Why Your Girlfriend Wants To Travel Without You [8 Reasons]

Man watching birds flying over the beach alone - girlfriend wants to travel solo

Suddenly your girlfriend doesn’t want to travel with you but you have no idea why she wants things to be that way.


To know how to handle this situation, you first have to understand why she wants to travel without you.


In this article, I will share solid reasons why this is happening for you to understand her.


She may not tell you the truth about why she wants to travel alone, afraid that the truth might hurt your feelings.


Your girlfriend will not just wake up one day and tell you that she doesn’t want to travel with you for no reason.


If she has sat down and decided that she wants to travel solo, something is going on.


This is why your girlfriend wants to travel without you;

1. She wants to start relying on herself.

Man watching birds flying over the beach alone - girlfriend wants to travel solo


Your girlfriend wants to travel alone because she knows it’s the only way she will manage to stand up for herself.


It can be that she has been relying on you to get her out of tricky situations.


She has come to her senses that what she does prevents her from growing into the person she wants to be.


It’s not that she doesn’t like it when you show up for her when she needs your help.


She just wants to be independent — manage her finances while traveling, make all the decisions by herself, and get herself out of any tough situations.


Your girlfriend knows that if she keeps following you she will always let you make all the decisions.


She doesn’t want to be that kind of person anymore. The only way she will stand up for herself and make solid decisions about her trips is by cutting you off.


This is why she doesn’t want to travel with you.


Your girlfriend wants to grow — take care of herself in new destinations, make all the plans without depending on you, and gain confidence when it comes to solo traveling.


This is a good reason for your girlfriend to want to travel without you.


2. She wants to adopt the art of solo travel.

Another possible reason why your girlfriend wants to travel without you is this; she wants to learn how to travel solo.


She knows that having you tail her on the trips she goes, will be impossible for her to adopt the art of solo traveling.


You can’t be a solo traveler unless you start doing it on your own. Your girlfriend thinks that traveling alone is a good idea.


Read also; Why Traveling Solo Is A Good Idea [11 Reasons]


She will be lying to herself if she brings you along to her trips yet she wants to adopt the art of solo traveling.


At one point or another, she will find herself needing you and that is what she wants to avoid.


She wants to travel without you so that when she is out there, it’s clear to her that she doesn’t have anyone to depend on but herself.


It’s a challenge she is posing on herself and that is why she wants to do it solo.


Don’t just conclude she is tired of being around you, though it may be possible.


If your girlfriend has decided to travel without you yet you have been doing it together for a while, just know that she wants to adopt another style.


3. She wants a change of environment.

If you have been moving around the world together and now your girlfriend has changed her mind, it may be that she just wants some space.


You have been traveling together for so long and she wants a change of environment.


She knows that if she continues to go on trips with you it won’t get any better.


You will still be around thus making it impossible for her to find the change she wants.


It’s not always a good idea to be around your partner always. It reaches a point when you don’t feel like looking at her.


You get bored with each other — you have nothing new to share, the connection gets weaker and you just find your partner a burden and annoying.


She wants a change of environment for a while and that is why she has decided she wants to roll alone.


You should conclude this if you know you have been traveling together for a long.


If that is the case, she just wants a fresh view, space from you, and a new perspective to see the world.


She won’t get what she wants if she accepts you to be her travel partner.


But if you haven’t been traveling together for longer ( more than 4 months) don’t conclude she wants a change of environment; she is just pushing you away.


4. You don’t share the same goals anymore.

Traveling together is fun when you all have the same goals in mind.


When you are traveling solo and meet other solo travelers, it’s always easier to connect with them and enjoy spending time with them.


This only happens because you all have the same goals that you are chasing — you all want to explore the world while having fun without caring what other people say about you.


You are all open to meeting up with strangers and making connections as you are traveling.


Your girlfriend doesn’t think that you all want the same thing when it comes to traveling.


It can be that she wants A while you want B. You are moving in different directions. This has been harder for her but she finally managed to say it.


She wants to travel without you — you are no longer chasing the same goals.


Anyway, when you are traveling with someone you might not always agree on some things.


You may want to explore the beaches but your girlfriend wants to visit all the hot coffee spots.


Maybe you like hiking and you have been traveling the world just to do that in different countries, but your girlfriend isn’t into hiking like you are.


This conflict things between the two of you. If you don’t enjoy the activities you do while traveling, nothing will feel meaningful.


You won’t have the adventurous spirit — everything will be super exhausting and draining.


Maybe your girlfriend feels this way when she travels with you because she always has to indulge herself in the activities you enjoy.


Since she wants to be with you, she has no choice but to pretend to like the activities, but that isn’t the case.


On every trip she goes with you — your goals are always different and that is what is splitting the two of you apart.


5. She wants to travel alone and make friends.

This is another reason why your girlfriend wants to travel without you.


