When A Guy Says You Are More Than Friends: It Means

woman leaning on her palm thinking critically

When a guy says you are more than friends he is trying to tell you that there is something more going on regarding the relationship between you.


In this article, I will share what it means when a guy says you are more than friends. I will also add to why he said this phrase to you.


If a guy tells you something, there is always a reason behind it. It can be that he wants you to be aware of his intentions or he is trying to let you know that you are in another stage.


The first thing you should know is that when a guy says you are more than friends, he is talking about your relationship.


You are no longer just simple friends, something more is evolving. He will change how he handles you because you are no longer just friends.


He is saying that you have something more going on, it is mostly a romantic thing that he is talking about.


So, without wasting time, let me share what it means when a guy says you are more than a friend to him to understand why he said that.


You need to understand what he means before you conclude anything that might end up giving him the wrong impression or make him believe that you are all on the same page when you are completely in two different worlds.


What does it mean when a guy says you are more than a friend?

When a guy says you are more than a friend it means that the relationship between you is no longer platonic, you are no longer just friends since there is a romantic connection developing or it has already been established. From now henceforth, he will handle you like his girlfriend or do things with you that people who are in a romantic relationship do.


You have to understand that he said you are more than a friend, this tells me that he is confident enough that you are okay with what he is referring to.


It can be that you have given him a vibe that allowed him to conclude that you are also on the same page as he is.


You are okay with being more than a friend to him because you have responded positively to all the things he has done to you or the things he has requested.


He didn’t ask you if you want to be more than a friend, he said you are more than a friend to him, which means he is sure that you are okay with turning things around.


Anyway, you may not understand clearly until I go deeper in explaining why he said that you are more than friends.


This is why he said you are more than friends;

1. He has romantic feelings for you.

woman leaning on her palm thinking critically

The first thing you should know is that when a guy says you are more than friends it means that he feels different for you.


The way he looks at you right now is not the same way he did when you started getting to know each other.


He sees you differently because he has romantic feelings for you. All these feelings that he has for you require him to change the way he handles you.


You are now someone special to him. He won’t handle you the way he used to treat you.


The things he will do with you will be out of what you used to do together when you first met.


He is going to handle you romantically because he has feelings for you. You are someone he wants to share with his feelings.


It’s one way guys use to express their feelings to people they care about. Instead of him telling you that he has feelings for you and he would like you to be his girlfriend, he is telling you that you are more than a friend.


So, this is one way of you knowing that he has feelings for you and he would like something more to evolve between you.


A guy who wants you to be just a friend and wants nothing more to do with you will never speak of ‘more than friends with you.’


This guy has feelings for you and he wants to turn things around and that is why he had to tell you the truth.


He doesn’t look at you as a friend anymore, you are someone special to him because the feelings changed.


It can be that he is attracted to you sexually and he wants to get you in his bed or maybe he wants a serious relationship with you that will turn into something else.


Read also; When A Guy Invites You To His House: It Means?


It’s up to you to find out what he meant by asking more follow-up questions as to why he said you are more than friends.


2. He wants you to know that you are no longer ‘just friends’

When a guy says you are more than friends it means he is already glued on the fact that you are no longer just friends.


He is aware that your relationship has taken a different turn and that is why he is saying it loudly for you to know what he is thinking about the relationship.


He says you are more than friends, take a moment and ask yourself why he didn’t he say he wants you to be more than friends.


The fact is that he knows that you are on another page. It can be that the things you do with him give him the impression that you are no longer just friends.


If you have been kissing, touching, cuddling and even getting into his bed, he doesn’t consider you as a friend anymore.


He wants you to know that you are more than a friend so that you are aware of where the relationship is going.


Maybe he thinks you are still stuck on the part that he is just a friend and he can’t turn the relationship into something else.


By saying that you are more than friends, he is making you aware that the relationship is on another level right now.


You are no longer just friends, you are something more to each other because of the things you have been doing together.


If you haven’t been doing anything, but the way you talk to him gives him an impression that you are ready for something more, this is why he says you are more than friends.


He just wants you to know that you are on another page right now, if you feel it’s not the page you want to be on, be honest with him about it.


3. He thinks you didn’t know his intentions.

It can be that he came to you to befriend you. You have been close to each other for a while, and you have done a lot of things together.


The way you have been treating him, only shows him that you think he is just a friend and he will always remain to be on that stage.


He is telling you otherwise for you to understand and know that he doesn’t only want to be your friend.


He wants something more from you and that is why he says that there is something more.


The thing is that he knew that if he tells that you are more than friends, you would end up searching for what he meant when he said it.


When you finally know what he meant, if that is what you are after too, you will be okay with it and you won’t push him in the opposite direction.


But if you are against what he said then it will be a reason for you to be honest with him about what he wants and expects from you.


He wants you to know that he doesn’t only want you to be his friend. He wants something more, it’s a romantic thing.


The issue is that you don’t know if he is only saying that because he wants to have sex with you or if he wants something serious.


To know that, you will have no choice but to talk to him about it. Some guys will tell you that they want something more, and you might end up mistaking them for wanting a serious relationship, but the fact is that they only wanted you for one thing, and that is sex.


4. He is reminding you of what is going on.

“Hey, we are more than friends you know.” Sometimes when a guy says this to you, he is reminding you that you have to wake up.


This is the situation whereby you are also aware of what is going on, but he keeps telling you about it.


If you have started dating, you know that you are in a relationship with him but he keeps telling you, “We are in a relationship.”


He is reminding you that you have a relationship to work on. Maybe he sees that you have stopped putting in the effort to work on that relationship.


You are not doing anything to push the relationship to the next level. He is reminding you that you have to start putting in the effort if you want the relationship to reach the next level.


If you are in a relationship and he keeps reminding you about it, just know that he wants you to be aware of the situation you are in.


It can be that he thinks you have lost touch with what you are working on or he wants you to take him seriously because he thinks you are taking him for granted.




When a guy says you are more than a friend to him it means that you are past the friendship level. You are someone special to him and it’s not platonically.


It’s not that you are his sister, you are someone he wants to connect with romantically.


So, when a guy says you are more than friends and he has been treating you like his girlfriend, just know that he is making you aware that you are not just friends, you are on another level.


You guys are in a romantic relationship, so you should leave out the title of friendship.


The phrase, ‘You are more than a friend’ is different from, ‘I want you to be more than a friend,’


If he says you are more than a friend, he is just making you aware of the stage you are in, but if he says I want you to be more than a friend, it means he wants you to move past the friendship barrier and handle each other like couples.


When a guy says you are more than friends, don’t just assume he wants a serious relationship and give in to everything he wants.


Ask him follow-up questions so that you know what he is talking about before you do something that you will regret.


If a guy says he wants you to be more than a friend, he is not clear whether he wants a romantic connection with you or he just wants to smash and move on.


Related reads;

  1. When A Guy Tells You About His Whereabouts: It Means?
  2. When A Guy Wants To Get To Know You Better: It Means?
  3. 6 Reasons Why He Wants You To Call Him

Abduljabbar Ali

I am Abduljabbar Ali from Mombasa, Kenya. I have been fortunate enough to travel around Kenya. I will be sharing my travel experience and travel tips with you. Say "Hi" and let us connect.

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