6 Reasons Why He Wants You To Call Him

A woman laying on the ground looking up

When a guy asks you to call him there is always a reason behind it. He is trying to fish out something from you or he just wants to see your reaction.


But the main reason in most cases when a guy asks you to call him is always about being in touch with you.


It can be that he has something that he wants to share with you and that is why he wants you to reach out to him.


Whatever the case, you will find out as you continue reading the article.


I know you are used to the fact that most guys you come across always make the effort to initiate the calls, but this guy told you to call him.


Does he not want to call you? Why shouldn’t he call you?


What is he trying to gain from this? I know you have so many questions about this issue, but don’t worry, I’ll uncover everything.


In this article, I will share what it means when a guy wants you to call him and some of the reasons why he asked you to do it.


What does it mean when a guy asks you to call him?

When a guy asks you to call him it means that he has something important he would like to share with you and that is why he has asked you to reach out to him. If there was nothing important to talk about he wouldn’t have asked you to do so.


In most cases, when a guy asks to be in touch with you it always has something to do with what he wants to share.


It’s all about communication but the rest of the things will come later.


The surprising thing is that when a guy asks you to call him it doesn’t always means he has something huge to share with you.


Some guys will just ask you to do something so that they get to see your reaction.


They will later on use the reaction to determine how you feel about them and how you perceive them.


If you take your time and think about it, why shouldn’t he call you when he can do it?


What is holding him back from calling you? So, if you try to find answers to these questions you will realize that there is something more brewing behind.


It may be a test or it’s just one way to see if you can make an effort to reach out to him if he doesn’t.


Let me dive deeper into some of other reasons why he wants you to call him for you to understand what is going on.


This is why he wants you to call him;

1. He wants to talk to you.

A woman laying on the ground looking up

The first obvious thing is this; when a guy wants you to call him it means he wants to talk to you.


The fact that he asked you to reach out to him shows that there is something he would like to share with you.


It is like he has been thinking of sharing it with you but it has been hard for him to do if for a while.


But he finally decided to ask you to reach out to him because once you do, it will be hard for him to hold himself back and he will have no choice but to tell you what he has been keeping hidden for a while.


He wants to talk to you about something and that is why he wants you to call him.


If it’s when you are getting to know each other, he wants you to call him so that you find it easier to reach out to him anytime you feel like.


He wants you to get comfortable reaching out to him anytime. The more you call him, the easier it will be for you to initiate the calls.


2. He wants to know how you feel about being in touch with him.

When a guy asks you to call him, he is also observing how you feel about him.


It can be that he has talked to you in person, you had an amazing conversation for some minutes and he felt that it would be a good idea if you keep talking.


What he doesn’t know is if you have enjoyed the time with him or not. He is not sure where you stand.


It can be that it has been hard for him to read you. So, he is asking you to call him just for him to know how you feel about him.


If you walk away from each other after the short conversations you had, you will call him if you enjoyed your time talking to him.


But if you didn’t catch the vibe and you felt super bored talking to him in person, this will be a deal breaker for you and you won’t bother making an effort to call him.


He wants to know if you enjoyed talking to him to the extent that you will want the communication to keep on going.


If you will call him he will know that you had a good time talking to him. This will be a sign he will use to know that you are both on the same page.


But if you don’t call him after he has asked you to, he will just assume you never enjoyed the conversations you had in person and that is why nothing pushed you to reach out to him.


3. He likes it when you initiate the calls.

Some guys just like it when a girl initiates the calls. If you never knew, in most cases, guys are always the ones initiating calls.


They make the first move because most girls are usually so shy to open up and express themselves.


So, when it turns out that a girl makes an effort to initiate the calls and keep the communication going it makes them feel loved, special and wanted.


He likes it when you call because it makes him feel that you care so much about him.


He finds it cute when his phone rings because of you.


4. He wants to see if you can put in the effort.

If you have started dating and he ends up asking you to call, he just wants to know if you are truly into it.


He wants to see if you are ready to commit to what he is trying to build with you.


If you will make an effort to call him he will know that you are ready to commit to the relationship.


But if you will end up forgetting to call him, he will use this as a sign that you are not ready to commit to him and it will be absolutely hard for you to prioritize him.


He wants you to do something because he is just curious to see if you will be focused enough to do it.


If you put all your attention to it and make sure it happens, he will know that you are all on the same page.


The truth of the matter is, if you truly have decided to commit to him, you will always make an effort to ensure the communication goes on.


If he asks you to call him, that is the first thing you will do immediately when you get the chance.


5. He may be too busy to call you.

This is another reason why he wants you to call him; he may be too busy to call you.


He knows that he will be caught up in so many tasks to the extent that he might end up forgetting to call you.


He wants you to call him because it will remind him that he has to talk to you about something.


But if you won’t make the effort to call him, it will be hard for him to remember to call you and he might not get the chance to share with you what he wanted to.


If you know that he has lot going on in his life, what I’m talking about here is true. He wants to be in touch with you but he has lots of things going on in his life.


6. He wants to get your number.

If you have just met and he has given you his number, he wants to get your number too and that is why he has asked you to call him.


He doesn’t want to ask for your number in person because he doesn’t know what your response is going to be.


You may give him your number but you won’t pick up his calls or reply to his messages. He doesn’t want to go through that phase.


If you are truly interested in talking to him, you will call him if you have his number. But if you didn’t feel the vibe when you talked to him in person, you won’t bother calling him.


He knows this and that is why he asked you to do it. Your response to what he asked of you will enable him to know where your head is at.


He told me to call him anytime

He told you to call him any time because he wants you to know that you are free to reach out to him anytime you feel like it. He wanted you to know that he will always pick up your call it doesn’t matter the time you will reach out.


It’s also another way of him telling you that he doesn’t have anyone in his life who will question him about the person who is calling him.


He is ready to talk to you anytime you will reach out.


If he had someone, he would have asked you to call you at certain hours. He would have limited the communication with you to a certain point.


But if he wants you to call him anytime, he wants you to know that you can talk anytime you feel like it.


He told me to call him but he didn’t answer

If he told you to call him but he didn’t answer it can be that he got too busy or he was far from his phone when you called. You should call him again after a few hours. He will pick up eventually because he asked you to reach out.


If he didn’t want to talk to you, he wouldn’t have bothered asking you to call him in the first place.


But if he still doesn’t pick up after a few hours, stop calling. He will get back to you once he sees the missed calls.



If a guy wants you to call him don’t overthink so much about it. There is nothing scary about this request, it’s not that he is inviting you to his place.


Read also: When A Guy Invites You To His House: It Means?


He wants to talk to you about something and that is why he has asked you to reach out. If there wasn’t anything to talk about he wouldn’t have asked you to do it.


When a guy wants you to call him, it’s up to you to decide if you want to be in touch with him or not.


If you don’t want to talk to him you shouldn’t bother calling him. He will know that you aren’t interested in talking to him at all.


But if you are interested in him don’t overthink it, just call him.


Related reads;

  1. When A Guy Wants To Spend Time With You Alone: It Means?
  2. When A Guy Tells You About His Family: It Means?
  3. When A Guy Acts Childish Around You: It Means?

Abduljabbar Ali

I am Abduljabbar Ali from Mombasa, Kenya. I have been fortunate enough to travel around Kenya. I will be sharing my travel experience and travel tips with you. Say "Hi" and let us connect.

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