What To Do When She Wants To Travel Without You

A man thinking hard about what to do after his girlfriend told him that she wanted to travel alone

If your girlfriend wants to travel without you, should you agree with what she wants?


Sometimes your girlfriend may say that she wants to travel without you to push you to do things to keep her around.


Also, it can be that she wants to see your reaction — she wants to know if you enjoy traveling with her or if you wish for this session to end.


But if she keeps insisting that she doesn’t want to travel with you before you accept that you need to do the things I am about to share.


This is what to do when your girlfriend wants to travel without you;

1. Find out why she wants to travel without you.

A man thinking hard about what to do after his girlfriend told him that she wanted to travel alone


If your girlfriend says that she wants to travel alone yet that is not what you have been doing for a while; you need to find out why.


Don’t just agree to what she wants without hearing her side of the story.


If she wants to travel without you there must be a reason why she prefers it that way.


Read also; Why Your Girlfriend Wants To Travel Without You [8 Reasons]


Don’t get mad at her for telling you that she wants to start traveling alone.


Try your best to control your temper, listen to her, and reason with her before you do or say anything.


What you need to understand is that everyone has his or her own decisions when it comes to the things you do.


Things change as time goes by, the way she felt when you started traveling together may not be the same way she feels about you now.


The best thing you can do right now is listen to her reasons.


When you know why she wants to travel without you that is when you will have an idea of what to do.


Sit down with her and ask her questions to make her open up to you about what she feels about traveling with you.


If you do something to annoy her to the extent that she doesn’t feel like being around you everywhere she goes, she will let you know about it.


Listen to what she tells you and think of a way you can change what she feels.


If she wants to travel alone for a period, give her time to explore the world without you.


She will get back to you as soon as she starts missing you. You can’t hold her if she doesn’t want you to accompany her.


2. Resolve any misunderstandings between the two of you.

If your girlfriend wants to travel without you because of the conflict between the two of you, the best thing to do here is to resolve the misunderstandings.


Your girlfriend wants to travel solo because she is angry at you.


The vibe between the two of you isn’t calling — she is not happy around you, you don’t connect the way you used to and this makes you feel strange around each other.


There is a negative tension that is drifting you apart and that is why she wants to be away from you.


She won’t be willing to change her mind unless you fix the issues between the two of you.


So, if you have issues that you haven’t solved, find time to work on them with her.


If you have to talk to her about the issues and apologize for what you did to hurt her feelings, this is the time you should do it.


When the negative tension is gone and the vibe is just as it used to be, that is when you can easily change her mind.


She won’t travel without you because things will be back to normal and she will want your attention more than ever.


The thought of her traveling alone won’t even cross her mind.


So, work on the vibe and grow it stronger and this might be just what she wanted to stick around with you.


3. Find a way you can align your travel goals.

If your girlfriend wants to travel alone simply because she has noticed your goals are different, you can work this out.


It can be that your plans and hers are different — the things she wants to do don’t resonate with yours.


You feel like you are just pushing each other in different directions even when you are together.


The moment your plans and hers don’t align it will be hard for any of you to enjoy the trips.


Traveling is more of the activities you do together — they have to be meaningful, exciting, and memorable.


If you always focus on activities that she doesn’t enjoy when she is traveling, it will be hard for her to be around you.


You both have to enjoy the activities you do together for you to keep traveling together.


If this is the issue you have been dealing with and that is why your girlfriend wants to travel without you, find a way to balance your activities.


This means that you shouldn’t let your activities dominate the entire plan but let your girlfriend insert hers too.


There should be a balance between the activities you all want to do.


This is what will make it easier for you to enjoy your trips.


4. Let her know what you feel about what she wants.

Maybe there is nothing you can do to change her mind about what she wants.


If it has reached a point where she has told you that she wants to travel without you, this means she had thought this through.


She has sat down and thought over this situation over and over until she decided to tell you about what she feels about it.


Your girlfriend has told you what she feels, what she said isn’t final. You can still talk to her about what you want.


In a relationship, couples should listen to each other. I’m sure she will listen to what you have to tell her.


If she wants to travel without you but that is not what you want let her know about it.


Let her know why you think it’s not a good idea for you to travel to different destinations.


If it has something to do with the relationship you are building, don’t be afraid to let her know.


For instance, if your relationship is new — you just met a few days but she is not willing to travel with you, let her know how that will affect your bond.


If the relationship is new, you need more time with each other to connect and get to know each other better before you both decide to move on different paths.


Share with her the reality of your situation so that she understands why what she wants will ruin everything you have been working on.


Be honest with her about why you don’t want her to travel without you. Your truth might change her mind.


5. If she wants space from you let her travel solo.

If your girlfriend wants to travel solo since there are some issues that you can’t work out at the moment, you should just let her go.


There are some issues in a relationship that can’t be fixed at instance.


People need time and distance from each other to be able to work out their problems.


If this is the case you will need to let your girlfriend travel alone. She needs the space to work on the issues between the two of you.


Traveling without you doesn’t mean that the relationship is over. Try to understand what she wants and give it to her.


If she is still into you she will come back to you, but if she wants to travel without you because she has other agendas, you will never get hold of her again.


It can be that she wants to travel without you because she needs time to work on her issues.


Being around you it will be impossible for her to make the changes she wants in her life.


Don’t be selfish, consider what she wants too. If you don’t want her to go, that’s for you and not her.


You want her around because you are afraid to be lonely. If she wants to learn how to travel solo and be an independent woman, let her do it.


She will eventually come back to you and you will continue traveling together.



If your girlfriend wants to travel without you because of a conflict between the two of you the first thing you should do is work out that problem.


Eliminate the negative tension between the two of you — if you have to apologize for something you did to hurt her, do it.


The only way you will change her mind is by getting things back to normal between the two of you.


But if she tells you that she wants to work on herself, heal, and have space to deal with other issues — let her go.


If she is still in love with you she will come back to you.


Also, this doesn’t mean that your relationship is over. Sometimes distance from each other can work wonders on a relationship as long as you have a strong connection.


Don’t think about yourself only, consider what she wants and how it will affect her life.


Be the understanding guy she wants you to be. She wants to travel alone, you now have time to focus on your work and grow as an individual.


When she comes back she will realize you aren’t the same man she left you. This can work to your advantage too.


Related reads;

  1. My Girlfriend Wants To Go On A Trip With A Male Friend: Know This
  2. Why Your Girlfriend Wants To Travel Without You [8 Reasons]

Abduljabbar Ali

I am Abduljabbar Ali from Mombasa, Kenya. I have been fortunate enough to travel around Kenya. I will be sharing my travel experience and travel tips with you. Say "Hi" and let us connect.

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