When A Guy Wants To Spend Time With You Alone: It Means?

A man and a woman holding each other in open field alone

When a guy wants to spend time with you alone is there something he is planning to do with you? Does it mean he likes you and probably wants to make a move on you?


I know you have so many questions about what he wants and expects when he wants to hang out with you alone.


In this article, I will share several reasons why he wants to spend time with you solo. Some of the things I might share relate to what you are thinking of right now.


What does it mean when a guy wants to spend time with you alone?

When a guy wants to spend time with you alone it means he wants to have some privacy with you so that he can focus on just you. He probably wants to make a move on you. It can be that he wants to express his feelings using words or actions.


But that is not the only reason why a guy would want to spend time with you alone. As you continue reading the article you will know everything.


When a guy wants to hang out with you alone it shows that he cares about how the two of you connect. If he doesn’t want you to be around your friends or family, he just wants to make the time amazing for both of you.


Hanging out with you while other people are around is only going to make things awkward because he won’t have the chance to focus on you fully or express himself the way he wants to.


But before you conclude anything about why he wants to hang out with you alone, you need to observe your relationship with him.


What is his intention of getting closer to you? What is he yearning for? Has he ever told you that he wants you to be more than just friends?


If he is someone who has been trying hard to show you that you mean something more to him — if he wants to hang out with you alone it’s not just a simple hang out.


He wants to be alone with you so that he can get the chance to express his feelings for you using words or actions.


By expressing his feelings using words, he will tell you how he feels about you and how he wants you to be more than just a friend.


If we are talking about actions, when it’s just the two of you, he will get the chance to initiate a romantic move on you by either touching you sexually, kissing you, or trying to get you into his bed if he invited you to his place or a hotel.


Read also; When A Guy Invites You To His House: It Means?


It can also be that he finds it harder to express his feelings for you when other people are around — he is not confident enough to make himself vulnerable when other people are there.


He may be worried that the response you might end up giving him when he says that he has feelings for you might only embarrass him.


But if it’s just the two of you, he won’t find it hard to express what he feels for you.


In another case, if he wants to hang out with you alone it can be that he wants to surprise you. It can be that he wants to give you something or tell you something that would end up blowing your mind.


What if he is just a guy who has never made his intentions open to you? You don’t know if he wants you to be more than just friends or if he just wants something casual.


If you don’t know his intentions and what he is after from you, the best thing you should do is confront him. Ask him why he wants to hang out with you alone.


If there is something he is hiding to just confuse you, he will have no choice but to tell you the truth since he wants you by his side.


This is why he wants to spend time with you alone;

1. He enjoys spending time with you alone.

A man and a woman holding each other in open field alone

A guy will want to spend time with you alone when he enjoys being with you solo. It’s all about the company you offer him and not something else.


It doesn’t matter what a man wants from you, if he doesn’t enjoy spending time with you he won’t care about hanging out with you.


He won’t ask you to hang out with him let be it spending time with you alone. When it reaches a point where a guy wants to spend time with you alone, it’s a sign that he enjoys your company so much.


If he was bored by spending time with you he wouldn’t have asked you to hang out with you alone.


So, when a guy wants to spend time with you alone it’s a good sign. It shows that the two of you click into place, you enjoy each other’s company and nothing feels awkward when it’s just the two of you alone.


It can be that he wants something more or he expects you to notice something, but that doesn’t matter for now, just go with what I’m sharing now, he enjoys your company.


Even if he pretends not to enjoy your time together, if he wants to be around you alone, you are a jewel. You make him happy but he just doesn’t want to say it.


Sometimes guys hide their feelings so that they aren’t seen as desperate, clingy, or needy. Now that you know that he enjoys your company, there is something else you should know about why he wants to spend time with you alone.


2. It’s easier for him when it’s just the two of you.

If he has been always asking to hang out alone this shows that he finds it easier when it’s just the two of you.


I told you earlier that some guys aren’t confident enough to open up their hearts when there are other people around them.


