When A Guy Acts Childish Around You: It Means?

A man and a woman laying down looking at each other on opposite sides

When a guy acts childish around you, he tries to convey something to you. In most cases, it usually has something to do with how he feels about you.


The way a guy behaves around you says a lot when it comes to your relationship.


There is a positive side when it comes to the way he acts around you. You will understand as you keep reading how this affects your relationship.


In this article, I will share what it means when a guy acts childish around and why he acts that way.


What does it mean when a guy acts like a kid?

When a guy acts like a kid around you it means he feels comfortable around you, he is excited to be next to you, your relationship is at its best term, he is trying to cheer you up and it can be that you bring out this side of him.


The way a guy behaves says so much regarding how he feels about you — if he is acting childish, you should first know that he feels comfortable and at ease when next to you.


This is bought by how you handle each other and the way he perceives you.


He feels free to act like a little kid since he knows you won’t mind him behaving that way. You aren’t the type of a person to judge the way he behaves.


This guy feels comfortable to behave the way he does in front of you because of your relationship.


If you have been close for a while and you know each other better this could be the reason why he feels so free next to you.


When you have known someone for a while it will reach a point you won’t even have to hide who you are next to them because of how comfortable you are when you are with them.


You will always feel that they will accept you for who you are — you won’t feel restricted thus allowing yourself to behave the way you want.


So, if a guy acts like a kid he is comfortable around you since he knows you won’t mind him acting that way.


A guy will be this comfortable next to you when you are used to each other, you know so much about each other and you are always free spirit around each other.


There is more that you need to know when a guy acts childish around you. As you continue reading the article you will know it all.


This is why he acts like a child around you;

1. He is excited to be next to you.

A man and a woman laying down looking at each other on opposite sides

If a guy acts like a kid it’s because he is happy to be next to you. He is filled with joy to the extent that he can’t hold it in.


When you are super happy to be next to someone dear to you — you will just find yourself acting out without any reason.


So, if a guy acts childish around you it shows that he is excited to be with you. He can’t hold how happy he is and that is why he acts this way.


The truth is that if a guy is not excited to be around you, he will act distant and cold.


The way he will talk to you will surely show you that he is not happy to see you. He won’t express himself or give you the impression that he is happy.


And if someone is not happy to be next to you, all they will do is act in a way to make you unhappy just to push you away, or give you a hard time when you are with them.


If he acts like a child just know that he is so happy to have you around, he can’t hold his emotions in and that is why he let them out by behaving the way he does.


2. He enjoys spending time with you.

When a guy enjoys spending time with you, this will be shown by how he behaves when you are next to each other.


If he likes hanging out with you, he will want you to know that he enjoys every second with you. The things he will do next to you will show you that he is excited and active whenever you are with him.


The way he behaves portrays how he feels when you are with him — he is acting like a kid because he can’t control it even when you think it’s lame of him.


The excitement is what makes him act the way he does. He can’t bottle up his emotions at all because of how he feels when it is just you and him hanging out.


If he wasn’t enjoying spending time with you he would have been dull, inactive and so pushy. He wouldn’t have given you an easy time.


A guy may not tell you that he enjoys your company but the way he will act around you will give you everything you want to know about him.


So, if he does things when you are together that give you the impression that he acts like a kid, just know that he enjoys spending time with you.


3. Your relationship with him is on good terms.

When it reaches a point where a guy loosens up when next to you this surely says a lot about your relationship with him.


It doesn’t matter whether it’s a purely platonic relationship or a romantic one — your relationship with him is solid and that is why he can’t prevent himself from behaving the way he does.


You make each other happy, you get each other and every moment you are with each other things are always bright.


The way a guy treats you says a lot about your relationship with him. If he is playful next to you this surely says that he is so excited to be next to you.


You treat him nicely, you are just good for each other and there is nothing that pushes you away from each other.


The truth is that when there is a negative tension between you — the only thing you will feel when you are around him is just to distance yourself from him.


