Traveling: The Best Way To Feed Your Soul & Expand The Mind

Enjoying a day vlogging at the beach

Have you ever wondered why so many people are obsessed with traveling the world?


There is something special about exploring the world that no one knows about except those who do it.


Traveling is the best way to feed your soul, and expand your mind; it will give you experiences that will make you feel satisfied and find your life meaningful.


You will gain exposure that will expand your mind, thus helping you think out of the box.


You won’t think of life as other people do. Your view of the world will change and this will give you a different perspective about everything you will come across in your life.


In this article, I will explain how travel feeds your soul and expands your mind; if you are thinking of traveling but don’t know why you should do it, this will give you the answers you seek.


Traveling is the best way to feed the soul

Standing at a bridge watching the ocean

When we talk about feeding the soul this comes from an angle of gaining something spiritual from your travels.


If you talk about happiness, sadness, excitement, anxiety, purpose, and many more emotions that are a core factor of our well-being.


Everything that influences your emotions has something to do with the soul we are discussing.


These feelings result in your happiness, sadness, insecurity, meaningfulness and so many more.


When you start traveling you will be feeding up your soul. You will be on a journey of self-discovery and growth that will shape you in so many ways emotionally.


Especially if you are traveling alone, you are going to feed your soul thus helping it grow.


Read also; Traveling Alone For The First Time? [Your Ultimate Guide]


The growth of your soul isn’t influenced by the food you eat or the exercises you do every day, it’s fed by the experiences and memories you create while traveling the world.


Traveling the world gives you a chance to feed your soul thus helping you achieve internal satisfaction and contentment.


These are some aspects that contribute to someone’s happiness and the feeling of being purposeful.


When you are stuck at one point, cornered somewhere, and overwhelmed by the routines sometimes it can be super hard to feed your soul with positive energy.


At one point in your life, everything you have been doing will turn against you.


You will start feeling unsettled and unsatisfied by what you do. Your life will begin losing its meaning.


Instead of moving forward, you will feel like you are dragging yourself into a deep dark hole.


All this is happening because you don’t feed your soul — you are in a box and you can’t see or do anything else that will raise your spirits.


The job you loved so much and you were so excited when you first got it, now turns out to be your worst nightmare.


You don’t feel excited doing it anymore even though you make enough money out of it to take care of yourself financially.


The best way to change your emotions and how you perceive your current life right now is by traveling the world.


When you start traveling you will come across so many encounters in your journey that will start feeding your soul.


Traveling will give you experiences that will start feeding your soul thus you will get out of the box.


I am not telling you that suddenly when you start traveling your life will change immediately.


But it will slowly get you out of the miserable state of life, you will gradually start to realize that there is more to life other than being stuck at a single location.


It will also give you a sense that you can turn your life into something else.


If you thought your life was miserable what you will encounter while traveling will give you another perspective that will make you realize that it is much more better than you realized.


All these experiences will start filling your soul with positive energy which will change your emotions.


How you feel about your life will change, satisfaction and happiness will start to creep in slowly and you will start seeing the light.


As you are exploring, you will get the thrill of adventure that will pump your life with adrenaline.


This is the first point that will take you off the hook of a boring life.


There are so many challenges that come with traveling, excitement, pressure, and loneliness (if you are traveling solo); all these feelings will help you feed your soul.


Read also; How To Travel Alone But Not Feel Lonely


Sometimes you need to be alone in the wild to realize what you need.


Everything will drive you through the experiences and you will create memories to feed your soul.


Traveling is an adventure because every single day of your life you expect to see and do different things.


If you were following routines of a 9-5 job that made your life super boring and meaningless, traveling will give you a new chapter.


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If you can get rid of the negative cycle that made you feel stuck, that is when you will start opening yourself up to so many opportunities.


You will start feeling and living again just because of the experiences that you will come across while traveling the world.


The happiness, contentment, and a sense of purpose will take over your soul — after a while, you will be a completely different person.


There is nothing better in the world than waking up every day happy and satisfied with the direction that your life is taking.


Being able to see and experience something new every day is enough to make your life better; turning it from where it was to something completely new.


Along the way while traveling, you might come across something that will entirely change your life.


The career you thought was everything to you will only turn out to be the opposite of what you expected.


All those fancy things you wanted to have in your life that made you work tirelessly for so many hours every day, will mean nothing to you.


You won’t be all about materialistic things, new clothes and shoes won’t make you feel excited anymore.


Your soul will be drawn to something else when you are traveling.


Enjoying a day vlogging at the beach

Having a beautiful house, many things, working in the company you wanted so badly, and making a crazy amount of money from your businesses won’t mean anything at all.


By saying it won’t mean anything — I mean all these things won’t dominate your life. You won’t be overwhelmed and overtaken by all these urges and rush of having something more in your life.


This will help you live slowly and appreciate your health and the time you have on your end.


This is what feeding the soul feels like. You won’t be in the race that so many people are on trying to chase things that will never make them feel fulfilled.


When you feel at ease with yourself and the life you are leading — this will result in feeding your soul and give you the feelings you have been searching for your entire life.


You will realize that there is more to life than chasing dreams and career promotions.


