When Your Boyfriend Compares You To Another Woman: It Means?

woman touching her face while closing her eyes

When your boyfriend compares you to another woman there are a lot of things he is trying to make you see.


You may think that he is comparing you to another woman because he no longer finds you attractive or he is attracted to her, but that may not be the case.


In this article, I will share what it means when your boyfriend compares you to another woman and some of the common reasons why he does that.


So, before I go too deep into details about why he always compares you to other girls, let me first make one thing clear.


For you to know the true reason why your boyfriend compares you to another woman is by observing the situation between you.


What is going on between you? Are you in a conflict? Is your boyfriend trying to prove a point? Is he complimenting her?


You need to ask yourself these questions so that you don’t come up with the wrong conclusions about why he does that.


Don’t just assume that your man is comparing you to another man simply because he is interested in her.


He finds her more attractive than you and that is why he is talking so much about her and putting you in between.


In some cases, that might be true, but it mainly depends on your situation.


So, without wasting time, let me share what it means when your boyfriend compares you to another woman.


What does it mean when your boyfriend compares you to another woman?

woman touching her face while closing her eyes

When your boyfriend compares you to another woman it means he wants you to know a certain point about her so that you can change yourself or try your best to be like her. It’s like he is telling you to work on yourself and be like her especially if he talks positively about her.


By comparing you to her it will make you realize where you are going wrong, and this will end up pushing you to make the necessary changes.


If he is comparing you to another woman and praises her for the positive things she has done in her life, he wants you to emulate her.


It’s like he is motivating you to do the right things so that you can have similar results.


But in some cases, when your boyfriend is comparing you to another woman and ends up talking about how bad you are in different things, this is meant to hurt you.


He is trying to hurt your feelings by crashing your self-esteem. When he talks about another woman and compares you to her but he talks negatively about you, he just wants you to feel bad about yourself.


He wants you to feel that you are not good enough and that is why you are where you are right now.


You should conclude this if your boyfriend is the toxic type. The kind of guy who always wants you to feel that you are not good enough for him.


What if he is comparing you to her while talking so highly of her, he seems super excited and charmed by her. This shows that your boyfriend finds her super attractive and it can be that he is into her.


The problem is that he has you in his life and that is why he can’t make a move on her.


This is what is going on here if you are wondering why your boyfriend is expressing himself openly about another woman.


In another case, if you are in an argument about how your relationship is progressing, in the middle of the conversation he talks about another woman, it can be his ex or someone you know, this means that he is just trying to provoke you.


He wants you to be angrier at him, it’s kind of like he is pushing you away indirectly.


The truth is that when you hear your boyfriend talking about another woman positively while he talks ill about you, the only thing you will want to do is walk away from him.


It hurts when someone you care about so deeply finds someone else to be better than you.


He only considers you as trash. Instead of asking you to give him space because he is mad at you, he is annoying you so that you just distance yourself from him.


Without you knowing that that is what he truly wants.


A man knows surely when he talks about another woman in front of you it will bring negative feelings.


If he is doing it without even considering how you feel, it’s on purpose. There is something he is fishing from you.


What to do when your boyfriend compares you to another woman

Your boyfriend has the right to talk about anything he wants to as long as it doesn’t hurt your feelings or make you uncomfortable.


The truth is that you can’t control what he says about other people. When your boyfriend compares you to another woman just to torment you the best thing you can do is to confront him. Let him know that you are not happy about what he does and you don’t like it because it hurts your feelings.


If your boyfriend doesn’t know that he is hurting you by comparing you to other women, he will immediately apologize to you and he will stop doing it.


It can be that he thinks you don’t find it a big deal and that is why he is doing it constantly.


He is not an angel. But if he keeps on doing it even after telling him how you feel about what he does, it’s true to say that he is doing it intentionally just to hurt your feelings and ruin your self-esteem.


He wants you to feel bad about yourself.


If this is the case, there are two things you can do here, the first one is you can choose to ignore him and work on yourself. Elevate yourself to a level that won’t even bother you when he compares you to other women because you know your worth and you are confident about who you are as an individual.


What he says about other women bothers you because you aren’t that confident about yourself.


You don’t think you are good enough as the other women he is talking about.


Another thing you can do is just end the relationship if you know you can’t tolerate what he does.


If he doesn’t care about how you feel, he doesn’t love you at all. Let him go and find yourself a guy who will be willing to take good care of you and not hurt your feelings intentionally.


It can be that he is doing this just to end the relationship because he is just tired of you but he can’t say it straight to your face.


The truth is that a man who truly loves you will never hurt your feelings deliberately.



If your boyfriend compares you to another woman to motivate you to do better and work on yourself, it’s not wrong at all. Don’t let your pride overtake you.


Listen to what he is talking about, observe the woman he is comparing you to, and try to do your best to be like her or better than her.


He is using her as an example and maybe you might copy her tips on how to be better the way he wants you to be.


It’s not that he is interested in her. If her wanted her, he would have already left you for her.


But his goal is to improve you by using relevant people as an example.


If he is comparing you to another woman just to hurt your feelings, you have the right to confront him and let him know how you feel about what he does.


The conversation you will have with him about what he does will give you a clear picture of why he does that.


If it bothers you that your boyfriend is comparing you to another woman, work hard on yourself, and raise your status so that he doesn’t find any other woman to compare you to.


That is what I can leave with you as I end this article.


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  1. 6 Reasons Why He Wants You To Call Him
  2. When A Guy Invites You To His House: It Means?
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Abduljabbar Ali

I am Abduljabbar Ali from Mombasa, Kenya. I have been fortunate enough to travel around Kenya. I will be sharing my travel experience and travel tips with you. Say "Hi" and let us connect.

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