Will He Ask Me Out Again After I Rejected Him?

A woman texting while walking

For him to ask you out after you have rejected him it mainly depends on how much he is into you and the way you handle him.


In this article, I will share several instances that will enable you to know if a guy will still ask to hang out with you after you have rejected him or if he will ghost you.


Ghosting you is another possibility that you should be open to. So, without wasting time let me dive deep into this instance.


Will he ask me out again after I have rejected him?

A woman texting while walking

A guy will ask you out again after you have rejected him if he is so much in love with you and he hasn’t given up on you. If he thinks you will end up changing your mind about the proposal he made, he will keep trying to pull you by his side. But if he gave up the moment you rejected him, he will never ask you out again.


So, as you can see, for the guy to ask you out again it depends on several variables that I’ll be discussing in this article.


Let me start with the factors that will push him to ask you out again even after you have rejected him.


He will still want to hang out with you if he is still in love with you even after you have told him that you can’t be with him.


What a guy feels for you is what will push him to be persistent on what he is fighting for or not. If the love her has for you is immeasurable, he won’t be comfortable with the answer you gave him.


He will keep on pursuing you, he will treat you nicely and do things to prove to you that you are the only person he wants to spend his entire life with.


Most guys won’t just stop pursuing you immediately when you reject them. They usually think that you are playing hard to get but eventually, you will say yes to them.


These are still into the categories of guys who were so much in love with you.


A guy won’t just make peace with the fact that you want nothing to do with him if feels like he can change your mind.


This is the thing that will keep him texting and calling you, sending you random gifts, and even asking you out again.


The things he will do are just a way of showing you that you mean so much to him and he can’t easily let you walk away even after you say you can’t have him in your life.


So, to summarize the first part, if a guy is so much into you even after you have rejected him several times, he will still be persistent. He will keep on pursuing you.


He will want to hang out with you alone, go places with you, give you the things you want so badly, be there for you, and keep on expressing what he feels for you.


Read also; When A Guy Wants To Spend Time With You Alone: It Means?


It will be hard for him to make peace with the fact that you don’t love him and you don’t want him in your life.


He will keep on pursuing you until you change your mind about him. But if you keep pushing him away it will reach a point where he will get exhausted and he will give up on you.


Let us talk about the guys who won’t ask you out after you have rejected them.


If a guy wasn’t that serious about you, he only approached you because he felt like doing it not out of feelings for you but just to check if you would want a man like him — he won’t ask you out again after you have rejected him.


When he expressed his feelings for you he wasn’t genuine. The feelings he claimed to have for you are non-existent.


This type of guy will immediately cut you off after you have rejected him because you didn’t mean anything to him. It will be so easy for him to let go of you since he wasn’t truly into you.


If a guy doesn’t want anything to do with you and he was only talking to you because he was bored, he won’t bother getting back to you after you have rejected him.


He will walk away from you because you don’t mean anything to him. You were someone he knew and that is all.


We have those guys who give up easily. These are other types of men who will never want to talk to you again after you have rejected them.


If he gave up on you after you rejected him, he won’t ask you out on a date again. He only used to ask you out because he had feelings for you and he was trying to win you.


But since you told him that you can’t be with someone like him since you have no feelings for him — he will stop pursuing you.


He will stop calling and texting you and focus on someone else that he sees there is a possibility of him winning her.


So, if he gave up on you the moment you rejected him; he won’t ask you out on a date again. He will assume that if you don’t want anything to do with him you won’t accept to go out on a date with him again.


I said earlier that for a guy to want to hang out with you again after you have rejected him it also depends on how you treat him.


If you have rejected him and decided to cut him off, you don’t talk to him the way you used to and you aren’t even checking up on him, he won’t ask you out on a date again.


This will be enough for him to conclude that you don’t have feelings for him and there is no way you are going to let him in your life again.


But if you still show him that you care about him and you still want to be around him, this will be enough for him to conclude that you might end up changing your mind about him and letting him in.


But if you push him away after you have rejected him, he won’t ask you out again because he will assume that you don’t want even his company.


A guy who has so many options won’t even care that you have rejected him. He will just walk away from you the moment you tell him that you don’t want to be with him.


This is another guy who will not bother talking to you again after you have rejected him. There a plenty of women he can choose from, why should he keep pursuing you when you have made your intentions clear when it comes to how you feel about him?


He will focus on another woman the moment you tell him that you can’t be with him. This is another kind of guy who won’t bother asking you out again after you have rejected him.


We have those who are so full of pride. These are the guys that will never come back to you after you have kicked them out of your life.


They think that coming back to you and keep pursuing you after you have told them that you have no feelings for them, will only make them weak and desperate.


These are the kinds of guys who will cut you off the moment you reject them. They won’t even be trying to see if you will change your mind about them.



A guy will keep asking you out on dates after you have rejected him if he thinks there is a chance you can change your mind about him.


This is brought by how you handle him even after you tell him that you have no feelings for him.


If you still spend so much time together and you show him that you still care about him, he will keep on pursuing you with the hopes that you will change your mind.


But if you push him away, you are cold to him and you don’t bother reaching out to him, he will assume that you aren’t interested in him at all. So, he won’t even try to reach out to you.


When a guy gives up on you after you have rejected him, he won’t ask you out again.


Related reads;

  1. When A Guy Wants To Spend Time With You Alone: It Means?
  2. When A Guy Tells His Family & Friends About You: It Means?
  3. When A Guy Tells You About His Family: It Means?

Abduljabbar Ali

I am Abduljabbar Ali from Mombasa, Kenya. I have been fortunate enough to travel around Kenya. I will be sharing my travel experience and travel tips with you. Say "Hi" and let us connect.

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