Let me be honest with you when it comes to traveling, it’s easier to make friends, take the initiative to start conversations with strangers, and be approachable when you are solo.


If you are always with your significant other on the trip, it will be harder for you to get out of your comfort zone and connect with the people you meet along the way.


Your girlfriend wants to travel alone because she finds it harder to make friends when she is with you.


It can be that you are jealous and insecure and she knows that. She notices that you usually get angry when she interacts with other guys.


Since she doesn’t want to hurt your feelings, she wants to travel without you.


This will give her the freedom to interact with other travelers she meets without feeling guilty.


When she is with you, she can’t pay attention to other people she meets because she knows you need her.


Instead of making you unhappy while traveling the world, she just wants you to travel to your destination and she takes another path.


6. She just wants to focus on herself through travels.

What does traveling mean to your girlfriend?


Is your girlfriend going through any tough situations in her life currently?

How is her energy lately?


You have to understand that we all have different ways of coping with our problems in life.


When I’m stressed, I go on walks, listen to music, and connect myself with nature.


This may not be the same for your girlfriend, she copes with tough situations in life by distancing herself from anyone and traveling to exotic destinations.


If your girlfriend finds that it’s only through traveling solo is when she gets to focus on herself — this may be the reason why she is telling you this.


Traveling alone will enable her to pay attention to her flaws and work on them thoroughly without you coming on her path.


Maybe she wants to build her confidence, she wants to focus on her work, and help herself heal — she can’t do all these when you are traveling together.


This is why she wants you to let her travel the world solo.


If your girlfriend is going through any problem that affects her mental health, it can be that she has figured out that the only way she will get better is by traveling alone.


She knows that being alone will help her focus on herself. This will enable her to only pay attention to herself and ways to make herself happy.


Your girlfriend doesn’t want to be responsible for anyone but herself. Tagging along with you will make it impossible for her to pay attention to herself.


Your girlfriend knows that she will only make you unhappy because everything will be about her.


7. She may be cheating on you.

I know you may not want to admit that your girlfriend may be cheating on you with someone else.


But this may be the reason why she wants to travel alone.


Before you conclude what I am saying is true, first check out your relationship status.


Is your relationship with your girlfriend on good terms?

Is she happy being around you?

Does your girlfriend seem to be losing interest in you?


If your relationship with your girlfriend is crumbling into pieces because of the issues you have been through together, it can be that she is pulling out slowly.


Since the condition of your relationship doesn’t seem to get better, she thinks it a good idea to let go of it.


She wants to travel alone to meet a guy she has been in touch with on her social media accounts.


It’s impossible to cheat on you when you are always together and that is why she wants to travel without you.


You are just going to make things harder for her. She is cutting you off slowly to enjoy herself in Thailand with another dude.


It can be that your girlfriend is not happy being with you. She yearns for someone else she has been in touch with.


You don’t seem to make her happy the way the other guy does.


The other guy she may be cheating on you with is also a traveler.


She knows that when she is out there, it will be easier for her to be around him.


Your girlfriend may be losing interest in you and falling for someone else.


What she is doing right now is just pushing you away so that she gets the chance to let someone else in.


If she seems to have lost interest in you and now she wants to travel alone, don’t expect she will come back to you.


That may be the end of your relationship since she will gradually cut you off until there won’t be anything between the two of you.


8. She thinks you aren’t caught up in the travel lifestyle.

Your girlfriend knows you better. If you have been traveling for a while and she noticed you were struggling, this may be her conclusion; you aren’t caught up for the traveling lifestyle.


She wants to travel alone because she doesn’t want to stress you.


Your girlfriend knows that you are having a hard time managing the lifestyle she adores.


You are the kind of person who prefers to settle somewhere and relax and not walk around different cities with a backpack.


If it’s true that you don’t have an interest in what she does, this may be the reason why she wants to travel without you.


She doesn’t want to pull you into a lifestyle that you can’t manage.


You seem comfortable settling for a 9 to 5 job, and that is what she wants you to focus on.


On the other side, maybe you told her that you don’t like traveling, she wants to travel without you because she is aware it’s not your jam.


Bringing you along will only drag her behind because she is an explorer while you aren’t.


If you did or said anything that made your girlfriend conclude that you don’t like the digital nomad lifestyle, this may be the reason why she wants to travel solo.



If your girlfriend doesn’t want to travel with you, there is always something.


Don’t let her tell you that she just doesn’t feel like doing it with you.


If there is an issue between the two of you, she may be angry at you and that is why she wants to be on her own.


You did something that hurt her feelings and being around you everywhere will only make things worse.


If there is nothing wrong between the two of you, maybe your girlfriend wants some space from you.


On the other side, if she doesn’t want to travel with you, don’t push it, respect that.

Abduljabbar Ali

I am Abduljabbar Ali from Mombasa, Kenya. I have been fortunate enough to travel around Kenya. I will be sharing my travel experience and travel tips with you. Say "Hi" and let us connect.

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