay For Everything: It Means?
  2. When A Girl Ends The Conversation First: It Means?
  3. When A Girl Asks What Do You See In Me: It Means? (+Answers)

Abduljabbar Ali

I am Abduljabbar Ali from Mombasa, Kenya. I have been fortunate enough to travel around Kenya. I will be sharing my travel experience and travel tips with you. Say "Hi" and let us connect.

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