If he also feels the same, he won’t even show how he feels when you are together. Everything he will do next to you will be just for the sake of pushing himself away from you.


But when a guy feels at ease and acts the way he feels like when next to you, this shows that your relationship is on a good term.


Nothing is bothering him when it comes to how you connect. You are definitely good with each other.


4. You bring out this version of him.

The way a guy behaves also has something to do with how you handle him.


If you are the kind of a girl who puts him in a tight spot to the extent he can’t freely express how he feels when he is next to you — it would have been impossible for him to act the way he does.


He would have been so cautious not to do anything that would go against what you like. This means it would have been impossible for him to act like a little child next to you.


You are the one who encourages him to open up to you, to feel free to share anything with you, and allow him to be himself whenever he is next to you.


So, when you are together he just feels at ease because you don’t restrict him.


You make him happy when you are next to each other, you push him not to battle his feelings and allow him to spread his wings.


It also can be that you understand him better than anyone does, you always know how to handle him when you are around each other and that is why it’s easier for him to be himself.


The way you treat him makes it super easy for him to act the way he does. You know what makes him tick and that is why he lets it all out.


If he didn’t feel at his best next to you it would have been impossible for him to act like a kid. He would have always been careful not to do or say anything that may make you uncomfortable.


He would have been so hard on himself and this would have prevented him from being who he wants to be next to you.


It would have been hard for him to be himself because he feels cornered when you are next to each other.


You are the one who makes him act like a child because of how you treat him. There is nothing wrong with him behaving the way he does because it shows that you get him better than anyone else.


5. He wants to make you happy.

Sometimes a guy will want to cheer you up when he notices that you are not in a good mood.


If he knows that you are not in your usual state, he will do everything he can to ensure that you are smiling.


So, if he is acting like a kid next to you when you are always down, this is just to cheer you up and make you feel alive.


He knows that when he behaves like a little boy it will make you smile and laugh — he is trying to be your comedian today.


So, if you are feeling low and suddenly he acts childish, he knows that it’s one way of making you happy.


He knows that behaving childish next to you will make you loosen up and this will end up making your day even brighter.


That is what he is trying to do by acting that way. He is making an effort to ensure that your smile is back.


6. He wants to get your attention.

When you are too distracted to the extent that he feels you don’t give him the level of attention he wants — he will do everything he can to ensure that you focus on him.


It may not be the way he usually behaves when he is next to you, he is aware that if he brings out the childish side of him, it will surprise you.


You will want to know what is going on and you will have no choice but to give him the attention he wants.


Your curiosity will make you start giving him attention again because it’s strange when it comes to how he acts before you.


What you will do to try to understand how he behaves will force you to pay attention to him whether you like it or not.


You will want to know what is going on with him since it’s not normal for him to act this way, you will find yourself giving him attention to know what is going on.


It can also be that you are mad at him and you don’t want to talk to him at the moment. Since he knows just talking to you won’t cut it, he has decided to change the way he acts just to grab your attention.


If you notice that he is suddenly acting not in the way you expected him to, you will be curious thus you will find yourself talking to him again even without wanting to do so.



When a guy acts goofy next to you it just shows how he feels when he is with you. You make him happy, he is comfortable around you and you bring the best out of him.


Your relationship is on good terms and nothing is bothering him when it comes to the two of you.


Every guy has his way of expressing his feelings and joy towards the person he holds dear.


If he acts childish when next to you, that may be his way of expressing his feelings and joy.


When a guy behaves like a kid and you don’t like it, the best thing to do is to talk to him about it.


It can be that you want to share important information with him but he keeps acting childish and it ruins the atmosphere.


Be free to let him know the truth so that he is aware of when to act goofy and when not to. But if you will keep it to yourself despite being unhappy with how he behaves, you will only be hurting yourself.


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  1. When A Guy Invites You To His House: It Means?

Abduljabbar Ali

I am Abduljabbar Ali from Mombasa, Kenya. I have been fortunate enough to travel around Kenya. I will be sharing my travel experience and travel tips with you. Say "Hi" and let us connect.

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