When A Guy Tells You About His Whereabouts: It Means?

Woman texting while smiling
  1. Have you ever wondered why a guy would tell you about his whereabouts without asking? There is always a reason behind it.


In this article, I will share some of the reasons why he tells you about his whereabouts.


Before a guy tells you something, he always has in mind what he is trying to gain from it.


If a man knows that if he tells you something, it will mess up your relationship or make you angry, he will hold on to it.


He won’t tell you about it even if you ask him a thousand times. Other guys will just lie to you to avoid trouble.


So, if he is telling you where he is without even you asking him about it, there is something he is planning to fish from this.


Without wasting time, let me share with you what it means when a guy tells you about his whereabouts.


What does it mean when a guy tells you his whereabouts?

When a guy tells you about his whereabouts it means he wants you to know where he is so that if you are around the area you would think of meeting him up. Also, he might end up asking to see you in person if you are in an area close to his location.


He tells you where he is so that you can think of meeting him up.


It’s true if you want to hang out with him and he is within the area you stay, you will probably think of going out to see him in person.


So, if he shares his location with you and he is just around the place you stay, he wants you to go out and meet him in person.


If he is confident enough, he will ask you to go and see him. He might even tell you that he is at that location because he wanted a chance to see you in person.


I am assuming this is a guy who is trying to win you. He is in the process of pursuing you.


Most guys want to meet up as soon as you start talking, but not all will directly tell you that when it’s too early.


You might end up concluding that they have the worst intentions or they are moving too fast to the extent of scaring you.


So, instead of him telling you that he wants to meet you, he is just sharing his location with you. This way it will feel natural and you might be interested in meeting him if he is at a location that you fancy or an area you can get to quickly.


There are more reasons why a guy would tell you about his whereabouts. As you continue reading you will know them all.


This is why he tells you about his whereabouts;

1. He wants you to know what he is up to.

Woman texting while smiling

When a guy tells you about his whereabouts it means he wants you to know everything he is doing.


If he shares his location with you it will be easier for you to know what he is doing. When he tells you that he is at the beach, you will definitely know he is having fun.


When a guy wants you to know everything he is doing, he will always tell you about his whereabouts knowing that you will be curious and you will end up asking questions.


If he tells you that he is in the forest, you will start asking him questions about what he is doing there and who he is with.


This will give him the chance to share everything he is doing with you thus keeping you updated about his schedule and what he does for fun.


It’s one way of him slowly opening up his world to you for you to know what he is always dealing with.


It’s a perfect way of knowing his interests, what his schedule is like, and the places he likes to hang out.


A guy will want you to know everything he does when he thinks it will pull you closer to him and help him win you.


When you know him better through what he does at different locations, it will be easier for you to decide whether to let him in or not.


He knows what he is doing by telling you about his whereabouts. He wants you to know everything he involves himself in.


It can also be that he is not trying to lure you into his box. He just wants to befriend you.


Friends have to know everything about each other. This is one way of him telling you what he is up to.


2. He wants you to consider meeting him.

If a guy tells you about his whereabouts and it turns out that it’s just around the area you are, he wants you to meet him up.


He may text or call you, “Hey, I’m in Washington today, I’ll be here for a few days.”


If you are in Washington then you will think of meeting him. You might end up finding yourself asking him if you can meet up and spend some time together.


He doesn’t want to come straight at you and just tell you that he would like to meet you up when he doesn’t know anything about your schedule.


If he tells you his whereabouts and you know that you have free time on your end, you will end up wanting to meet him.


But if your schedule is tight, you won’t bother at all. He will understand that you have so many things going on and that is why you haven’t talked about meeting up.


Some guys don’t want to be seen as aggressive in their point of approach. So, they will just do and say things to make you give them the suggestions that they want to hear.


3. He is doing it for safety reasons.

A guy will tell you about his whereabouts so that you know where he is, what he is doing, and his safety.


If he thinks that you will be so worried about him since you haven’t seen him in a while, he will tell you his location to put you at ease.


He just wants you to know where he is so that you are calm and relaxed.


For instance, if you have been waiting to meet him but it turns out that he will be late, he will keep you updated.


He will tell you his whereabouts so that you know where he is and the approximate time you should expect to see him.


If anything is to happen to him, you will know where he is and it will be easier for you to trace him.


It’s okay for a guy to share his location with you for the safety reason. This is one way a guy can show you that he cares about you.


He doesn’t want you to be worried or stressed about him being lost in the mayhem of the city.


4. He wants to gain your trust.

If he is your boyfriend and he is telling you about his whereabouts after an incident happened between you, he is just trying to gain your trust.


For instance, if you have trust issues and your relationship has been through a lot of breaking points, he is doing this to fix the relationship.


When a guy tells you things that he isn’t supposed to, you will start trusting him again because he is an open book.


You will conclude that he doesn’t hide anything from you nowadays since he is always open about where he is and the things he does.


With time, he knows that you will be able to notice that he is an open book to you and he wants you to know everything he is doing and where he is always.


The opposite of this, if he hides his location, you will end up concluding that something fishy is going on.


He may be cheating on you or doing something that you don’t want him to.


But if he tells you about his whereabouts it will clear any doubts and this will keep rebuilding the trust to where it was.


5. He just feels it’s responsible of him to do it.

If you are dating, don’t ask yourself so many questions about why he tells you about his whereabouts.


He feels it’s his duty to tell you where he is because you are someone dear to him and you deserve to know everything.


It’s responsible for couples to share with each other their locations not because it’s a must, but it’s away of letting your partner knows your ins and outs.


He feels like it’s a good thing to share his location with you and that is why he does it.


There is nothing dark about his sharing his location with you. If he thought it wasn’t a good thing or you weren’t supposed to know he would have kept the details for himself.



If a guy tells you his whereabouts and it turns out that he is around the location you are, he wants you to consider meeting him up.


But if he is so far from you, he just wants you to know what he is up to and the places he likes spending most of his time.


He thinks sharing his location will enable you to know so much about him.


If you are dating, he just wants to gain your trust, make you worry less about his safety and he kinda feels it’s his duty to be open to you about what is going on.


Related reads;

  1. When A Guy Wants To Get To Know You Better: It Means?
  2. When A Guy Wants To Spend Time With You Alone: It Means?
  3. When A Guy Tells You About His Family: It Means?

Abduljabbar Ali

I am Abduljabbar Ali from Mombasa, Kenya. I have been fortunate enough to travel around Kenya. I will be sharing my travel experience and travel tips with you. Say "Hi" and let us connect.

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