Everything you will come across while traveling will enable you to see that.


People travel to heal their souls and broken hearts, we have those who travel to find themselves and we have those who are searching for a purpose through what they do.


The solution that all these people seek from traveling will come from the encounters they will have while exploring.


Traveling helps people find the best version of themselves, grow, and achieve something incredible that will light them up.


You can get over your fear, build confidence, work on your self-esteem, create connections with people, and learn to appreciate your existence.


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All these things are geared up to feeding your soul and helping you have a new perspective on your life.


The emptiness will be filled with something more that will give you something to hold on to in your life.


If in the future after so many years of traveling the world, you decide to settle down, you won’t have anything to regret.


You would have lived your life. Your soul will be at peace, you will be happy and relaxed because you did what you wanted to do.


There is more to traveling than what people talk about. What they say is just a fraction of what you can achieve when you get yourself out there.


This is why you should travel the world and see for yourself the things so many aren’t sharing with you.


Some emotions can’t be filled by the success you have attained from your job, the beautiful partner you have in your life, and the family you have by your side.


The only thing that can fill that empty gap in your soul is the experiences you will attain while traveling the world.


Read also; I Want To Travel The World Where Do I Start? Do This


Traveling is the best way to expand your mind

Meeting people while traveling

There are so many things you will do and see while traveling that are going to expand your mind exponentially.


The exposure you will gain while traveling will help you learn so much about yourself, life, and everything you had no idea of.


The world is big and wonderful — there are beautiful places to be seen, stunning beaches to swim and a magical atmosphere to be experienced.


Going through all those things will expand your mind thus giving you knowledge that you wouldn’t have gotten from reading a book, watching a movie, or sitting in a class.


Only traveling can give you this kind of exposure in a more natural way.


There are so many amazing destinations that will blow your mind, gigantic mountains, deep valleys, wide blue oceans, and colorful waterfalls that will leave you mesmerized.


The earth is beautiful and it’s here for you to explore it.


While you are exploring all these features of the wonderful earth, you will gain tremendous knowledge about things that no one knows about.


This is what will help you look at the world through a different lens, you will tell your stories differently and you will have a unique approach to different situations in your life.


As you are traveling you will meet different kinds of people, you will try new foods and you will learn so much history of different locations.


All these things will give you the exposure you need to expand your mind.


Every person in this world has a story to share, if you will connect with as many people as you can while traveling, you will be a rich source of knowledge for so many people.


The stories you will gather while you travel the world from different people you meet will give you knowledge and wisdom.


You will understand that everyone has his or her way of life, everyone will take on a different path, people are different and they are so welcoming.


Every story you will learn from the people you meet while traveling will help you build connections and help you understand how to interact with a large collection of people from different parts of the world.


This is a knowledge you can’t learn in a class. Only traveling can give you such an exposure.


Every country you will travel to has its history. If you will take your time to learn all these stories as you are traveling, it will expand your mind.


You will accumulate knowledge that will help you see things clearly when it comes to lines and crosses of life.


The museums you will visit, the parks you will tour, the places you will stay, and the locations you will explore — all have something to teach you.


After you have been through all these things, you won’t look at everything the way you used to.


You will have a unique way of dealing with problems in your life because of the wide knowledge you accumulated while traveling the world.


The stories you used to tell before you started traveling won’t be the same — you will be an interesting person for people to be around and listen to.


You will have fun while traveling and you will learn new skills that will build you as an individual.


The things you used to do for fun in your hometown won’t be the same things you will do in Nepal.


You will have to adapt to the situations of the country you will be in since they all have their measures.


The process of adapting to all these measures will give you knowledge of how to handle yourself in different situations thus making you an incredible person.


If you learn something new in every country you visit, at the end of your trip you will have gained so much.


You can learn the languages of the country you visit, learn their culture, and learn how to cook their foods — this will expand your mind.


If you want all these benefits, you should consider traveling the world.



Traveling is the best way to feed the soul and expand your mind. The change in how you are feeling can be attained by you getting out of the box.


The adventure you are seeking can be obtained by traveling the world.


If you feel like you have no direction in your life, you are stuck and you need a change; you should travel.


You can make the change you want in your life, you just have to be ready to get out of your comfort zone and prepare yourself for your first trip, it doesn’t matter whether you are alone or with someone you care about.


Read also; Solo Travel 101: Why Planning Is Essential for New Adventurers


The sense of purpose and fulfillment will come from you changing your location and Immersing yourself in a different environment.


You will have so many stories to tell and so much to teach anyone who wants to know what the world is all about.


When you travel you get yourself out of the box helping you to think more openly, it makes you happy, you get to appreciate life the way it is and it expands your mind.


If you have the chance to travel don’t wait for anyone to tell you to, you should do it right away.


Related reads;

  1. 11 Creative Ways To Save Money For Travelling
  2. Traveling Is Exhausting (7 Ways To Deal With It)
  3. Traveling Is Not For Everyone: 5 Facts To Know

Abduljabbar Ali

I am Abduljabbar Ali from Mombasa, Kenya. I have been fortunate enough to travel around Kenya. I will be sharing my travel experience and travel tips with you. Say "Hi" and let us connect.

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