When your friends are around he finds it hard to be honest with you about what he wants and feels. It makes it harder for him to be himself when other people are around.


That is why he thinks the best thing to do is just to eliminate the other people and only spend time with you alone. This way, it will be easier for him to be himself without worrying about what someone else might end up thinking about him.


Other guys are just more private and they don’t want anyone else to know who they are into. It’s not that he may be trying to hide you because he will be embarrassed when his friends see you with him.


He just finds it easier to let himself loose when it’s just the two of you. All guys want this — not to feel restricted when they are with someone they want to enjoy their moments with.


3. He is trying to make you comfortable next to him.

You may be surprised why he wants to hang out with you alone, but it can be that he observed you and noticed that you are not always your best when your friends are around.


You are not yourself when your friends are around because it makes you uncomfortable to make yourself vulnerable.


He wants to hang out with you alone because he thinks it will make you feel comfortable to be only around him thus making it easier for you to let yourself loose before him.


It can be that he knows you don’t want your friend to know your business or get into what you are building with him and that is why he wants to make it possible for you.


He thinks you aren’t comfortable when other people are staring at you when you are hanging out together.


It’s not a bad thing if he wants to make things easier for the two of you to connect.


4. He wants to express what he feels for you.

In most cases when a guy wants to hang out with you alone it’s because he has something he would like to share with you.


He doesn’t want to share it with you while other people are around because too many cooks spoil the broth, I hope you know about that.


If he is a guy who is interested in you romantically don’t ask yourself so many questions about why he wants to hang out with you alone.


He probably wants to express his feelings for you by telling you or doing things to show you that you mean so much to him.


Would you be comfortable if he were to kiss you or touch you romantically in front of your friends?


It is always easier, thrilling, and exciting when it’s just the two of you enjoying the moment.


If he wants to hang out with you alone at his place or hotel — he probably wants to be able to cuddle, hold you tight, spoon you, kiss you, romance, and even f*ck with you if everything clicks.


A guy will not directly tell you that he wants to have sex with you. He knows that that phrase will make you uncomfortable and you might end up thinking that he perceives you to be too cheap.


So, if there is an intense connection between you, it’s clear that he wants to express his feelings for you and that is why he wants some privacy with you.


A guy who doesn’t want anything to do with you romantically will never ask to be alone with you. He won’t even care if other people are around or not because he doesn’t have anything special to share with you.


5. He wants to have a good time with you.

You may be overthinking about why he wants to hang out with you alone because you are interested in him. You like him and that is why you ask yourself all these questions.


Deep down you want him to be on the same page you are. He may not have shown you any romantic gestures and you are wondering if he likes you or not.


You are trying to search for signs from everything he tells you. It can be that he is not thinking of anything more. He has not yet made up his mind to open up to you about what he feels or what he wants.


Right now, he only sees you as a friend and he thinks it’s a good idea and it’s going to be fun when it’s only the two of you hanging out.


He wants to have a good time with you alone, so stop overthinking about what he wants to do with you when he asks to hang out with you alone.



If a guy wants to hang out alone it’s up to you to decide if that is what you want or not.


Only agree to spend time with him alone if you are interested in him too and you are curious about what he feels about you too.


But if you don’t like him more than a friend, don’t agree to hang out with him solo because things will get weird.


He is probably going to express his feelings for you and that is when things will take a turn for the worse.


If it’s someone you don’t know better, you don’t trust and he seems weird, don’t agree to spend time with him alone.


Meet him at open places and be mindful of anything he gives you. It’s better to be safe than sorry.


Related reads;

  1. When A Guy Invites You To His House: It Means?
  2. When A Guy Acts Childish Around You: It Means?
  3. When A Guy Tells You About His Family: It Means?

Abduljabbar Ali

I am Abduljabbar Ali from Mombasa, Kenya. I have been fortunate enough to travel around Kenya. I will be sharing my travel experience and travel tips with you. Say "Hi" and let us connect.

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